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  • 2021-06-30T15:39:53Z
    Republic of Rwanda (2011) Rwanda Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy.pdf
    • Republic of Rwanda (2011) Rwanda Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy Green Growth and Climate Resilience National Strategy for Climate Change and Low Carbon Development Kigali October 2011 Republic of Rwanda The Rwanda National Strategy on Climate C
  • 2021-06-30T15:34:55Z
    Kenya Association of Manufacturers (2019) Kenya Plastic Action Plan, Kenya.pdf
    • KAM (2019) Kenya Plastic Action Plan, Kenya November 2019 Accelerating a Circular Economy in Kenya Kenya Plastic Action Plan Proposed 6% growth annually January 2020 January 2025 June 2030 1 year January December 2022 b) Three Year Plan to operationaliz

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