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  • 2021-06-28T13:50:30Z
    Gov Jamaica (1998) Public Health Act, jamaica.pdf
    • PUBLlC HEALTH T I E PUBLIC HEALTH ACT ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS 1 1. Short title. 2. Interpretation. 3. Establishment of Central Health Committee. 4. Functions of Central Health Committee. 5. Establishment of Local Boards. 6. Functions of Local Bo
  • 2021-06-16T09:54:45Z
    Water Act No43 of 2016, Kenya 2016.pdf
    • SPECIAL ISSUE Kenta Gu:ctte Supplentent No. 164 (Acts No.43) KENYA REPUBLIC OF KENYA GAZETTE SUPPLEMENT ACTS, 201 6 NAIROBI, 20th September, 2016 CONTENT Act- PAGE The Water Act,2016.... ....1019 iirntrornr cour{ciL r0R [lil REpoRIilG REC ffiIVED 0t oct e0
  • 2021-06-16T09:49:50Z
    Nairobi City County Solid Waste Management Act, Kenya 2015.pdf
    • REPUBLIC OF KENYA NAIROBI CITY COUNTY GAZETTE SUPPLEMENT ACTS,201 5 NAIROBI, 22nd Octob€r, 2015 CONTENT Act- PAGE The Nairobi City County Solid Waste Management Act .............................. 1 PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER. NAIROBI 1

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