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  • 2021-06-28T13:51:12Z
    Gov Jamaica (2011) Trade Act, Jamaica.pdf
    • THE TRADE ACT ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS 1. Short title. . 2. Interpretation. 3. Establishment of Mces Commission. 4: Functions of the Commission. 5. Funds and resources of the Commission. 6. Accounts and audit. 7. Annual reports and estimates.
  • 2021-06-15T16:05:34Z
    Nakuru County Solid Waste Management Fund Bill, Kenya 2014.pdf
    • SPECIAL.ISSUE Nakuru County Gazene Supp_lementNo. S (Bills No.7) REPUBLIC OF KENYA NAKURU COUNTY GAZETTE SUPPLEMENT BILLS, 2014 NAIROBI, 17 th April, 20 14 CONTENT Bill for Introduction into the Nakuru County Assembly- PAGE The Nakuru County Solid Waste

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