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Graph visualization

Graph visualization of co-occurences of entities and knowledge graph connections between entities which occur in the found/filtered 2 document(s).

Visualize graph starting with following (types and amount/limit of) entities

or set other types of entities and/or amount/limit of starting entities to start with:

Types of entities (classes) & connections (properties)

Select types of entities (entity classes) and connections (properties) to query, connect and show in your analysis / visualization:

Message from (ignore)Message CC (ignore)Message BCC (ignore)Phone numbers (ignore)Law clause (ignore)Law code clause (ignore)

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Amount of entities for each entity type (limit)

Limit amount of entities to start with:

Phone numbers

Show less (-) | more (+)

Law clause

Alternate you can query, explore and visualize the documents and entities graph in Neo4j browser by Cypher queries.

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