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  • 2021-06-15T15:43:18Z
    Kenya Integrated Coastal Zone Management Policy 2013.pdf
    • ICZM POLICY REPUBLIC OF KENYA Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources Draft Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Policy December 2013 Page | i
    Author(s) Sancho
  • 2021-06-15T15:43:03Z
    Kenya National Spatial plan 2015.pdf
    • Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning Department of Physical Planning National Spatial Plan Optimal Productivity, Sustainability, Efficiency and Equity in the use of our Land and Territorial Space 2015-2045 © copyright National Spatial Plan 2015–2045
  • 2021-06-15T15:41:00Z
    National Solid Waste Management Strategy 2015.pdf
    • The National Solid Waste Management Strategy NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY THE NATIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY February, 2015 The National Solid Waste Management Stra
    Author(s) hp

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