Gov Jamaica (2003) The National Solid Waste Management Act, Jamaica.pdf
PART I. Preliiiiiiinn.
I . Short title.
2 , Interpretation.
PART 11. .Yntioiinl Solid I1 'nste -1 lnnngei?ietit -4 irthoric,
Estnhlisliiiieiit niitl Firiictions
3. Establishment of Authorih.
-1. Functions of Authorih .
5 . Ministerial directions.
6. Delegation.
7. Authorih to be consulted.
.4 tlininistrorioii
8. Appointment of officers and other employees.
9. Pensions. grdtuities and other retiring benefits.
Finnncinl Pro\-isions, . ICCO~NIIS nnd Rrporls
10. Funds and resources of Authorih.
1 1. Power to h e s t moneys.
12. Accounts aid audit.
13. A ~ ~ l ~ p o r t s .
1-1. Estimates and operdting plan.
IS. Returns. etc.
I Ilw iiicliisioii of this past is ; lurlwrlrtd b? I..N 2s lOO.;l
16. Exemption from tascs and duties.
17. Recovery of debts.
18. Borrowing powers.
19. Minister of Finance may guarantee loans to Authority.
PART 111. Inspection
20. Appointment of inspectors.
2 1. Functions of inspectors.
PART IV. Management of Solid ll’aste
Restriction on ,%lid Waste fanagement
22. Restriction on solid waste management.
Application. Grant, Refisal, Renewal, .lfod@ation. Suspension and
Revocation of Licences
23. Application for solid waste licence.
24. Grant or reW of licence.
25. Non-transferability and validit?. of licence.
26. Grounds for refusal to issue licence.
27. Renewal of licence.
28. Restriction on grant of licence retrospectively.
29. Variation, modification. etc.. of licence.
30. Suspension of licence.
3 1. Revocation of licence.
32. Records.
Financial ..issurance and Insurance
3 3. Authority may require financial assurance and insurance.
[The inclusion of h i s page I S nuthorized b> L.S. 1s 200.:1
3-1. Financial assurance not to be penalh-.
3 5 . Forni of financial assurance.
36. Restriction on requiring financial assurance.
37. Amount of financial assurance.
38. Durdtion of financial assurance.
39. Cam-ing out of nork. project or prograni n-hen licensee fails to do so.
40. Claim on or realizing of financial assurance.
4 1. Recoven- of additional cost.
PART V. Reclclriig of’liksrr
42. Rec!cling of uaste.
PART VI. Special Pro\.isioiis iir Relnriori ro Lirrrr
4-3. Power of Authorih in relation to litter.
PART VII. 0ffi.tice.v riritl Petidfirs
44. Offcnce of intcrference with disposal facilih .
45. Offence of operating dsposal facilih. etc.. nithout licence.
16. Offcnce of littering public place. etc.
17. Offcnce of littering private place without consent.
18. Offence of wilful breaking of bottlesxtc.. in public place.
49, Offence of niaking false or nusleadng statements.
50. Offence of threatening. etc.. authorized officer.
5 1. Offence of failure to keep records. etc.
52 . Breach of offence for which no penalh is proyided.
53. hinishnient for offences under sections 16. 17 and 18.
51. Offence by body corporate.
PART VlII. Enforcement and Appeal
55. Power of Authority to enforce removal of litter.
56. Referral to Natural Resources Conservation Authority
57. Cessation order.
58. Information on pollution control operation.
59. Enforcement of controls.
60. Supplementary provisions as to enforcement.
61. Appeal Tribunal.
62. Appeal to Minister.
63. General powers of entry, inspection and seizure.
64. Vehicles, etc., may be seized and detained.
65. Procedure regarding application for forfeiture.
66. Authority may institute proceedings.
67. Minister may amend monetary penaltics.
PART IX. General
68. Regulations.
69. Act applies to Crown.
[ 1st April, 2002.1
PART I. Prelimjnary
1. This Act may be cited as the National Solid Waste Shorttitlc.
Management Act.
2.-( 1 ) In this Act- Interpre-
“authority” means the National Solid Waste Management
“authorized officer” means-
Authority established under section 3;
(a) any person appointed as a traffic warden under
section 117 (1) of the Road Traffic Act;
(h) a person appointed as an authorized officer under
the Natural Resources Conservation (Marine
Parks) Regulations, 1992 or the Natural Resources
(National Parks) Regulations, 1993, or any person
duly authorized by the Minister or by the
Authority under section 20 of the Natural
Resources Conservation Authority Act;
(c) a public health officer;
(4 any member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force or
(e) a person designated as an authorized officer by the
v) an inspector,
the Island Special Constabulary Force;
Authority under section 4 (2) (k);
and any other person acting in aid of such person acting
in the execution of his office or duty shall be deemed to
be an officer acting in the execution of his duty;
I’lltc iiicliiricni t i l this ptpc is iiiilliiirizcd by I. .N. ?X/?(H)31
”container“ means a receptacle or portable device in which
solid ivaste is stored, transported, treated, disposed of
or otherwise handled;
--disposal facilities“ includes motor vehicles, containers and
equipment used for the management of solid waste,
transfer stations, sanitary and other landfills,
composting sites, recycling plants, sites and depots,
dumps and other solid waste disposal operations and
-’financial assurance” means proof provided to the Authority
by an applicant, licensee or former licensee of his
ability to secure or guarantee fimding-
(a) for or towards the carrying out of any works,
projects or programmes-
(i) to restore, ameliorate, replace or remedy,
any loss, damage or injury which is
reasonably likely to be caused by the
operation of the facility;
(ii) to reduce pollution;
( h ) to provide corrective action during the operation of
a facility, to properly close the facility or to
provide for post-closure care thereoft, or
(c) to correct or ameliorate any environmental harm
caused by the operation of a facility;
“functions” includes powers and duties;
“hazardous waste” means-
(a) waste which, because of its chemical or other
property, may cause, promote or result, directly or
indirectly, in-
(i) hazard or harm to human health or create
a nuisance;
(ii) hazard to the natural living condition of
plants and animals;
I I I i e iiiclusioii ~ J I 1111s page i\ autliorized by I, N. .%/2IJ(I3I
(iii) pollution of land, water, the atmosphere
or the environment;
(iv) fire or explosion;
(v) excessive sound or noise;
(vi) the appearance and multiplication of
harmhl animals or plants;
(vii) the encouragement of pathogens;
(viii) disturbance of public order and safety,
(6) such other waste as the Minister may, by order,
declare to be hazardous;
“landfill” means a facility or part of a facility where solid
waste is placed in or on land for disposal but does not
include a surface impoundment or an injection well;
“leachate” means liquid that has percolated through solid
waste or other medium;
“litter” means solid waste in any public place and includes
any refuse, rubbish, bottles, glass, debris, dirt, rubble,
ballast, stones, noxious or contained substances or
waste matter or any other matter likely to deface, make
untidy, obstruct or cause a nuisance in a public place;
(a) in relation to the parishes of Kingston and St.
Andrew, the Council of the Kingston and St.
Andrew Corporation; and
(b) in relation to any other parish, the Parish Council
of that parish;
“Operating certificate” means a certificate issued by the
“local authority” means-
Authority signifying that-
(a) a solid waste disposal facility;
(b) a provider of solid waste collection or transfer
(c) a provider of other solid waste management
is licensed under this Act;
services; or
Illic iiidiiwm ril thi \ pipc I\ ciiitliiiriiwl Iiy I N 2 K / ~ O O 3 l
“packaging” means the container in which usable goods are
“poster” includes any notice, bill, grat’titi and any other
“public place” includes-
similar publication;
every public highway, street, road, square, coutt,
alley, lane, bridle way, footway, parade, wharf,
jetty, quay, bridge, sidewalk, verge;
any public garden, park or open space, theatre,
stadium, place of public entertainment of any kind,
or other place ofgeneral resort to which the public
have, or are,permitted to have, access with or
without payment of any fee;
any beach or foreshore or the bank of any river or
stream or the margin of any lake, pond, lagoon or
any gully, to which the public have, or are
permitted to have, access with or without payment
of any fee;
any other open space to which the public has
access as of right without payment of any fee;
such other place to which the public has access, as
may be prescribed;
“receptacle” means any container or vessel provided or
approved by the Authority for the deposit therein of
solid waste;
“recycling” includes composting and any process by which
material that would otherwise become solid waste is
collected, separated, or processed and reused or
returned to use in the form of raw materials or products
but does not include energy or fuel production;
(a) recycling;
(b) the extraction of economically usable material or
“resource recovery” includes-
energy from solid waste; and
( c ) the conversion of solid waste into different use;
”reuse” means the use of waste material or products in the
same or similar application, without changing their
“sanitary landfill“ means a land disposal site employing an
engineered method of solid waste disposal in a manner
that minimizes environmental hazards and meets any
prescribed design and operation standards;
(a) refuse or sludge from a waste treatment facility,
water supply plant, air pollution control facility
and garbage;
(6) solid, semi-solid or contained gaseous or liquid
matter resulting from industrial, commercial,
mining or agricultural operations or domestic
activities; and
(c) any contained substance or object which is or is
intended to be, or required by law to be, disposed
“solid waste” includes medical and hazardous waste and-
but does not include-
(i) animal manure and absorbent bedding
used for soil enrichment;
(ii) suspended solid or dissolved material in
sewage; and
(iii) industrial discharges from pipelines
conveying such waste;
“solid waste management” includes-
(a) the systematic control of the generation, collection,
separation, storage, reuse, recycling,
transportation, transfer, treatment, and disposal of
solid waste; and
(b ) the characterization and measurement of solid
[The illclusion of this page i s authorized by L.N. 28QfJf)lI
“storage” means the containment of waste, on a temporary
or permanent basis, so as not to constitute its disposal;
“transfer” means to carry, remove, transport or shift solid
waste from one place, disposal facility or container to
“transfer station” means a facility where solid waste is
collected, aggregated, sorted, stored, or processed for
the purpose of subsequent transfer to another facility
for fbrther processing, treatment, transfer or disposal;
“vehicle” means any motor vehicle, cart, dray, pushcart,
wagon and any other vehicle of like nature.
(2) For the purpose of carrying out his duties in relation
to this Act, every authorized officer shall have the same
privileges and immunities as a Constable.
PART II. Nuliotial Solid Waste Mutiagemeiii A trlhoriiy
3.-(1) There is hereby established, for the purposes of this
Act, a body to be called the National Solid Waste Management
Authority which shall be a body corporate to which section 28
of the Interpretation Act shall apply.
(2) The provisions of the First Schedule shall have effect
as to the constitution of the Authority and otherwise in re1atio:i
fi;.stablishment atid I.irticiioti.s
of Authority.
1:unctions o t 4.-( 1) The Authority shall-
(U) take all such steps as are necessary for the effective
management of solid waste in Jamaica in order to
safeguard public health, ensure that the waste is
collected, stored, transported, recycled, reused or
disposed of, in an environmentally sound manner and
promote safety standards in relation to such waste;
(b) promote public awareness of the importance of
efficient solid waste management and foster
understanding of its importance to the conservation,
protection and proper use of the environment;
I’llie iiiclusioii of h i s pige is ; i u ~ l ~ o I i M t l by I ..N. 2X/20031
( c ) advise the Minister on matters of general policy
relating to solid waste management in Jamaica;
(4 perform such other hnctions pertaining to solid waste
management as may be assigned to it by the hiinister or
by or under this Act or any other enactment.
( 2 ) In performing the functions specified in subsection
the Authority may-
(a) convert existing dumps into sanitary landfills;
(h ) designate, develop and manage new sanitary landfills
and other solid waste disposal operations;
(c) provide facilities for the collection, treatment and
disposal of solid waste;
(4 institute measures to encourage waste reduction and
resource recovery;
(e) introduce cost recovery measures for services provided
by or on behalf of the Authority;
v) establish procedures and develop, implement and
monitor a national plan and other plans and
programmes relating to solid waste management;
(g) formulate standards, guidelines and codes of practice
relating to solid waste management and monitor
compliance with such standards, guidelines and codes;
( 1 7 ) initiate, carry out or support, by financial means or
otherwise, research which, in its opinion, is relevant to
any of its fiinctions;
( i ) conduct seminars and provide appropriate training
programmes and consulting services and gather and
disseminate information relating to solid waste
0) define the minimum specifications of equipment used
for solid waste management;
Authority to
be consulted
of officers and
(k) from time to time, designate any person (whether
employed by the Authority or not) possessing the
prescribed qualification to be an authorized officer;
( I ) do anything or enter into any arrangement which, in
the opinion of the Authority, is necessary to ensure
the proper performance of its functions.
5. The Minister may, after consultation with the chairman,
give to the Authority such directions of a general character as to
the policy to be followed by the Authority in the performance of
its functions as appear to the Minister to be necessary in the
public interest and the Authority shall give effect thereto.
6.-(1) The Authority may delegate any of its functions
under this Act (other than the power of delegation or the power
to make regulations) to any local authority, member, officer or
agent of the Authority.
(2) Every delegation under subsection (1) is revocable
by the Authority and the delegation of a function shall not
preclude the performance of that finction by the Authority.
7. Any person, body or agency having authority over any
matter in respect of which the Authority has functions to
perform under this Act shall not, whether provisionally or
finally, approve or determine such matter until the Authority has
been consulted.
8.-(1) The Authority shall appoint and employ, at such
remuneration and on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit,
an Executive Director, a Secretary, and such other officers and
employees as the Authority deems necessary for the proper
carrying out of its functions:
Provided that-
(a) no salary in excess of the prescribed rate shall be
assigned to any post without the prior approval of the
Minister; and
(h) no appointment shall be made to any post to which
salary in excess of the prescribed rate is assigned
without the prior approval of the Minister.
(2) For the purposes of subsection ( I ) , the "prescribed
rate" means such rate as the Minister may, by order, prescribe.
(3) The Governor-General may, subject to such
conditions. as he may impose, approve the appointment of any
public officer in the service of the Government to any ottice
within the Authority, and any public otticer so appointed shall,
while so employed, in relation to any pension, gratuity or other
allowance and in relation to any other rights as a public otlicer,
be treated as continuing in the service of the Government.
9. The Authority may, with the approval of the Minister- I'ciisioiis.
gratiiit ics
(a) enter into arrangements respecting schemes, whether ;I,ld otticr
(h ) make regulations,
by way of insurance policies or otherwise; and
for medical benefits, pensions, gratuities and other retiring
benefits or disability or death benefits, relating to employees of
the Authority and such arrangements or regulations may include
provisions for the grant of benefits to the dependants and the
legal personal representatives of such employees.
Fiiiaiicial Provisicms, A ccorrtits aid Reports
10.--( 1) The
consist of-
fbnds and resources of the Authority s ha1 1
(a) such sums as may, from time to time, be placed at the
disposal of the Authority by Parliament;
(h) all other sums and other property which'may, in any
manner, become payable to or vested in the Authority
in respect of any matter incidental to its functions.
(2) The expenses of the Authority, including the
remuneration of members and employees, shall be paid out of
the hnds of the Authority.
[The iiicliision of this page IS niitliorizrd h> L N 28 20031
.-\;counts and
. h u a l
Estimates and
operating plan.
11 . All moneys of the Authority not immediately required to
be expended for the purpose of meeting any of the obligations or
discharging any of the fkct ions of the Authority may be
invested in such securities as may be approved by the Minister
and the Authority may, with the approval of the Minister, sell all
or any of such securities
1 2 . 4 1 ) The Authority shall keep proper accounts and other
records in relation to its hnctions and shall prepare annually a
statement of accounts in a form satisfactory to the Minister and
conforming to established accounting principles.
(2) The accounts of the Authority shall be audited
annually by an auditor appointed in each year by the Authority
with the approval of the Minister.
(3) The Auditor-General shall be entitled at all times to
examine the accounts of the Authority.
13.-(1) The Authority shall, within six months after the end
of each financial year or within such longer period as the
Minister may in special circumstances approve, cause to be
made and transmit to the Minister a report dealing generally
with the activities of the Authority during the preceding
financial year.
(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of the report
together with the annual statement of accounts and the auditor's
report thereon to be laid in the House of Representatives and the
14. The Authority shall, in each financial year, before a date
specified by the Minister, submit to the Minister for his
(a) estimates of income and expenditure for the ensuing
financial year, and
(b ) an operating plan for that year as to the projects to be
promoted or sponsored, or both, by the Authority, the
operational framework within which the Authority
shall carry out its fbnctions, and such other matters as
the Minister may require.
(The I I ~ C I U S I O I I of this page I S aulliorized by I..N 2X/2(1031
15. The Authority shall furnish the Minister with such Rc:turns~2tc.
returns, accounts and other information as he may require with
respect to the activities of the Authority, and shall afford him
facilities for verifying such information in such manner and at
such times as he may reasonably require.
16.-( 1) The income of the Authority shall be exempt from l:\cmptioii
from td\cs
income tax dlld d U l l C h
(2) The Authority shall be exempt from liability t o
stamp duty in respect of any instrument executed by it or on its
(3) Any transfer by the Authority of any property
belonging to it or of any right or interest created in, over or
otherwise with respect to, any such property shall be exempt
from transfer tax.
(4) No customs duty, general consumption tax or other
similar impost shall be payable upon any article imported into
Jamaica or taken out of bond in Jamaica by the Authority and
shown t o the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Customs to be
required for the use of the Authority in the performance of its
17. Without prejudice to any other method of recovery, all Ilccovcr\of
debts due to the Authority may be recovered in a Resident dch's.
Magistrate's Court as a civil debt notwithstanding any limitation
as t o the amount recoverable under the Judicature (Resident
Magistrates) Act.
lS.-(l) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2), the lbrrowiiig
Authority may borrow such sums as may be required by it for puwcrs.
meeting any of its obligations or discharging any of its
I'llic iiicliisioii ol' this pipc is iiiitlioiizcd Iiy I..N. ?WOO31
(2) The power of the Authority to borrow shall, as to
amount, as to the source of borrowing, and as to the terms on
which the borrowing may be effected, be exercisable only with
the approval of the Minister responsible for finance and any
approval given in any respects for the purposes of this
subsection may be either general or limited to a particular
borrowing or otherwise and may be either unconditional or
subject to conditions.
19.-( 1) With the approval of the House of Representatives
signified by resolution, the Minister responsible for finance may
guarantee, in such manner and on such conditions as he thinks
fit, the repayment of the principal and the payment of interest
and charges on any authorized borrowing of the Authority.
(2) Where the Minister responsible for finance is
satisfied that there has been default in the repayment of any
principal moneys guaranteed under the provisions of this section
or in the payment of interest or charges so guaranteed he shall
direct the repayment or, as the case may be, the payment, out of
the Consolidated Fund of the amount in respect of which there
has been such default and any such repayment or payment shall
be a charge on the Consolidated Fund.
(3) The Authority shall make to the Accountant-
General, at such times and in such manner as the Minister
responsible for finance may direct, payments of such amounts as
may be so directed in or towards repayment of any sums issued
in hlfilment of any guarantee under this section, and payments
of interest on what is outstanding for the time being in respect of
any sums so issued at such rate as the Minister may direct, and
different rates of interest may be directed as respects different
sums and as respects interest for different periods.
Minister of
loans to
Finance may
PART III. Inspection
20.-(1) The Authority may, from time to time, appoint as Appoint-
inspectors for the purpose of this Act, public officers or other mSpzCtorS. .
persons who, by training and experience, are, in its opinion,
qualified to be so appointed.
ment of
lTlic iiiclusioii ot'tliis page is ;iutliorized hy L.N. 88/1003]
(2) The Authority shall issue each inspector with an
identification card and the inspector shall, on entering any place
for the purpose of carrying into effect any of the fbnctions
specified in section 21, produce the identification card to the
operator or other person in charge thereof'.
(3) The appointment of any person as an inspector shall
be published in the Gazette.
21. An inspector shall- Functions of
(a) inspect disposal facilities in order to ensure
(i) the provisions of this Act or any
regulations made hereunder;
(ii) any condition subject to which a licence is
granted; or
(iii) the requirements of the Public Health Act
and any other law pertaining to the
disposal of waste and the regulation of
waste operations;
compliance with-
(b) keep such records, as may be specified by the
Authority, in respect of disposal facilities that are
(c) report generally to the Authority at such times and in
such manner as the Authority may determine; and
(d) perform such other fimctions as may be prescribed or
as may be authorized by the Authority for the
purposes of this Act.
PART IV. Management of Solid Waste
Restriction on Solid Waste Management
22. Subject to s d o n 23, a person shall not manage solid Restriction
on solid
waste except under and in accordance with the provisions of this waste
Act and any regulations made hereunder.
me inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
Application, Grant, Rt$4sal, Reriewal, Modtficatioii,
Swreiider, Suspensioii and Revocatiori of Licences
23.-( 1) Every person who-
t'or solid waste
(a) operates or proposes to operate a solid waste disposal
(b) provides or proposes to provide solid waste collection
or transfer services; or
(c ) otherwise manages solid waste,
shall apply in the prescribed form and manner to the Authority
for the appropriate licence.
(2) An application under subsection (1) shall be
accompanied by the prescribed application fee.
(3) Where the Authority thinks necessary it may require
an applicant for a licence to hrnish such additional information
or document as it may specify.
(4) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the
Authority, exempt categories of persons fiom the operation of
this section or section 3 3.
Grant or 24.-( 1) Upon receipt of an application under section 23, the
Authority shall- retitsal of licence.
(a) cause an inspector to carry out an inspection of any
solid waste disposal facility to which the application
(b) invite, within such period as the Authority may
specify, the written comments or recommendations of
the following organizations-
(i) the Natural Resources Conservation
(ii) the Water Resources Authority;
(iii) the Ministry responsible for health;
(iv) the relevant local authority; and
(v) such organization as the Authority thinks
[The iiiclusioii of tliis page IS aiithonzed by L N 88/2003]
( 3 ) The inspector shall submit to the Authority a report
in the prescribed form in respect of an inspection carried out
under subsection ( 1 )
( 3 ) Upon receipt of the report and an!' written comments
or recommendations. the Authority may, subject to subsection
( U ) grant a licence upon payment of the prescribed
licence fee: or
( h ) rehse to grant a licence
(4) .4 licence granted under this section shall be subject
to such terms and conditions, including the provision of
financial assurance or insurance in accordance with section 3 3 ,
as may be specified therein.
( 5 ) Where the Authority grants a licence under this
section it shall issue an operating certificate to the licensee.
(6) Where the Authority rehses to grant a licence under
this Act, it shall so inform the applicant in writing stating the
reasons therefor.
25. A licence granted under this Act shall not be transferable .\'on-
ability and
validity o l
l icmcs.
and shall be valid for such period as is specified therein.
26.-(1) The Authority may rehse to issue a licence under (ir[,unds ,i,r
this Act- rrlusal to
(a) where, in the opinion of the Authority, the issue of the
licence would not be in the public interest, having
regard to such factors as the Authority considers
(b ) where an application contains or is based on a false or
misleading representation or information which is
false in a material particular;
(c) to an individual who-
I'IIic I I ICIII~I~II 0 1 t l i is p g c IS ;iiithorized hy I. N XH12003I
(i) is under the age of eighteen years;
(ii) is an undischarged bankrupt; or
(iii) has been convicted, during the period of
five years immediately preceding the
application, of an offence specified in
subsection (2);
(4 to a body corporate-
in respect of which a resolution has been
passed for voluntary winding up or an
order has been made by a court of
competent jurisdiction for its winding up;
if a receiver has been appointed to
manage any of its assets;
if any of its directors has been convicted
of an offence specified in subsection (2)
during the period of five years
immediately preceding the application;
which has been convicted during the
period of five years immediately
preceding the application of an offence
specified in subsection (2);
(e) if, in the opinion of the Authority, the applicant is not
a fit and proper person to be granted a licence.
(2) The offence referred to in subsection (1) is-
(U ) an offence against this Act or any regulations made
(h) an offence involving fraud or dishonesty.
hereunder; or
I<cncwrloI 27.-(1) A licence granted pursuant to this Act may be
(a) an application for renewal is made not later than
thirty days before the date of expiry or within such
longer period as the Authority may allow;
renewed by the Authority if- liccncc.
( h ) the Authority is satisfied that the licensee is operating
in compliance ni th the prokisions of this Act or any
regulations made hereunder.
( c ) the applicant has paid all fees payable to the
Authority under this Act or any regulations made
(d) there has been no material chanse in the
circumstances nhich existed at the time the licence
was granted which would justify the application being
treated as a new application in the manner specified in
subsection (2), and
( e ) the applicant has not been conkicted of an ot'fence
specified in section 26 (3) or, in the case o f a body
corporate, a director, the manager, the secretary or
other otticer thereof has not been convicted of such
an offence
( 2 ) Where the Authority-
( ( I ) receives an application for the renewal of a licence
after the period specified in subsection (1) ( ( I ) . or
(h ) is satistied that a material change of circumstances
has occurred since the licence had been granted,
it shall treat the application as a new application, and
accordingly, the provisions of sections 23 and 24 shall apply
28. The Authority shall not issue a licence retrospectively. Restrictions
on grnt ot'
29.-( 1) A licensee may apply to the Authority for variation, \'rrirtioii.
modification. modification or surrender of the licence stating clearly the e,c..of
(2) In considering an application under subsection (l),
the Authority shall have regard to the matters specified in
section 26.
reasons therefor. licence.
lThc i i~cl~is~oi~ of this page IS niitliorized hy L.N. SSlZOO3l
Suspms'on Of 30.-( 1) Subject to subsection (2), the Authority may
(a) the licensee has failed to pay any fees or other
charges required by this Act or any regulations made
suspend a licence if-
(h ) the licensee is in breach of-
(i) any provision of this Act or any
regulations made hereunder; or
(ii) any term or condition subject to which the
licence is granted;
(c) i t i s satisfied that it is not possible to carry out a
proper inspection of the licensed facility;
(4 a licensee notifies the Authority in writing that he
intends to cease the operations for which he is
licensed for the period stated in the notice.
(2) Before suspending a licence under subsection ( 1 ) (U),
( h ) or (c), the Authority shall notify the licensee in writing of the
proposed suspension-
(a) stating the reason therefor;
( h ) requiring the licensee, in the case of a breach, to
remedy the breach within the time specified in the
(3) A licensee who. is served with a notice under
subsection (2) shall, after remedying the breach which gave rise
to the suspension, notify the Authority in writing that the breach
has been remedied.
(4) The Authority shall, upon receipt of a notice
referred to in subsection (3), cause an inspection to be carried
out within ten days of the receipt of the notice and if, on
inspection, the inspector is satisfied that the breach has been
remedied, he shall report in writing to the Authority which shall
withdraw the notice of suspension.
31.-( 1) The Authority may revoke a licence if it is satisfied Revocation
of licence.
(a) a licensee has ceased to comply with the provisions of
this Act or any regulations made hereunder in relation
to the licensed disposal operation;
(b) the application for the licence contained any false or
misleading information in any material particular;
(c) the licensee has failed to remedy the breach which
gave rise to the suspension of the licence under
section 30, within the time specified in a notice under
subsection (2) of that section;
(6) any fee or other charge payable by the licensee
remains unpaid for a period of ninety days after the
suspension of the licence.
(2) Before revoking a licence under subsection (l), the
Authority shall notify the licensee in writing of the proposed
revocation stating the reasons therefor.
(3) Where a licence is revoked pursuant to this section
the licence and any operating certificate shall be returned
forthwith to the Authority.
32.-(1) The Authority shall keep a record of every licence Records
granted under this Act.
(2) Every licensee shall keep such books, documents or
records as may be prescribed.
Financial Assurance and Inmrance
33.-( 1) Subject to subsection (Z), the Authority may, before Authority
or after it issues, varies, modifies, suspends or revokes a licence ::zr
or before it approves of its surrender, require the applicant, assurance
licensee or former licensee, as the case may be, to provide :trace.
financial assurance.
[The iiiclusioii of tliis page 1s authonzed by L N 88/2003]
Fincl ncial
assurance not
to bs pcnaltv.
Form o f
Heslriclion on
(2) The Authority may, in addition to requiring financial
assurance or in substitution therefor, require that the owner or
operator of a disposal facility effect and carry out contracts of
insurance against loss of, or damage to, or arising out of or in
connection with, the operation or proposed operation of the
facility .
34. Financial assurance shall not operate as a penalty for a
contravention of this Act, any regulations hereunder, the
conditions of a licence or the conditions of the suspension,
revocation or surrender of a licence.
35.-(1) Financial assurance may be in one or more of the
following forms-
(a) a bank guarantee;
( h ) a trust fund;
(c) a bond;
(4 a line of credit;
( e ) a management escrow account; or
U, such other form of security as the Authority
considers appropriate and specifies as a condition
of a licence or the operation or closure of a
disposal facility .
( 2 ) The Authority may, as a condition of a licence,
specify the procedures under which financial assurance may
be administered, called on or used.
36. The Authority shall not require financial assurance unless
it is satisfied that the requirement is justified having regard t o -
(a) the degree of risk of environmental harm associated
(h) the remedial work that may be required because of
with the activities to which the licence relates;
the activities to which the licence relates;
(c) the environmental record of the applicant, licensee,
or former licensee, as the case may be; or
(4 such other matters as may be prescribed.
37.-(1) Subject to subsection (2), the amount of financial .bountof
assurance assurance shall be determined by the Authority.
(2) The Authority shall not require financial assurance
of an amount that is greater than the amount that, in its opinion,
represents a reasonable estimate of the total likely costs and
expenses that may be incurred in carrying out the work, project
or programme required by or under this Act for which financial
assurance is required, including the Authority’s likely costs and
expenses in directing and supervising the carrying out of the
work, project or programme.
Duration of
38. Financial assurance shall be provided-
(a) for the period specified in the licence; or
( b ) if no such period is specified, until-
(i) the licence is varied to remove the
condition requiring the financial assurance;
(ii) the licence is surrendered under section 29.
39.-(1) The Authority may, by the use of contractors, Canyingout
consultants or other persons, carry out, direct or supervise the projector
carrying out of any work, project or programme covered by any Fogamme
financial assurance required under a licence if the licensee or
former licensee fails, in the opinion of the Authority, to carry
out any work, project or programme in accordance with the
licence or is incapable of doing so.
(2) The Authority may enter, or authorize any other
person to enter, the premises concerned to carry out the work,
project or programme.
costs or expenses of the contractors, consultants or other persons
in carrying out such work, project or programme (including the assurance.
Authority’s likely costs and expenses in directing and
of work,
when licensee
to do so,
40.-(1) The Authority may recover or fund the reasonable Claimonor
realizing of
[The iiiclusioii of tliis page IS authorized by 1. N 88/20031
supervising the carrying out of the work, project or programme)
by making a claim on the insurance or realizing the financial
assurance or part thereof.
(2) Before making the claim on the insurance or
realizing the financial assurance or part thereof, the Authority
shall give to the licensee or former licensee a written notice
under this section.
(3) A notice under this section shall-
(a) specify the reason for making the claim on the
insurance or realizing the financial assurance, or
part thereoc
(b) state details of the work, project or programme
carried out or proposed to be carried out;
(c) state the amount of the financial assurance to be
claimed or realized;
(4 invite the licensee or former licensee to make
representations to the Authority to show why the
financial assurance should not be claimed or
realized as proposed; and
(e) state the period (at least thirty days &er the notice
is given to the licensee or former licensee) within
which written representations may be made.
(4) At the end of the period stated in the notice, the
Authority shall consider any representations properly made
by the licensee or former licensee.
(5) If the Authority decides to make a claim on the
insurance or realize the financial assurance, or any part
thereof, the Authority shall forthwith give written notice to
the licensee or former licensee of its decision and the reasons
(6) The Authority shall return any excess amounts to
the licensee or former licensee.
I flit I I I ~ I I S I O I I ot’tl~is I X I ~ C I S initliori7cd h? L N 8S l003l
41.-( 1) Where the amount recovered by the Authority under
section 40 is less than the Authority's reasonable costs and cost.
expenses in taking action or remedying the environmental harm
caused by the solid waste disposal facility or solid waste
collection or transfer services to which a licence relates, the
Authority may, by notice in writing, require the licensee or
former licensee to pay the difference between the Authority's
reasonable costs and expenses and the amount recovered by the
Authority, within such time as may be specified therein.
(2) Where-
(a) the Authority has given a notice under subsection (1);
(b) the licensee has failed to pay the specified sum on or
before the specified date,
the Authority shall be entitled to recover, fi-om the licensee or
former licensee, the amount or so much thereof as remains
unpaid, together with interest calculated at such rate as the
Minister may specify, as a civil debt in the Resident Magistrate's
Court for the parish in which the place is, or premises are,
situated, notwithstanding any limitation as to amount
recoverable under the Judicature (Resident Magistrates) Act.
PART V. Recycling of Waste
42.-(1) The Authority may provide the occupier of any ~ccycling
olwastc. premises, on his request, with receptacles to be used for-
(a) compostable waste which is to be recycled;
(b) non-compostable waste which is to be recycled; or
(c) waste which is not to be recycled.
(2) Subject to subsection (4), the Authority may, in
relation to a request for receptacles-
(a) where possible, provide them free of charge; or
(b) provide them at such cost, and on such terms as to
payment, as may be agreed with the occupier.
(3) Where the Authority provides receptacles pursuant to
subsection ( I ) , it may give directions in writing to the recipients
with respect to-
( ( I ) the placing of the receptacles for the purpose ot
facilitating the emptying of them and access to them
for that purpose;
(h) the substances or articles which may or may not be
placed in the receptacles and the precautions to be
taken where particular substances or articles are
placed therein; and
(c) the steps to be taken by occupiers of premises to
facilitate the collection of waste from the receptacles.
(4) The Authority may make such arrangement as it
considers necessary for another organization to provide, on its
behalf, receptacles for the storase of waste which is to be
(5) No receptacles provided under subsection ( I ) shall be
placed on a road, unless-
(a) the local authority has consented thereto; and
(h) arrangements have been made as to the liability for
any damage arising out of their being so placed.
(6) A person who fails, without reasonable excuse, to
comply with any directions given under subsection (3) commits
an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one hundred
thousand dollars.
(7) A person who interferes with, damages or destroys
any receptacle provided under subsection (1) commits an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million dollars.
PART VI. Special Prmisiom h Relation 10 Litter
Power of
litter. Authority considers necessary.
43.-(1) The Authority shall provide and maintain in public
places such number of receptacles for the deposit of litter as the
Authority in
(The tI1cIttsiot1 of 1111s page IS authorized by L N 58'2002]
(2) The Authority may -
(a) designate any area in any public place or, with the
approval of the owner, any premises as a litter
collection area;
(b) designate as litter wardens, for the purposes of this
Act, persons who, by training or experience, are, in its
opinion, qualified to be so designated;
(c) determine the nature and type of litter which shall be
deposited in any receptacle or in any litter collection
area; and
(d) determine the time, place or circumstances in which
litter may be deposited in any litter collection area.
PART VII OfSences and Penalties
Offence of
with disposal
44. Every person who-
(a) unlawfblly removes any solid waste from a disposal
facility or from any place under the control of the
(b) interferes or tampers with any disposal facility or any
place where solid waste is stored or kept by the
commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five
hundred thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment
45. Every person who- Offence of
faality, etc ,
(a) disposes of solid waste in any area or in any manner disposal
(b) operates a solid waste disposal facility, provides solid
waste collection or transfer services or otherwise
manages solid waste, without a valid licence or
operating certificate under this Act or any regulation
hereunder; or
not approved by the Authority;
I T h L l l l L ~ ~ l \ l ~ ~ l l Of lhl\ page IF dUth(Jrl/ed by 1 N 88noo?l
Offence of
littering public
place, etc.
Offence. of
private place
(c) impedes in any manner the collection and disposal of
solid waste,
commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding nine months
or to both such fine and imprisonment.
4 6 . 4 1 ) A person commits an offence if he-
(a) throws, drops or otherwise deposits and leaves any
litter in any public place; or
(b) erects, displays (whether by writing, marking or
otherwise), deposits or affixes anything in a public
place or on any building, wall, fence or structure
abutting or adjoining a public place, in such
circumstances as to cause, contribute to or tend to the
defacement of that place, building wall, fence or
structure, as the case may be,
and shall be liable to a penalty under section 53.
(2) Where any person, on behalf of some other person
employing or recruiting him for the purpose, does any act in
contravention of subsection (1) (b), the person employing or
recruiting him also commits an offence and shall be liable to a
penalty under section 53 unless he proves that the act done was
contrary to his express instructions and that the act, if performed
as instructed, would not have been in contravention of this
sect ion.
(3) In any proceedings under this section, it shall be a
defence to prove that the act that is the subject matter of the
proceedings was authorized by law or was done with the consent
of the owner or occupier or other person having control of the
public place or building, wall, fence or structure, as the case may
47. Any person who throws, drops or otherwise deposits or
leaves any litter in any premises owned or occupied by another
person without the consent of that other person, the proof
whereof shall lie on the person charged, commits an offence and
shall be liable to a penalty under section 53.
48. Any person who wilfully breaks any bottle or any glass or z:z;gof
any article made of glass in or on any public place without bottles,etc.,
lawful authority or reasonable excuse commits an offence and inpublic
shall be liable to a penalty under section 53.
49.-( 1) A person commits an offence if- Offence of
for the purposes of obtaining, whether for himself or falseor
for any other person, the issue, grant or renewal of
any licence under this Act, he makes any declaration
or statement which is false or misleading in any
he knowingly furnishes to an authorized officer or
other person performing any duty in relation to this
Act, a document that contains information which is
false or misleading in any particular;
he knowingly utters, produces, or makes use of any
such declaration or statement or any document
containing any false declaration or statement; or
he falsifies or amends any information contained in a
(2) A person who commits an offence under subsection
(1) shall be liable on summary conviction before a Resident
Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both such
fine and imprisonment.
50.-( 1) A person commits an offence if he- Offence of
rized oficer.
(a) wilfblly hinders or obstructs an authorized officer etc.. au*o-
acting in the execution of his duties under this Act;
(b) without lawhl excuse, fails within a reasonable time
to comply with any requirement of an authorized
officer exercising a power conferred on him under
this Act;
(c) upon being required to disclose his true name and
place of residence by an authorized officer acting in
the execution of his duties under this Act-
[Tlir Iiiclusioii of this page IS autlionzed by L N 88/2003]
mmce of
failure to keep
moor& etc.
Breach of
offence far
which no
PmahY is
for offence
under sections
46.47 and 48.
(i) refuses to disclose his true name and place
of residence; or
(ii) gives a false name or place of residence;
(d) personates or pretends to be an authorized officer; or
(e) assaults, threatens, intimidates, or uses threatening
language or behaves in a threatening manner to any
authorized officer acting in the execution of his duties
under this Act.
(2) A person who commits an offence under subsection
(1) shall be liable on summary conviction before a Resident
Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to
both such fine and imprisonment.
51. Every person who-
(a) fails to keep any books, documents or records
required to be kept under this Act; or
(b) fails, without reasonable excuse, to produce any such
commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five
hundred thousand dollars, or to imprisonment for a ten? not
exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
books, documents or records,
52. Every person who commits an offence under this Act or
any regulations hereunder in respect of which no special penalty
is provided, shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five hundred
thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six
months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
53.-(1) This section applies to any offence referred to in
sections 46, 47 and 48 and such other offences as may be
I llic I I I L ~ I I \ I O I I CJI 1111\ piigc I\ .iiiIIiori/cd hy I N KX/2(10?I
(2) Where an authorized ot’ticer finds a person on any
occasion and has reason to believe that on that occasion that
person is committing or has committed an ot’fence to which this
section applies, he may serve that person with the prescribed
notice in writing otf’ering the discharge of any liability t o
conviction of that otyence by payment o fa tixed penalty iinder
this section.
(3) Where a person is served with a notice under
subsection (2)-
that person shall not be liable to be convicted of that
offence if the tised penalty is paid in accordance with
this section before the expiration of twenty-one days
following the date of the notice or such longer period
as may be specitied therein or betbre the date on
which proceedings are begun, whichever is later;
proceedings shall not be taken against him for that
offence by any authorized otticer until the end of the
twenty-one days following the date of the notice or
such longer period (if any) as may have been speci tied
(4) Payment of a fixed penalty under this section shall
be made to the Authority or to such body, on behalf of the
Authority, as the Minister may, by order, designate and the
Authority may retain the amount paid as part of its funds.
( 5 ) In any proceedings, a certificate that payment of a
fixed penalty was or was not made to the Authority or to a body
designated under subsection (4) by a date specified in the
certificate shall, if the certificate purports to be signed by the
proper officer of the Authority, or of that body, be sutlicient
evidence of the facts stated, unless the contrary is proved.
(6) A notice under subsection (2) shall-
(a) specify the offence alleged;
(b) give such particulars of the offence as are necessary
for giving reasonable information of the allegation;
(c) state-
(i) the period during which, by virtue of
subsection (3), proceedings will not be
instituted against any person for the
offence; and
(ii) the amount of the fixed penalty.
(7) In any proceedings for an offence to which this
section applies, no reference shall be made after the conviction
of the accused to the giving of any notice under this section or to
the payment or non-payment of a fixed penalty ;hereunder
unless, in the course of the proceedings or in some document
which is before the Court in connection with the proceedings,
reference has been made by or on behalf of the accused to the
giving of such notice or, as the case may be, to such payment or
non-pay ment .
(8) The Minister may make regulations prescribing any
matter incidental to the operation of this section, and in
particular such regulations may prescribe-
(U) the fixed penalty for an offence to which subsection
(1) applies; and
(b) the form of notice under subsection (2).
(9) In this section "proceedings" means any criminal
proceedings in respect of the act or omission constituting the
offence specified in the notice under subsection (2), and
"convicted" shall be construed in like manner.
54. Where an offence under this Act or any regulations made otyctlcc h\
hereunder which has been committed by a body corporate is
proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance
of, or to be attributable to any negligence on the part of any
director, manager, secretary or other officer of the body
corporate, the director, manager, secretary or other officer of the
body corporate as well as the body corporate shall be liable to be
proceeded against and punished accordingly.
PART VI 11. /:i?fiwcenwiit mid Appeal
55.-( 1) Without prejudice to any proceedings for offence l'uncr 01
under section 46, 47 or 48, where litter is left or caused to be left ::;tr:l'lo
in any public place or on private premises in such circumstances rciiio\.i1 <)I
as to cause, contribute to or tend to the defacement thereof, the 'lltcr
Authority may act in accordance with subsection (2).
(2) The Authority may, subject to subsection (3), give
(U ) the person leaving or causing the litter to be left on
notice (whether orally or in writing) to-
any public place or private premises; or
(h) the owner or occupier of such place or premises; or
(c) the person having control or responsibility for the
place or premises,
requiring him to remove the litter in such manner as to restore
the premises to a condition satisfactory to the Authority.
(3) A notice under subsection (2) shall require the litter
to be removed-
(U) forthwith, in the case of dead animals, carrion or
other litter considered by the Authority to be
dangerous to health or life; or
( h ) in any other case, within such time as may be limited
by the notice (not being less than three days).
(4) A notice under subsection ( 2 ) may be served on a
person either personally or by being sent by post to his last
known business or private address or may be posted up in some
conspicuous position on the premises on which the litter has
been left.
( 5 ) A person who fails to comply with the requirements
of a notice under subsection (2) commits an offence and shall
be liable on summary conviction in a Resident Magistrate's
Court to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars.
(6) Subject to subsection (7), the Authority may, without
prejudice to its right to take action under subsection (2), by its
officers and servants, enter the premises and remove the litter or
restore the premises to a condition satisfactory to the Authority.
(7) The Authority shall be entitled to recover from the
person notified under subsection (2), the costs and expenses
incurred by it pursuant to subsection (6), as to civil debt in the
Resident Magistrate's Court for the parish in which the place is,
or premises are, situated, notwithstanding any limitation as to
amounts recoverable under the Judicature (Resident Magistrates)
56. Where the Authority is of the opinion that a solid waste
disposal operation has, or is likely to have, an adverse effect on
the environment or public health, the Authority may refer the
matter to the Natural Resources Conservation Authority.
RCf'mil to
Cessation 57.-( 1 ) Where a person who-
(U) operates a solid waste disposal facility;
(h) provides solid waste collection or transfer services; or
1.1 lie I I iLIi iwm o l t l i i s page IS aothorircd by I- N X8/2003]
(c) otherwise manages solid waste,
fails to apply for a licence as required under or by section 23, the
Authority may issue an order in writing to that person directing
him to cease the activity specified in paragraph (a), (b) or (c), as
the case may be, by such date as shall be specified in the order.
(2) Where the person to whom an order is issued under
subsection (1) fails to comply with the order, the Authority
(U) direct an authorized officer to take such steps as it
considers appropriate to ensure the cessation of the
activity to which the order relates; or
(b) apply to the Supreme Court for an injunction, whether
or not it has exercised or is proposing to exercise its
powers under paragraph (a) or any of its other
powers under this Act.
(3) In carrying out a direction pursuant to subsection (2)
(U), an authorized officer may use such force as may be
necessary for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the order.
58.-( 1) The Authority may, after consultation with the Inli>rmatim
Natural Resources Conservation Authority, by notice in writing, ~~,,$"'i"n
require the owner or operator of any sewage treatment plant, wrat i t )n .
industrial waste treatment facility or .other solid waste disposal
facility that generates sludge, to submit to the Authority, at such
intervals as the Authority may specify in the notice, the
information specified in subsection (2).
(2) The information referred to in subsection (1) shall
relate to all or any of the following-
(U) the performance of the operation;
(b) the quantity, type and condition of solid waste
(c) the quantity, quality and method of treatment and
disposal of leachate and other waste.
(3) Any person who rehses or fails to comply with the
requirements of a notice under subsection ( 1 ) commits an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five hundred
thousand dollars or in default of payment to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding six months.
Enforcement 59.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, where on
investigation it appears to the Authority that the activities of a
disposal facility in any area are such as to pose a serious threat
to the natural resources or to public health, the Authority may
serve on the person who appears to have carried out or to be
carrying out the activity, a notice (hereinafter referred to as “an
enforcement notice”) in accordance with subsection (2).
of controls.
(2) An enforcement notice shall-
(U) specify the offending activity; and
(b) require such steps as may be specified therein to be
taken within such period as may be so specified to
ameliorate the effect of the activity and, where
appropriate, to restore the natural resources to their
condition before the activity took place.
(3) The Authority may, in the enforcement notice, order
the immediate cessation of the offending activity if it is of the
opinion that the circumstances giving rise to the notice are such
as to warrant an order to that effect.
(4) Where an appeal is made pursuant to section 61
against a decision of the Authority to order the cessation of an
offending activity, the notice shall remain in effect pending the
final determination of the appeal or the withdrawal thereof.
( 5 ) Where a person who is served with an enforcement
notice fails to comply with the notice, the Authority may direct
an authorized officer to take such steps as it considers
appropriate to ensure the cessation of the activity to which the
notice relates.
(6) Every person on whom an enforcement notice is
served who continues or authorizes the continuation of the
offending activity while that notice is in effect or after the
dismissal of an appeal relating to that notice, commits an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both
such fine and imprisonment.
(7) The Authority shall be entitled to recover the costs
and expenses incurred in the restoration, amelioration or
replacement of any natural resources damaged or destroyed by
an offending activity.
(8) In carrying out a direction under subsection ( 5 ) , an
authorized officer may use such force as may be necessary for
the purpose of ensuring compliance with the enforcement notice.
within the time specified therein or such extended period as the visions
Authority may allow, any steps required by notice to be taken asto
have not been taken, the Authority may enter on the land on
which the offending activity took place and take such steps.
(2) A person who, being entitled to appeal against a
decision of the Authority under section 61, fails to do so, shall
not be entitled in proceedings under subsection (2) of that
section to dispute the validity of the action taken by the
Authority on any ground that could have been raised in such
60.-( 1) Where an enforcement notice takes effect and, Suppiemen-
61.-( 1) There is hereby established for the purposes of this ~ ~ ' ~ i ,
Act an Appeal Tribunal and the provisions of the Second Second
Schedule shall have effect as to the constitution of the Appeal %h:hedu'e.
Tribunal and otherwise in relation thereto.
(2) The Appeal Tribunal shall hear appeals made to it in
respect of the issue of enforcement notices by the Authority
pursuant to section 59 and in respect of any such appeal the
Tribunal may, subject to the provisions of this section-
171ie ~ ~ i c l u \ i o i i r, l t l i is page IS autliorized by I . N X8/20031
(a) quash or vary the notice;
(h) dismiss the appeal; and
(c) make such order as to costs and fees as it deems
(3) Where a notice is varied or the appeal dismissed
under subsection (2), the Appeal Tribunal may direct that the
enforcement notice shall not take effect until such date (not
being later than twenty-eight days from the determination of the
appeal) as the Tribunal thinks fit.
(4) Before determining an appeal, the Appeal Tribunal
shall give the applicant, who may be represented by an
Attorney-at-Law or any other person, the opportunity to be
heard by the Tribunal.
62.-(1) A person who is aggrieved by the decision of the
.\ppsal to
( U ) not to grant a licence;
( h ) to require financial assurance or insurance as a
condition of a licence or to include any other term or
condition in a licence; or
(c) to suspend or revoke a licence,
may appeal to the Minister by way of a notice of appeal within
twenty-eight days of the -date of the decision or within such
longer period as the Minister may, in any special circumstance,
(2) The notice of appeal shall set out clearly the grounds
of the appeal and shall be accompanied by copies of any
correspondence, document or statement relevant to the appeal.
(3) A copy of the notice of appeal together with copies
of any correspondence, document or statement shall be served
on the Authority.
(4) The Minister shall, within seven days of the receipt
of a notice of appeal under subsection ( l ) , request the Authority
to furnish him, within seven days, ni th a statement in writing
setting out the reasons for its decision.
(5) The Minister may order that any book, paper,
document or statement, relating to the appeal which is in the
possession of the Authoritv or the person aggrieved be produced
at the hearing ofthe appeal.
(6) The Minister shall cause all parties to the appeal to
be informed-
( ( I ) of the date of the hearing of the appeal:
(h ) that thev may appear themselves or be represented by
their Attorney-at-Law; and
(c) that thev may summon witnesses in their cause.
(7) On hearing an appeal under this section, the Minister
( ( I ) dismiss the appeal and confirm the decision of the
(h) allow the appeal and set aside the decision;
(c) vary the decision; or
(4 direct that the matter be referred to the Authority.
63.-(1) Subject to subsection (3), an authorized officer Ge:ncral
referred to in paragraphs (b), (c), (4, (e) and v) of the definition zg-rs O’‘
of “authorized officer” may, for the purpose of the execution of iiispdion
this Act, enter at all reasonable times the premises in which any andseizure.
solid waste disposal operation is carried on and inspect any book
to which any solid waste document or record or thing relates.
(2) An authorized officer referred to in subsection (1)-
(a) shall produce a duly authenticated document showing
his authority; and
(b) may, during the course of an inspection under
subsection (l), seize and detain any equipment or
other article, which the authorized officer reasonably
believes is being used in contravention of any
provision of this Act.
(3) Any equipment or article seized under this section
shall be returned to the person from whose possession it was
seized, as soon as practicable, and in any case shall not be
retained for a period longer than two months or, if within that
period Court proceedings have been brought in respect of the
seizure, longer than the conclusion of those proceedings.
64.-( 1) Where an authorized officer has reasonable cause to
suspect that any vehicle, aircraft, vessel, article, enclosure,
container or other storage facility, device or apparatus
(hereinafter referred to as “specified equipment”) is being used
or has been used in the commission of an offence against this
Act, the authorized officer may, with a warrant issued by a
Resident Magistrate, search the specified equipment and, if such
search reveals evidence that the specified equipment is being
used or has been used for the commission of any offence as
aforesaid, the authorized officer may seize and detain the
specified equipment.
(2) Where any specified equipment is seized pursuant to
this section and-
(a) a person is convicted of an offence against this Act;
(h) the Court is satisfied that-
Vehicles, etc.,
may be seized
and detained.
(i) that person owns the specified equipment
used in the commission of the offence; or
(ii) the owner of the specified equipment
permitted it to be so used; or
(iii) the circumstances are otherwise such that
it is just to do so,
the Court may, upon an application by the Authority,
order the forfeiture of the specitied equipment.
65.-( 1) Where the Authority proposes to apply for forfeiture l ~ r < ~ ~ . c l l i i i c
of any specitied equipment under section 64 it shall give to any ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ l l
person who, to its knowledge, was the owner thereofat the time IOI
ofthe seizure, notice of the seizure and ofthe intention, atter the ""'cl'lllc
expiration of thirty days from the date of the notice, to apply f o r
forfeiture and of the prounds therefor
(2) Notice shall not be required under subsection ( I ) i t
the seizure and detention were made in the presence of the
owner or person havinp interest in the specitied equipment
(3) Any person having a claini to any specitied
equipment seized under this Act may appear at the hearing ot
the application for forfeiture and show cause why such an order
should not be made
(4) If, upon the application o f a person prejudiced by an
order made under section 64 (2 ) , the Court is satistied that it is
just in the circumstances of the case to revoke such order, the
Court may revoke such order upon such terms and conditions, if
any, as it deems appropriate, and without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing, may require such person to pay in
respect of storage, maintenance, administrative expenses,
security and insurance of the specified equipment, such amount
as may be charged by the person in whose custody the specitied
equipment was kept.
(5) An application to the Court under subsection (4) for
the revocation of a forfeiture order shall be made within thirty
days of the date of the making of such an order or such longer
period as the Court may allow, not exceeding six months.
person for an offence against this Act and recover any penalty
66. The Authority may institute proceedings against any .-\uttiorit\
under this Act or any regulations made hereunder. procecdiiigs
\ l i l l l \ l*rnla\ 67. The Minister may, by order, subject to affirmative
Iiieiict.jr\ resolution, amend the monetary penalties specified in this Act
m i m d
PART IX. General
68.--( 1 ) The Authority: after consultation with the Minister,
may make regulations for the purposes of giving effect to the
provisions of this Act, and in particular, but without prejudice to
the generality of the foregoing, such regulations may contain
provisions in relation to the following matters-
(a) the carrying into effect of standards, recommended
practices and health requirements, for solid waste
management and solid waste disposal facilities;
( h ) minimum standards, including design standards, in
respect of solid waste disposal facilities;
(c) classification of solid waste and waste disposal
licences and provisions relating to different classes of
waste and waste disposal licences;
(d) the incineration, minimization and recycling of solid
(e) the establishment of different grades for inspectors
and specifying their respective powers and duties;
(,r) procedures for the measuring, frequency of collection
and disposal, analysis and extraction of solid waste;
(g) the form and content of a financial assurance,
packaging audits and other waste audits, waste
reduction work plans, packaging reduction work
plans and industrial, commercial and institutional
source separation programme;
(h) procedures for the issue of and conditions as to
(i) the hours of operation of solid waste disposal
(j) the establishment of zones and boundaries in respect
of solid waste disposal facilities;
(k) fees and other charges payable in respect of any
licence or for any service provided by the Authority;
(I> the keeping of records;
(rn) the making of reports by licensees;
(n) the closure and post-closure operations of solid waste
disposal facilities;
(0) any other matter required under the Act to be
(2) Notwithstanding section 29 of the Interpretation Act,
regulations made under subsection (1) may provide for the
imposition of penalties on summary conviction in a Resident
Magistrate’s Court not exceeding a fine of five hundred
thousand dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six
months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
,lLz applics to 69. This Act binds the Crown.
thc Crown.
FIRST SCHEDI'LE (Section 3 )
c'oiistitiitioii I.-( 1) The Authorih- shall consist of not nore than ele\.en members
of Authorit!
( 7 ) The Permanent Secretan in the hlinistn- responsible for local
( 3 ) The other members of the Authorih. (hereinafter referred to ;is
a representati1.e of a non-go\.eriuiiental organization concerned
with the consen.ation and protection of the enrironnient:
go\'errmient shall be an r . ~ o/)icio nieniber of the Authorih..
"the appointment members") shall include-
( ( I )
( h ) a representriti1.c of the Jiiniaica Institution of Engneers.
.~ppo,lltmenl 2. The appointed nienibers shall be appointed by the Minister b!
of iiicinhcr?; instnuiierit in writing.
c ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ atid 3.-( 1) The Minister shall appoint :i chainiian and ;I depuh- chainiian
deputy froni among the appointed nienibers of the Authority.
( 2 ) In the case of the absence or imbilih to act of the ch;limiiiIL the
deputy chaimim slid1 perforni the functions of the chilirnK111.
( 3 ) In the c m of the absence or inability to act of both the chainiian
and depuh chaimian. the Minister may appoint any other member of the
Authority to pcrfonii the functions of the chaimian, or. a s the case may be.
the deputy chairnm during such absence or inability.
4. T l i ~ llaliies of all mcnibers of the Authorit? as first constihited ilnd
e\.cn change in the nicnibership thereof shall be published in the Gozelte.
( ;aLet t , l lgof
'I'ciiiirc ul.
5.-( 1) Subject to the provisions of this Schedule. an appointed nicniber
of the Authorih shall hold office for such period not exceeding three years as
may be specified in the instrunient of appointment.
(2) Even appointed nieniber of the Authorih shall be eligible for
reiippointliient but no nienibcr shall be appointed for more than sis
consecutive years.
(3) If any vacancy occurs in the appointed menibcrslup of the
Aurliority such vacancy shall be filled by the appointment of another
iIppoinIcd nienibcr who shall. subject to thc provisions of this Schcdulc. hold
omcc for thc rciilainder of thc period for which the previous appointed
nicniber was appointed.
6. The Mmster. on the application of any appointed member of the C i m o f
Authority: may grant to such member leave of absence for any period not ~~~~~~,
exceedmg six months and may appoint some other person to act as a member
during the period of leave of absence so granted.
7.-( 1) An appointed member of the Authority, other than the chairman. Rssignation
may at any time resign hls office by instnunent in writing addressed to the ofmernbzrs.
Miruster and transmitted through the chairman, and from the date of receipt
by the Minister of such instrument, the member shall cease to be a member of
the Authority.
(2) The chairman may, at any time, resign h s oflice by instrumcnt in
writing addressed to the Minister and his resignation shall take effect from
the date of the receipt of the instrument by the Minister.
8 . 4 1 ) The Authority shall meet at such times as may be necessary or procedure
e x m e n t for the transaction of business, and such meeting shall be held at and
such places and times and on such days as the Authority may determinc. mzalngs.
(2) The chairman may at any time call a special meeting of the
Authority and shall call a special meeting to be held within scvcn days of a
written request for that purpose addrcsscd to him by any thrcc members of
the Authority.
(3) The chairman or, in thc case of the inability to act of thc
chairman, the deputy chairman shall preside at the meetings of the Authority
and in the absence of both the chairman and the deputy chairman from any
meeting, the members of the Authority present shall clcct onc of lhcir numbcr
to preside at that meeting and when so presiding the chainnan, thc dcputy
chainnan or the member elected as aforesaid, as the case may be, shall havc.
in addition to an original votc, a casting votc in any case in which thc voles
arc equal.
(4) The quorum of thc Authority shall bc five.
( 5 ) Subject to the provisions of this Schcdulc. thc Authority may
rcgulatc its procccdings.
(6) The validity of any proceedings of thc Authority shall not be
aJTccted by any vacancy among the mcmbcrs thcrcof or by any dcfcct in Ihc
appointment of a mcmbcr thcreof.
9.-( 1) The scal of thc Authority shall bc authcnticatcd by thc signaturc of Authcntica-
thc chairman or any othcr mcmbcr of thc Authority au thor id to act in lhal tiorl ~I'sciil
behalf or any officer of the. Authority so authorizcd and shall bc judicially and
and officially noticed. documonls.
(2) All docunicnts. othcr t l ~ i n thosc rcquircd by l;iw lo bc iiiidcr sc;il.
made by. and all dccisions of. thc Authority m a y bc sipnilicd undcr tlic Ii;ind
of the chairnian or ;uiy iiiciiibcr or officcr of tlic Aiitliorit!. ;irrthorizcd lo ;ICI
in that bchalf.
.qppoitltmcnt 11.-( 1) The Authority may. with thc ;IpprOvid of tlic Minister. ;ippoint
ot’c0nimincc.s. conimittccs for special purposes connected with thc functions of llic
Authority and which in thc opinion of tlic Aotliority. would bc bcttcr
rcgulatcd and nunagcd by means of coniniittccs.
(2) The nunibcr of nicnibcrs of ;I committcc iIppoi11tcd iiirdcr
subparagraph ( I ). the tcniis of appointnicnt of such maiibcrs. thc quonim of
the committcc and thc iUcit within which tlic coiniiiittcc is to cscrcisc
authority shall bc dctcniiincd by thc Authority.
(3) A committee itppointed piusimt to this piUiIp,iph 1 ~ 1 y includc
persons who are not niembcrs of the Authority. but at lcast onc of tlic
members of any such committee shall be ;I membcr of the Authority.
(1) The provisions of paragriaph I2 shall apply to iI niembcr of ;I
committee who is not a member of the Authority in likc manncr :is thcy
apply to a member of the Authority.
(5 ) The validity of the proceedings of a coniniittcc appointed pursuant
to this paragraph shall not be affected by any vacancy among the nicmbcrs
thereof or by any defect in the appointment of a member thereof.
Rotcdion of
12.-(1) NO action. suit. prosecution or othcr proceedings shall bc brought
or instituted personally against any member of the Authority in rcspcct of any
act done honnpde in pursuance or execution or intended execution of this
(2) Where any member of the Authority is exempt from liability by
reason only of the prokisions of this paragraph. thc Authority shall be liable
to the eiient that it would be if the said member wcre an cmployce or an
agent of the Authority.
fisc~osurc ,,f
13. A member of the Authority who is directly or indirectly intercstcd in
any matter which is being dealt with by the Authority-
(c l ) shall as soon as possible after the relelant facts hale come to h s
knonled_ee. disclose the nature of h ~ s interest at a meeting of the
Authorit!. and
shall not be present dunng the deliberation of the Authonh on the
matter or take part In the decision of the Authonh uith respect
( h )
14. The office of the chaimian depuh chaimian. or member of the Ofticsoof
Authorih- shall not be a public ofice for the purposes of Chapter V of the nismbsrnot
Constitution of Jamaica. public
1 . 4 1 ) The Appeal Tribunal shall consist of not less than three or more
than five members appointed by the Minister. being persons appearing to the
Minister to be knowledgeable and experienced in matters relating to the
cn\ironmcnt or the management of solid ivastc.
(2) For the hearing of an! appeal under ths Act, the Appea! Tribunal
may consist of one member sitting alone if the parties to the appeal agree.
2. If the chairman or other member of the Appeal Tribunal is absent or
unable to act the Minister may appoint another person to act temporarily as
chairman or such other member.
3 . 4 1) The appointment of eveq member of the Appeal Tribunal shall be
evidence4 by instruction in writing and shall be for a period not exceeding
two years.
(2) Ever). member of the Appeal Tribunal shall be eligible for
(3) The Minister may at any time revoke the appointment of the
reappointment .
chairman or any other mcmber of the Appeal Tribunal.
1.-( 1) Any member of the Appeal Tribunal other than the chairman may
at any time rcsign his office by instrumcnt in writing addrcsscd to the
Ministcr and transmittcd through thc chairman and from the datc of the
receipt by the Minister of such instrument such mcmbcr shall ceasc to be a
mcmbcr of the Appeal Tribunal.
I l l ie IIILIII\IOII I J I tliir page I\ aulliori/ed by I. N 8812003J
ment of
Tenure ol
hhlication of
.Aut hrnt icat ion
of docunimts.
k’roted ion 0 1
(2) Thc chairman m a y at any timc rcsign his officc by instrumcnt in
writing addrcsscd to the Ministcr and such resignation shall lake effcct as
from thc datc or thc rcccipt of such instrument bv thc Ministcr.
5. Thc namcs of the mcmbcrs of the Appcal Tribunal as first constitutcd
and cvcn changc in mcmbcrship thcrcof shall bc publishcd in thc Gazette.
6. All documents made by, and all dccisions of tlic Appcal Tribunal m a y
bc signcd undcr tlic l m d of thc chairman or any mcmbcr of tlic Appeal
Tribunal authorized to act in that behalf.
7.-(1) Thc Appcal Tribunal shall rncct at such tiincs as may bc
ncccssary or cxpcdicnt for Llic transaction of busincss and such rncctings shall
bc hcld at such placcs and tiincs and on such days as tlic Appcal Tribunal
may dclcrminc.
(2) The clminnai or any otlicr pcrson appoinlcd to act tcniporarily as
chairman shall prcsidc at rncctings of thc Appcal Tribunal.
(3) Subjccl to paragraph 1 (2) Uic dccisions of tlic Appeal Tribunal
shall bc by a majority of votcs of thc mcmbcrs and in addition to an original
votc, llic chairman shall havc a casting votc in any casc in which Uic voting
is cqual.
(4) Thc Appcal Tribunal. with tlic approval of tlic Ministcr. may
makc mlcs to rcgulatc ils procccdings.
(5) Propcr rccords of all procccdings of tlic Appcal Tribunal shall bc
8. Thcrc sllall bc paid to thc chairman and olhcr mcmbcrs or lhc Appcal
Tribunal such rcmuncration (whcllicr by way of honorarium. salary or fccs)
and such allowanccs as thc Minislcr may dctcrminc.
9. No action, suit, prosccution or othcr procccdings shall bc brought or
institulcd pcrsonally against any mcmbcr of thc Appcal Tribunal in rcspccl of
an act donc honaJide in pursuancc or cxccution or intcndcd csccution of lhc
provisions of this Act.
10. Any incmbcr of lhc Appcal Tribunal who has any inlcrcsl. dircclly or
indircclly, in any mattcr brought bcfon: Ihc Appeal Tnbunal-
(a) sllall disclosc Uic nalurc of Ihc intcrcst to thc Appcal Tribunal; and --
1.1 I I C I I I C ~ I I ’ ~ I O I I 0 1 ~ I l l s I I : I ~ C I S : I I I I I I W I / C ~ I I ~ I. N XX/?OO3l
( h ) shall not take part in any deliberations or decisions of the Appeal
Tribunal uith respect to that matter.
otfjcc of
m m i b c r i i u ~ a
11. The office of the chairman or member of the Appeal Tribunal shall not
be a public office for the purposes of Chapter V of the Constitution of
public office. jamauca,
PART IL Preliminary
1. Short title.
. Interpretation.
PART IL. National Solid Waste \fanagement Authority
Establishment and Functions
. Establishment of Authority.
Functions of Authority.
Ministerial directions.
Authority to be consulted.
8. Appointment of officers and other employees.
9. Pensions. gratuities and other retiring benefits.
Financial Provisions, Accounts and Reports
10. Funds and resources of Authority.
11. Power to vest moneys.
12. Accounts and audit.
13. Annual reports.
14. Estimates and operating plan.
15. Retums. etc.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 28 2003]
16. Exemption from taxes and duties.
17. Recovery of debts.
18. Borrowing powers.
19. Minister of Finance may guarantee loans to Authority.
PART Ill. Jnspection
20. Appointment of inspectors.
21. Functions of inspectors.
PART IV. Afanagement of Solid Waste
Restriction on Solid Waste Management
22. Restriction on solid waste management.
Application, Grant, Refusal, Renewal, Modification, Suspension and
Revocation of Licences
23. Application for solid waste licence.
24. Grant or refusal of licence.
25. Non-transferability and validity of licence.
26. Grounds for refusal to issue licence.
27. Renewal of licence.
28. Restriction on grant of licence retrospectively.
29. Variation, modification, etc.. of licence.
30. Suspension of licence.
31. Revocation of licence.
32. Records.
Financial Assurance and Insurance
33. Authority may require financial assurance and insurance.
{The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN, 28 2003]
Financial assurance not to be penalty.
. Form of financial assurance.
Restriction on requiring financial assurance.
Amount of financial assurance.
. Duration of financial assurance.
Carrving out of work. project or program when licensee fails to do so.
. Claim on or realizing of financial assurance.
. Recovery of additional cost.
PART V. Reevecling of Waste
. Recycling of waste.
PART VI. Special Provisions in Relation to Litter
. Power of Authority in relation to litter.
PART VIL Offences and Penalties
Offence of interference with disposal facility.
. Offence of operating disposal facility. etc.. without licence.
Offence of littering public place. etc.
. Offence of littering private place without consent.
. Offence of wilful breaking of bottles.etc.. in public place.
. Offence of making false or misleading statements.
. Offence of threatening. etc.. authorized officer.
51. Offence of failure to keep records. etc.
Breach of offence for which no penalty is provided.
. Punishment for offences under sections 46. 47 and 48.
Offence by body corporate.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N 28 2003]
PART VIII. Enforcement and Appeal
55. Power of Authority to enforce removal of litter.
56. Referral to Natural Resources Conservation Authority.
57. Cessation order.
58. Information on pollution control operation.
59. Enforcement of controls.
60. Supplementary provisions as to enforcement.
61. Appeal Tribunal.
62. Appeal to Minister.
63. General powers of entry, inspection and scizure.
64. Vehicles, etc., may be seized and detained.
65. Procedure regarding application for forfeiture.
66. Authority may institute procecdings.
67. Minister may amend monetary penaltics.
PART IX. General
68. Regulations.
69. Act applies to Crown.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by EN. 28/2004]
[/st April, 2002.]
PART 1. Preliminary
1. This Act may be cited as the National Solid Waste
Management Act.
2.—(1) In this Act—
“authority” means the National Solid Waste Management
Authority established under section 3;
“authorized officer” means—
(a) any person appointed as a traffic warden under
section 117 (1) of the Road Traffic Act;
(6) a person appointed as an authorized officer under
the Natural Resources Conservation (Marine
Parks) Regulations, 1992 or the Natural Resources
(National Parks) Regulations, 1993, or any person
duly authorized by the Minister or by the
Authority under section 20 of the Natural
Resources Conservation Authority Act;
(c) a public health officer;
(ad) any member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force or
the Island Special Constabulary Force;
(e) a person designated as an authorized officer by the
Authority under section 4 (2) (4);
(f) an inspector,
and any other person acting in aid of such person acting
in the execution of his office or duty shall be deemed to
be an officer acting in the execution of his duty;
{The inelusion of this page is authorized by U.N. 28/2003]
27 of 2001.
Short title.
“container means a receptacle or portable device in which
solid waste is stored, transported, treated, disposed of
or otherwise handled;
“disposal facilities” includes motor vehicles, containers and
equipment used for the management of solid waste,
transfer stations, sanitary and other landfills,
composting sites, recycling plants, sites and depots,
dumps and other solid waste disposal operations and
“financial assurance” means proof provided to the Authority
by an applicant, licensee or former licensee of his
ability to secure or guarantee funding—
(a) for or towards the carrying out of any works,
projects or programmes—
(1) to restore, ameliorate, replace or remedy,
any loss, damage or injury which is
reasonably likely to be caused by the
operation of the facility;
(ii) to reduce pollution;
(b) to provide corrective action during the operation of
a facility, to properly close the facility or to
provide for post-closure care thereof, or
(c) to correct or ameliorate any environmental harm
caused by the operation of a facility;
“functions” includes powers and duties;
“hazardous waste” means—
(a) waste which, because of its chemical or other
property, may cause, promote or result, directly or
indirectly, in—
(i) hazard or harm to human health or create
a nuisance;
(ii) hazard to the natural living condition of
plants and animals;
{The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 28/2003
(iii) pollution of land, water, the atmosphere
or the environment;
(iv) fire or explosion;
(v) excessive sound or noise;
(vi) the appearance and multiplication of
harmful animals or plants;
(vii) the encouragement of pathogens;
(viii) disturbance of public order and safety;
(6) such other waste as the Minister may, by order,
declare to be hazardous;
“Jandfill” means a facility or part of a facility where solid
waste is placed in or on land for disposal but does not
include a surface impoundment or an injection well;
“leachate” means liquid that has percolated through solid
waste or other medium;
“litter” means solid waste in any public place and includes
any refuse, rubbish, bottles, glass, debris, dirt, rubble,
ballast, stones, noxious or contained substances or
waste matter or any other matter likely to deface, make
untidy, obstruct or cause a nuisance in a public place;
“Jocal authority” means—
(a) in relation to the parishes of Kingston and St.
Andrew, the Council of the Kingston and St.
Andrew Corporation; and
(6) in relation to any other parish, the Parish Council
of that parish;
“Operating certificate” means a certificate issued by the
Authority signifying that—
(a) asolid waste disposal facility;
(b) a provider of solid waste collection or transfer
services; or
(c) a provider of other solid waste management
is licensed under this Act;
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by [E.N. 28/2003]
“packaging” means the container in which usable goods are
includes any notice, bill, grattiti and any other
similar publication;
“public place” includes—
every public highway, street, road, square, court,
alley, lane, bridle way, footway, parade, wharf,
jetty, quay, bridge, sidewalk, verge;
any public garden, park or open space, theatre,
stadium, place of public entertainment of any kind,
or other place of general resort to which the public
have, or are permitted to have, access with or
without payment of any fee;
any beach or foreshore or the bank of any river or
stream or the margin of any lake, pond, lagoon or
any gully, to which the public have, or are
permitted to have, access with or without payment
of any fee;
any other open space to which the public has
access as of right without payment of any tee;
such other place to which the public has access, as
may be prescribed,
“receptacle” means any container or vessel provided or
approved by the Authority for the deposit therein of
solid waste;
“recycling” includes composting and any process by which
material that would otherwise become solid waste is
collected, separated, or processed and reused or
returned to use in the form of raw materials or products
but does not include energy or fuel production;
“resource recovery” includes—
(a) recycling;
(b) the extraction of economically usable material or
energy from solid waste; and
(The melusion of this page is authonzed by L.N. 28 2003]
(c) the conversion of solid waste into different use;
“reuse” means the use of waste material or products in the
same or similar application, without changing their
“sanitary landfill” means a land disposal site employing an
engineered method of solid waste disposal in a manner
that minimizes environmental hazards and meets any
prescribed design and operation standards;
“solid waste” includes medical and hazardous waste and—
(a) refuse or sludge from a waste treatment facility,
water supply plant, air pollution control facility
and garbage;
(6) solid, semi-solid or contained gaseous or liquid
matter resulting from industrial, commercial,
mining or agricultural operations or domestic
activities; and
(c) any contained substance or object which is or is
intended to be, or required by law to be, disposed
but does not include—
(i) animal manure and absorbent bedding
used for soil enrichment;
(ii) suspended solid or dissolved material in
sewage; and
(iii) industrial discharges from pipelines
conveying such waste;
“solid waste management” includes—
(a) the systematic control of the generation, collection,
separation, storage, reuse, recycling,
transportation, transfer, treatment, and disposal of
solid waste; and
(b) the characterization and measurement of solid
{The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 28/2003]
“storage” means the containment of waste, on a temporary
or permanent basis, so as not to constitute its disposal;
“transfer” means to carry, remove, transport or shift solid
waste from one place, disposal facility or container to
“transfer station” means a facility where solid waste is
collected, aggregated, sorted, stored, or processed for
the purpose of subsequent transfer to another facility
for further processing, treatment, transfer or disposal;
“vehicle” means any motor vehicle, cart, dray, pushcart,
wagon and any other vehicle of like nature.
(2) For the purpose of carrying out his duties in relation
to this Act, every authorized officer shall have the same
privileges and immunities as a Constable.
PART II. National Solid Waste Management Authority
Establishment and Functions
sr authorty. 3.—(1) There is hereby established, for the purposes of this
' Act, a body to be called the National Solid Waste Management
Authority which shall be a body corporate to which section 28
of the Interpretation Act shall apply.
se dule (2) The provisions of the First Schedule shall have effect
, as to the constitution of the Authority and otherwise in relation
Functions of 4.—(1) The Authority shall—
(a) take all such steps as are necessary for the effective
management of solid waste in Jamaica in order to
safeguard public health, ensure that the waste is
collected, stored, transported, recycled, reused or
disposed of, in an environmentally sound manner and
promote safety standards in relation to such waste;
(b) promote public awareness of the importance of
efficient solid waste management and foster
understanding of its importance to the conservation,
protection and proper use of the environment;
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 28/2003]
advise the Minister on matters of general policy
relating to solid waste management in Jamaica;
perform such other functions pertaining to solid waste
management as may be assigned to it by the Minister or
by or under this Act or any other enactment.
(2) In performing the functions specified in subsection
(1), the Authority may—
(a) convert existing dumps into sanitary landfills;
designate, develop and manage new sanitary landfills
and other solid waste disposal operations;
provide facilities for the collection, treatment and
disposal of solid waste;
institute measures to encourage waste reduction and
resource recovery;
introduce cost recovery measures for services provided
by or on behalf of the Authority;
establish procedures and develop, implement and
monitor a national plan and other plans and
programmes relating to solid waste management;
formulate standards, guidelines and codes of practice
relating to solid waste management and monitor
compliance with such standards, guidelines and codes;
initiate, carry out or support, by financial means or
otherwise, research which, in its opinion, is relevant to
any of its functions;
conduct seminars and provide appropriate training
programmes and consulting services and gather and
disseminate information relating to solid waste
define the minimum specifications of equipment used
for solid waste management;
[he inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 28 2003}
Authority to
be consulted.
of officers and
(k) from time to time, designate any person (whether
employed by the Authority or not) possessing the
prescribed qualification to be an authorized officer;
(J do anything or enter into any arrangement which, in
the opinion of the Authority, is necessary to ensure
the proper performance of its functions.
5. The Minister may, after consultation with the chairman,
give to the Authority such directions of a general character as to
the policy to be followed by the Authority in the performance of
its functions as appear to the Minister to be necessary in the
public interest and the Authority shall give effect thereto.
6.—(1) The Authority may delegate any of its functions
under this Act (other than the power of delegation or the power
to make regulations) to any local authority, member, officer or
agent of the Authority.
(2) Every delegation under subsection (1) is revocable
by the Authority and the delegation of a function shall not
preclude the performance of that function by the Authority.
7. Any person, body or agency having authority over any
matter in respect of which the Authority has functions to
perform under this Act shall not, whether provisionally or
finally, approve or determine such matter until the Authority has
been consulted.
8.—(1) The Authority shall appoint and employ, at such
remuneration and on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit,
an Executive Director, a Secretary, and such other officers and
employees as the Authority deems necessary for the proper
carrying out of its functions:
Provided that—
(a) no salary in excess of the prescribed rate shall be
assigned to any post without the prior approval of the
Minister; and
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 28/2003]
(6) no appointment shall be made to any post to which
salary in excess of the prescribed rate is assigned
without the prior approval of the Minister.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the “prescribed
trate” means such rate as the Minister may, by order, prescribe.
(3) The Governor-General may, subject to such
conditions, as he may impose, approve the appointment of any
public officer in the service of the Government to any office
within the Authority, and any public officer so appointed shall,
while so employed, in relation to any pension, gratuity or other
allowance and in relation to any other rights as a public officer,
be treated as continuing in the service of the Government.
9. The Authority may, with the approval of the Minister—
(a) enter into arrangements respecting schemes, whether
by way of insurance policies or otherwise; and
(6) make regulations,
for medical benefits, pensions, gratuities and other retiring
benefits or disability or death benefits, relating to employees ot
the Authority and such arrangements or regulations may include
provisions for the grant of benefits to the dependants and the
legal personal representatives of such employees.
Financial Provisions, Accounts and Reports
10.--(1) The funds and resources of the Authority shall
consist of—
(a) such sums as may, from time to time, be placed at the
disposal of the Authority by Parliament;
(b) all other sums and other property which‘may, in any
manner, become payable to or vested in the Authority
in respect of any matter incidental to its functions.
(2) The expenses of the Authority, including the
remuneration of members and employees, shall be paid out of
the funds of the Authority.
(The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 28 2003]
and other
Funds and
resources of
Power to
invest Moneys.
Accounts and
Estimates and
operating plan.
11. All moneys of the Authority not immediately required to
be expended for the purpose of meeting any of the obligations or
discharging any of the functions of the Authority may be
invested in such securities as may be approved by the Minister
and the Authority may, with the approval of the Minister, sell all
or any of such securities.
12.—(1) The Authority shall keep proper accounts and other
records in relation to its functions and shall prepare annually a
statement of accounts in a form satisfactory to the Minister and
conforming to established accounting principles.
(2) The accounts of the Authority shall be audited
annually by an auditor appointed in each year by the Authority
with the approval of the Minister.
(3) The Auditor-General shall be entitled at all times to
examine the accounts of the Authority.
13.—(1) The Authority shall, within six months after the end
of each financial year or within such longer period as the
Minister may in special circumstances approve, cause to be
made and transmit to the Minister a report dealing generally
with the activities of the Authority during the preceding
financial year.
(2) The Minister shal] cause a copy of the report
together with the annual statement of accounts and the auditor’s
report thereon to be laid in the House of Representatives and the
14. The Authority shall, in each financial year, before a date
specified by the Minister, submit to the Munister for his
(a) estimates of income and expenditure for the ensuing
financial year, and
(b) an operating plan for that year as to the projects to be
promoted or sponsored, or both, by the Authority, the
operational framework within which the Authority
shall carry out its functions, and such other matters as
the Minister may require.
[The inclusion of this page ts authonzed by L.N. 28/2003]
15. The Authority shall furnish the Minister with such
returns, accounts and other information as he may require with
respect to the activities of the Authority, and shall afford him
facilities for verifying such information in such manner and at
such times as he may reasonably require.
16.—(1) The income of the Authority shall be exempt from
income tax.
(2) The Authority shall be exempt from liability to
stamp duty in respect of any instrument executed by it or on its
(3) Any transfer by the Authority of any property
belonging to it or of any right or interest created in, over or
otherwise with respect to, any such property shall be exempt
from transfer tax.
(4) No customs duty, general consumption tax or other
similar impost shall be payable upon any article imported into
Jamaica or taken out of bond in Jamaica by the Authority and
shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Customs to be
required for the use of the Authority in the performance of its
17. Without prejudice to any other method of recovery, all
debts due to the Authority may be recovered in a Resident
Magistrate’s Court as a civil debt notwithstanding any limitation
as to the amount recoverable under the Judicature (Resident
Magistrates) Act.
18.—(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2), the
Authority may borrow such sums as may be required by it for
meeting any of its obligations or discharging any of its
(The inclusion of this page is authorized by 1.N. 28/2003]
Returns. etc.
from taNes
and duties.
Recovery of
Minister of
Finance may
loans to
(2) The power of the Authority to borrow shall, as to
amount, as to the source of borrowing, and as to the terms on
which the borrowing may be effected, be exercisable only with
the approval of the Minister responsible for finance and any
approval given in any respects for the purposes of this
subsection may be either general or limited to a particular
borrowing or otherwise and may be either unconditional or
subject to conditions.
19.—(1) With the approval of the House of Representatives
signified by resolution, the Minister responsible for finance may
guarantee, in such manner and on such conditions as he thinks
fit, the repayment of the principal and the payment of interest
and charges on any authorized borrowing of the Authonity.
(2) Where the Minister responsible for finance is
satisfied that there has been default in the repayment of any
principal moneys guaranteed under the provisions of this section
or in the payment of interest or charges so guaranteed he shall
direct the repayment or, as the case may be, the payment, out of
the Consolidated Fund of the amount in respect of which there
has been such default and any such repayment or payment shal!
be a charge on the Consolidated Fund.
(3) The Authority shall make to the Accountant-
General, at such times and in such manner as the Minister
responsible for finance may direct, payments of such amounts as
may be so directed in or towards repayment of any sums issued
in fulfilment of any guarantee under this section, and payments
of interest on what is outstanding for the time being in respect of
any sums so issued at such rate as the Minister may direct, and
different rates of interest may be directed as respects different
sums and as respects interest for different periods.
PART IU. J/nspection
20.—(1) The Authority may, from time to time, appoint as
inspectors for the purpose of this Act, public officers or other
persons who, by training and experience, are, in its opinion,
qualified to be so appointed.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN, 88/2003]
ment of
(2) The Authority shall issue each inspector with an
identification card and the inspector shall, on entering any place
for the purpose of carrying into effect any of the functions
specified in section 21, produce the identification card to the
operator or other person in charge thereof.
(3) The appointment of any person as an inspector shall
be published in the Gazette.
21. An inspector shall—
(a) inspect disposal facilities in order to ensure
compliance with—
(i) the provisions of this Act or any
regulations made hereunder;
(ii) any condition subject to which a licence is
granted; or
(iii) the requirements of the Public Health Act
and any other law pertaining to the
disposal of waste and the regulation of
waste operations;
(b) keep such records, as may be specified by the
Authority, in respect of disposal facilities that are
(c) report generally to the Authority at such times and in
such manner as the Authority may determine; and
(d) perform such other functions as may be prescribed or
as may be authorized by the Authority for the
purposes of this Act.
PART IV. Management of Solid Waste
Restriction on Solid Waste Management
22. Subject to section 23, a person shall not manage solid
waste except under and in accordance with the provisions of this
Act and any regulations made hereunder.
{The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
Functions of
on solid
for solid waste
Grant or
refusal of
Application, Grant, Refusal, Renewal, Modification,
Surrender, Suspension and Revocation of Licences
23.—(1) Every person who—
(a) operates or proposes to operate a solid waste disposal
(6) provides or proposes to provide solid waste collection
or transfer services; or
(c) otherwise manages solid waste,
shall apply in the prescribed form and manner to the Authority
for the appropriate licence.
(2) An application under subsection (1) shall be
accompanied by the prescribed application fee.
(3) Where the Authority thinks necessary it may require
an applicant for a licence to furnish such additional information
or document as it may specify.
(4) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the
Authority, exempt categories of persons from the operation of
this section or section 33.
24.—(1) Upon receipt of an application under section 23, the
Authority shall—
(a) cause an inspector to carry out an inspection of any
solid waste disposal facility to which the application
(b) invite, within such period as the Authority may
specify, the written comments or recommendations of
the following organizations—
(i) the Natural Resources Conservation
(ii) the Water Resources Authority;
(iii) the Ministry responsible for health;
(iv) the relevant local authority; and
(v) such organization as the Authority thinks
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 88/2003]
(2) The inspector shall submit to the Authority a report
in the prescribed form in respect of an inspection carried out
under subsection (1).
(3) Upon receipt of the report and any written comments
or recommendations, the Authority may, subject to subsection
(a) grant a licence upon payment of the prescribed
licence fee: or
(6) refuse to grant a licence.
(4) A licence granted under this section shall be subject
to such terms and conditions, including the provision of
financial assurance or insurance in accordance with section 33,
as may be specified therein.
(5) Where the Authority grants a licence under this
section it shall issue an operating certificate to the licensee.
(6) Where the Authority refuses to grant a licence under
this Act, it shall so inform the applicant in writing stating the
reasons therefor.
25. A licence granted under this Act shall not be transferable
and shall be valid for such period as is specified therein.
26.—(1) The Authority may refuse to issue a licence under
this Act—
(a) where, in the opinion of the Authority, the issue of the
licence would not be in the public interest, having
regard to such factors as the Authority considers
(b) where an application contains or is based on a false or
misleading representation or information which is
false in a material particular;
(c) to an individual who—
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
ability and
validity of
Grounds for
refusal to
Renewal of
is under the age of eighteen years,
is an undischarged bankrupt; or
has been convicted, during the period of
five years immediately preceding the
application, of an offence specified in
subsection (2);
(d) toa body corporate—
in respect of which a resolution has been
passed for voluntary winding up or an
order has been made by a court of
competent jurisdiction for its winding up;
if a receiver has been appointed to
manage any of its assets;
if any of its directors has been convicted
of an offence specified in subsection (2)
during the period of five years
immediately preceding the application;
which has been convicted during the
period of five years immediately
preceding the application of an offence
specified in subsection (2);
(e) if, in the opinion of the Authority, the applicant is not
a fit and proper person to be granted a licence.
(2) The offence referred to in subsection (1) is—
(a) an offence against this Act or any regulations made
hereunder, or
(6) an offence involving fraud or dishonesty.
27.—(1) A licence granted pursuant to this Act may be
renewed by the Authority if—
(a) an application for renewal is made not later than
thirty days before the date of expiry or within such
longer period as the Authority may allow;
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
(b) the Authority is satisfied that the licensee is operating
in compliance with the provisions of this Act or any
regulations made hereunder,
(c) the applicant has paid all fees payable to the
Authority under this Act or any regulations made
(7) there has been no material change in the
circumstances which existed at the time the licence
was granted which would justify the application being
treated as a new application in the manner specified in
subsection (2); and
(e) the applicant has not been convicted of an offence
specified in section 26 (2) or, in the case of a body
corporate, a director, the manager, the secretary or
other officer thereof has not been convicted of such
an offence.
(2) Where the Authority—
(a) receives an application for the renewal of a licence
after the period specified in subsection (1) (a). or
(6) is satisfied that a material change of circumstances
has occurred since the licence had been granted,
it shall treat the application as a new application, and
accordingly, the provisions of sections 23 and 24 shall apply.
28. The Authority shall not issue a licence retrospectively.
29.—(1) A licensee may apply to the Authority for variation,
modification or surrender of the licence stating clearly the
reasons therefor.
(2) In considering an application under subsection (1),
the Authority shall have regard to the matters specified in
section 26.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
on grant of
etc. of
puspension of — 30.—(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Authority may
, suspend a licence if—
(a) the licensee has failed to pay any fees or other
charges required by this Act or any regulations made
(b) the licensee is in breach of—
(i) any provision of this Act or any
regulations made hereunder, or
(ii) any term or condition subject to which the
licence is granted;
(c) it.is satisfied that it is not possible to carry out a
proper inspection of the licensed facility;
(d) a licensee notifies the Authority in writing that he
intends to cease the operations for which he is
licensed for the period stated in the notice.
(2) Before suspending a licence under subsection (1) (a),
(b) or (c), the Authority shall notify the licensee in writing of the
proposed suspension—
(a) stating the reason therefor;
(b) requiring the licensee, in the case of a breach, to
remedy the breach within the time specified in the
(3) A licensee who.is served with a notice under
subsection (2) shall, after remedying the breach which gave rise
to the suspension, notify the Authority in writing that the breach
has been remedied.
(4) The Authority shall, upon receipt of a notice
referred to in subsection (3), cause an inspection to be carried
out within ten days of the receipt of the notice and if, on
inspection, the inspector is satisfied that the breach has been
remedied, he shall report in writing to the Authority which shall
withdraw the notice of suspension.
[Phe mchusonof this page is authorized by LN &8/2603]
31.—(1) The Authority may revoke a licence if it is satisfied
a licensee has ceased to comply with the provisions of
this Act or any regulations made hereunder in relation
to the licensed disposal operation;
the application for the licence contained any false or
misleading information in any material particular;
the licensee has failed to remedy the breach which
gave rise to the suspension of the licence under
section 30, within the time specified in a notice under
subsection (2) of that section;
any fee or other charge payable by the licensee
remains unpaid for a period of ninety days after the
suspension of the licence.
(2) Before revoking a licence under subsection (1), the
Authority shall notify the licensee in writing of the proposed
revocation stating the reasons therefor.
(3) Where a licence is revoked pursuant to this section
the licence and any operating certificate shall be returned
forthwith to the Authority.
32.—(1) The Authority shall keep a record of every licence
granted under this Act.
(2) Every licensee shall keep such books, documents or
records as may be prescribed.
Financial Assurance and Insurance
33.—(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Authority may, before
or after it issues, varies, modifies, suspends or revokes a licence
or before it approves of its surrender, require the applicant,
licensee or former licensee, as the case may be, to provide
financial assurance.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
of licence.
may require
(2) The Authority may, in addition to requiring financial
assurance or in substitution therefor, require that the owner or
operator of a disposal facility effect and carry out contracts of
insurance against loss of, or damage to, or arising out of or in
connection with, the operation or proposed operation of the
Financial 34, Financial assurance shal] not operate as a penalty for a
to be penalty. contravention of this Act, any regulations hereunder, the
' conditions of a licence or the conditions of the suspension,
revocation or surrender of a licence.
Form of 35.—(1) Financial assurance may be in one or more of the
Hnanctal following forms—
(a) a bank guarantee;
(6) atrust fund;
(c) abond;
(d) aline of credit;
(e) amanagement escrow account; or
(f) such other form of security as the Authority
considers appropriate and specifies as a condition
of a licence or the operation or closure of a
disposal facility.
(2) The Authority may, as a condition of a licence,
specify the procedures under which financial assurance may
be administered, called on or used.
Ruin on 36. The Authority shall not require financial assurance unless
financial it is satisfied that the requirement is justified having regard to—
(a) the degree of risk of environmental harm associated
with the activities to which the licence relates,
(6) the remedial work that may be required because of
the activities to which the licence relates;
{The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 88/2003]
(c) the environmental record of the applicant, licensee,
or former licensee, as the case may be; or
(d) such other matters as may be prescribed.
37.—(1) Subject to subsection (2), the amount of financial
assurance shall be determined by the Authority.
(2) The Authority shall not require financial assurance
of an amount that is greater than the amount that, in its opinion,
represents a reasonable estimate of the total likely costs and
expenses that may be incurred in carrying out the work, project
or programme required by or under this Act for which financial
assurance is required, including the Authority’s likely costs and
expenses in directing and supervising the carrying out of the
work, project or programme.
38. Financial assurance shall be provided—
(a) for the period specified in the licence; or
(b) if no such period is specified, until—
(i) the licence is varied to remove the
condition requiring the financial assurance;
(ii) the licence is surrendered under section 29.
39.—(1) The Authority may, by the use of contractors,
consultants or other persons, carry out, direct or supervise the
carrying out of any work, project or programme covered by any
financial assurance required under a licence if the licensee or
former licensee fails, in the opinion of the Authority, to carry
out any work, project or programme in accordance with the
licence or is incapable of doing so.
(2) The Authority may enter, or authorize any other
person to enter, the premises concerned to carry out the work,
project or programme.
40.—(1) The Authority may recover or fund the reasonable
costs or expenses of the contractors, consultants or other persons
in carrying out such work, project or programme (including the
Authority’s likely costs and expenses in directing and
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
Amount of
Duration of
Carrying out
of work,
project or
when licensee
fails to do so.
Claim on or
realizing of
supervising the carrying out of the work, project or programme)
by making a claim on the insurance or realizing the financial
assurance or part thereof.
(2) Before making the claim on the insurance or
realizing the financial assurance or part thereof, the Authority
shall give to the licensee or former licensee a written notice
under this section.
(3) A notice under this section shall—
(a) specify the reason for making the claim on the
insurance or realizing the financial assurance, or
part thereof;
(5) state details of the work, project or programme
carried out or proposed to be carried out;
(c) state the amount of the financial assurance to be
claimed or realized;
(d@) invite the licensee or former licensee to make
representations to the Authority to show why the
financial assurance should not be claimed or
realized as proposed; and
(e) state the period (at least thirty days after the notice
is given to the licensee or former licensee) within
which written representations may be made.
(4) At the end of the period stated in the notice, the
Authority shall consider any representations properly made
by the licensee or former licensee.
(5) If the Authority decides to make a claim on the
insurance or realize the financial assurance, or any part
thereof, the Authority shall forthwith give written notice to
the licensee or former licensee of its decision and the reasons
(6) The Authority shall return any excess amounts to
the licensee or former licensee.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 88/2003}
41.—(1) Where the amount recovered by the Authority under
section 40 is less than the Authority’s reasonable costs and
expenses in taking action or remedying the environmental harm
caused by the solid waste disposal facility or solid waste
collection or transfer services to which a licence relates, the
Authority may, by notice in writing, require the licensee or
former licensee to pay the difference between the Authority’s
reasonable costs and expenses and the amount recovered by the
Authority, within such time as may be specified therein.
(2) Where—
(a) the Authority has given a notice under subsection (1);
(5) the licensee has failed to pay the specified sum on or
before the specified date,
the Authority shall be entitled to recover, from the licensee or
former licensee, the amount or so much thereof as remains
unpaid, together with interest calculated at such rate as the
Minister may specify, as a civil debt in the Resident Magistrate's
Court for the parish in which the place is, or premises are,
situated, notwithstanding any limitation as to amount
recoverable under the Judicature (Resident Magistrates) Act.
PART V. Recycling of Waste
42.—({1) The Authority may provide the occupier of any
premises, on his request, with receptacles to be used for-—
(a) compostable waste which is to be recycled;
(6) non-compostable waste which is to be recycled; or
(c) waste which is not to be recycled.
(2) Subject to subsection (4), the Authority may, in
relation to a request for receptacles—
(a) where possible, provide them free of charge; or
(b) provide them at such cost, and on such terms as to
payment, as may be agreed with the occupier.
{The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN 88/2003]
Recovery of °
of waste.
Power of
Authority in
relation to
(3) Where the Authority provides receptacles pursuant to
subsection (1), it may give directions in writing to the recipients
with respect to—
(a) the placing of the receptacles tor the purpose of
facilitating the emptying of them and access to them
for that purpose;
(6) the substances or articles which may or may not be
placed in the receptacles and the precautions to be
taken where particular substances or articles are
placed therein; and
(c) the steps to be taken by occupiers of premises to
facilitate the collection of waste from the receptacles.
(4) The Authority may make such arrangement as it
considers necessary for another organization to provide, on its
behalf, receptacles for the storage of waste which is to be
(5) No receptacles provided under subsection (1) shall be
placed on a road, unless—
(a) the local authority has consented thereto; and
(b) arrangements have been made as to the liability for
any damage arising out of their being so placed.
(6) A person who fails, without reasonable excuse, to
comply with any directions given under subsection (3) commits
an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one hundred
thousand dollars.
(7) A person who interferes with, damages or destroys
any receptacle provided under subsection (1) commits an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million dollars.
PART VI. Special Provisions in Relation to Litter
43.—({1) The Authority shall provide and maintain in public
places such number of receptacles for the deposit of litter as the
Authority considers necessary.
(The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
(2) The Authority may —
designate any area in any public place or, with the
approval of the owner, any premises as a litter
collection area;
designate as litter wardens, for the purposes of this
Act, persons who, by training or experience, are, in its
opinion, qualified to be so designated;
determine the nature and type of litter which shall be
deposited in any receptacle or in any litter collection
area; and
determine the time, place or circumstances in which
litter may be deposited in any litter collection area.
PART VII. Offences and Penalties
44, Every person who—
(a) unlawfully removes any solid waste from a disposal
facility or from any place under the control of the
interferes or tampers with any disposal facility or any
place where solid waste is stored or kept by the
commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five
hundred thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
45. Every person who—
disposes of solid waste in any area or in any manner
not approved by the Authority;
operates a solid waste disposal facility, provides solid
waste collection or transfer services or otherwise
manages solid waste, without a valid licence or
operating certificate under this Act or any regulation
hereunder; or
{The mcluston of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
Offence of
with disposal
Offence of
facility, etc.,
Offence of
littering public
place, etc.
Offence of
private place
(c) impedes in any manner the collection and disposal of
solid waste,
commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding nine months
or to both such fine and imprisonment.
46.—(1) A person commits an offence if he—
(a) throws, drops or otherwise deposits and leaves any
litter in any public place; or
(b) erects, displays (whether by writing, marking or
otherwise), deposits or affixes anything in a public
place or on any building, wall, fence or structure
abutting or adjoining a public place, in such
circumstances as to cause, contribute to or tend to the
defacement of that place, building wall, fence or
structure, as the case may be,
and shall be liable to a penalty under section 53.
(2) Where any person, on behalf of some other person
employing or recruiting him for the purpose, does any act in
contravention of subsection (1) (5), the person employing or
recruiting him also commits an offence and shall be liable to a
penalty under section 53 unless he proves that the act done was
contrary to his express instructions and that the act, if performed
as instructed, would not have been in contravention of this
(3) In any proceedings under this section, it shall be a
defence to prove that the act that is the subject matter of the
proceedings was authorized by law or was done with the consent
of the owner or occupier or other person having control of the
public place or building, wall, fence or structure, as the case may
47, Any person who throws, drops or otherwise deposits or
leaves any litter in any premises owned or occupied by another
person without the consent of that other person, the proof
whereof shail lie on the person charged, commits an offence and
shall be liable to a penalty under section 53.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 88/2003]
48. Any person who wilfully breaks any bottle or any glass or
any article made of glass in or on any public place without
lawful authority or reasonable excuse commits an offence and
shall be liable to a penalty under section 53.
49.—(1) A person commits an offence if—
for the purposes of obtaining, whether for himself or
for any other person, the issue, grant or renewal of
any licence under this Act, he makes any declaration
or statement which is false or misleading in any
he knowingly furnishes to an authorized officer or
other person performing any duty in relation to this
Act, a document that contains information which is
false or misleading in any particular;
he knowingly utters, produces, or makes use of any
such declaration or statement or any document
containing any false declaration or statement; or
he falsifies or amends any information contained in a
(2) A person who commits an offence under subsection
(1) shall be liable on summary conviction before a Resident
Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both such
fine and imprisonment.
50.—(1) A person commits an offence if he—
wilfully hinders or obstructs an authorized officer
acting in the execution of his duties under this Act;
without lawful excuse, fails within a reasonable time
to comply with any requirement of an authorized
officer exercising a power conferred on him under
this Act;
upon being required to disclose his true name and
place of residence by an authorized officer acting in
the execution of his duties under this Act—
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
Offence of
bottles, etc.,
in public
Offence of
false or
Offence of
etc., autho-
rized officer.
Offence of
failure to keep
records, etc.
for offence
under sections
46, 47 and 48.
(i) refuses to disclose his true name and place
of residence; or
(ii) gives a false name or place of residence;
(d) personates or pretends to be an authorized officer; or
(e) assaults, threatens, intimidates, or uses threatening
language or behaves in a threatening manner to any
authorized officer acting in the execution of his duties
under this Act.
(2) A person who commits an offence under subsection
(1) shall be liable on summary conviction before a Resident
Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to
both such fine and imprisonment.
51. Every person who—
(a) fails to keep any books, documents or records
required to be kept under this Act; or
(6) fails, without reasonable excuse, to produce any such
books, documents or records,
commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five
hundred thousand dollars, or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
52. Every person who commits an offence under this Act or
any regulations hereunder in respect of which no special penalty
is provided, shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five hundred
thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six
months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
53.—(1) This section applies to any offence referred to in
sections 46, 47 and 48 and such other offences as may be
[The mclusion of this page ts authorized by 1. N 88/2003]
(2) Where an authorized officer finds a person on any
occasion and has reason to believe that on that occasion that
person is committing or has committed an offence to which this
section applies, he may serve that person with the prescribed
notice in writing offering the discharge of any liability to
conviction of that offence by payment of a fixed penalty under
this section.
(3) Where a person is served with a notice under
subsection (2)—
(a) that person shall not be liable to be convicted of that
offence if the fixed penalty is paid in accordance with
this section before the expiration of twenty-one days
following the date of the notice or such longer period
as may be specified therein or before the date on
which proceedings are begun, whichever is later:
(6) proceedings shall not be taken against him for that
offence by any authorized officer until the end of the
twenty-one days following the date of the notice or
such longer period (if any) as may have been specified
(4) Payment of a fixed penalty under this section shall
be made to the Authority or to such body, on behalf of the
Authority, as the Minister may, by order, designate and the
Authority may retain the amount paid as part of its funds.
(5) In any proceedings, a certificate that payment of a
fixed penalty was or was not made to the Authority or to a body
designated under subsection (4) by a date specified in the
certificate shall, if the certificate purports to be signed by the
proper officer of the Authority, or of that body, be sufficient
evidence of the facts stated, unless the contrary is proved.
(6) A notice under subsection (2) shall—
(a) specify the offence alleged;
(The melusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
(b) give such particulars of the offence as are necessary
for giving reasonable information of the allegation;
(c) state—
(i) the period during which, by virtue of
subsection (3), proceedings will not be
instituted against any person for the
offence; and
(ii) the amount of the fixed penalty.
(7) In any proceedings for an offence to which this
section applies, no reference shall be made after the conviction
of the accused to the giving of any notice under this section or to
the payment or non-payment of a fixed penalty ‘hereunder
unless, in the course of the proceedings or in some document
which is before the Court in connection with the proceedings,
reference has been made by or on behalf of the accused to the
giving of such notice or, as the case may be, to such payment or
(8) The Minister may make regulations prescribing any
matter incidental to the operation of this section, and in
particular such regulations may prescribe—
(a) the fixed penalty for an offence to which subsection
(1) applies; and
(5) the form of notice under subsection (2).
(9) In this section "proceedings" means any criminal
proceedings in respect of the act or omission constituting the
offence specified in the notice under subsection (2), and
"convicted" shall be construed in like manner.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
54. Where an offence under this Act or any regulations made
hereunder which has been committed by a body corporate is
proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance
of, or to be attributable to any negligence on the part of any
director, manager, secretary or other officer of the body
corporate, the director, manager, secretary or other officer of the
body corporate as well as the body corporate shall be liable to be
proceeded against and punished accordingly.
PART VII. /nforcement and Appeal
55.—(1) Without prejudice to any proceedings for an offence
under section 46, 47 or 48, where litter is left or caused to be left
in any public place or on private premises in such circumstances
as to cause, contribute to or tend to the defacement thereof, the
Authority may act in accordance with subsection (2).
(2) The Authority may, subject to subsection (3), give
notice (whether orally or in writing) to—
(a) the person leaving or causing the litter to be left on
any public place or private premises; or
(4) the owner or occupier of such place or premises; or
(c) the person having control or responsibility for the
place or premises,
requiring him to remove the litter in such manner as to restore
the premises to a condition satisfactory to the Authority.
(3) A notice under subsection (2) shall require the litter
to be removed—
(a) forthwith, in the case of dead animals, carrion or
other litter considered by the Authority to be
dangerous to health or life; or
[The melusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003)
Offence by
Power of
Authority to
removal of
Referral to
(6) in any other case, within such time as may be limited
by the notice (not being less than three days).
(4) A notice under subsection (2) may be served on a
person either personally or by being sent by post to his last
known business or private address or may be posted up in some
conspicuous position on the premises on which the litter has
been left.
(5) A person who fails to comply with the requirements
of a notice under subsection (2) commits an offence and shall
be liable on summary conviction in a Resident Magistrate’s
Court to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars.
(6) Subject to subsection (7), the Authority may, without
prejudice to its right to take action under subsection (2), by its
officers and servants, enter the premises and remove the litter or
restore the premises to a condition satisfactory to the Authority.
(7) The Authority shall be entitled to recover from the
person notified under subsection (2), the costs and expenses
incurred by it pursuant to subsection (6), as to civil debt in the
Resident Magistrate’s Court for the parish in which the place is,
or premises are, situated, notwithstanding any limitation as to
amounts recoverable under the Judicature (Resident Magistrates)
56. Where the Authority is of the opinion that a solid waste
disposal operation has, or is likely to have, an adverse effect on
the environment or public health, the Authority may refer the
matter to the Natural Resources Conservation Authority.
57.—(1) Where a person who—
(a) operates a solid waste disposal facility;
(4) provides solid waste collection or transfer services; or
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 88/2003]
(c) otherwise manages solid waste,
fails to apply for a licence as required under or by section 23, the
Authority may issue an order in writing to that person directing
him to cease the activity specified in paragraph (a), (4) or (c), as
the case may be, by such date as shall be specified in the order.
(2) Where the person to whom an order is issued under
subsection (1) fails to comply with the order, the Authority
(a) direct an authorized officer to take such steps as it
considers appropriate to ensure the cessation of the
activity to which the order relates; or
(6) apply to the Supreme Court for an injunction, whether
or not it has exercised or is proposing to exercise its
powers under paragraph (a) or any of its other
powers under this Act.
(3) In carrying out a direction pursuant to subsection (2)
(a), an authorized officer may use such force as may be
necessary for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the order.
58.—(1) The Authority may, after consultation with the
Natural Resources Conservation Authority, by notice in writing,
require the owner or operator of any sewage treatment plant,
industrial waste treatment facility or other solid waste disposal
facility that generates sludge, to submit to the Authority, at such
intervals as the Authority may specify in the notice, the
information specified in subsection (2).
(2) The information referred to in subsection (1) shall
relate to all or any of the following—
(a) the performance of the operation;
(b) the quantity, type and condition of solid waste
(c) the quantity, quality and method of treatment and
disposal of leachate and other waste.
[the mncluston of this page 1s authorized by LN %8/2003|
on pollution
of controls.
(3) Any person who refuses or fails to comply with the
requirements of a notice under subsection (1) commits an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five hundred
thousand dollars or in default of payment to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding six months.
59.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, where on
investigation it appears to the Authority that the activities of a
disposal facility in any area are such as to pose a serious threat
to the natural resources or to public health, the Authority may
serve on the person who appears to have carried out or to be
carrying out the activity, a notice (hereinafter referred to as “an
enforcement notice”) in accordance with subsection (2).
(2) An enforcement notice shall—
(a) specify the offending activity, and
(8) require such steps as may be specified therein to be
taken within such period as may be so specified to
ameliorate the effect of the activity and, where
appropriate, to restore the natural resources to their
condition before the activity took place.
(3) The Authority may, in the enforcement notice, order
the immediate cessation of the offending activity if it is of the
opinion that the circumstances giving rise to the notice are such
as to warrant an order to that effect.
(4) Where an appeal is made pursuant to section 61
against a decision of the Authority to order the cessation of an
offending activity, the notice shall remain in effect pending the
final determination of the appeal or the withdrawal thereof.
(5) Where a person who is served with an enforcement
notice fails to comply with the notice, the Authority may direct
an authorized officer to take such steps as it considers
appropriate to ensure the cessation of the activity to which the
notice relates.
{The inclusion of ths page ts authorized by L.N 88 2003)
(6) Every person on whom an enforcement notice is
served who continues or authorizes the continuation of the
offending activity while that notice is in effect or after the
dismissal of an appeal relating to that notice, commits an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both
such fine and imprisonment.
(7) The Authority shall be entitled to recover the costs
and expenses incurred in the restoration, amelioration or
replacement of any natural resources damaged or destroyed by
an offending activity.
(8) In carrying out a direction under subsection (5), an
authorized officer may use such force as may be necessary for
the purpose of ensuring compliance with the enforcement notice.
60.—(1) Where an enforcement notice takes effect and,
within the time specified therein or such extended period as the
Authority may allow, any steps required by notice to be taken
have not been taken, the Authority may enter on the land on
which the offending activity took place and take such steps.
(2) A person who, being entitled to appeal against a
decision of the Authority under section 61, fails to do so, shall
not be entitled in proceedings under subsection (2) of that
section to dispute the validity of the action taken by the
Authority on any ground that could have been raised in such
61.—(1) There is hereby established for the purposes of this
Act an Appeal Tribunal and the provisions of the Second
Schedule shall have effect as to the constitution of the Appeal
Tribunal and otherwise in relation thereto.
(2) The Appeal Tribunal shall hear appeals made to it in
respect of the issue of enforcement notices by the Authority
pursuant to section 59 and in respect of any such appeal the
Tribunal may, subject to the provisions of this section—
[The inclusion of this page 1s authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
as to
Appeal to
(a) quash or vary the notice;
(b) dismiss the appeal; and
(c) make such order as to costs and fees as it deems
(3) Where a notice is varied or the appeal dismissed
under subsection (2), the Appeal Tribunal may direct that the
enforcement notice shall not take effect until such date (not
being later than twenty-eight days from the determination of the
appeal) as the Tribunal thinks fit.
(4) Before determining an appeal, the Appeal Tribunal
shall give the applicant, who may be represented by an
Attorney-at-Law or any other person, the opportunity to be
heard by the Tribunal.
62.—(1) A person who is aggrieved by the decision of the
(a) not to grant a licence;
(6) to require financial assurance or insurance as a
condition of a licence or to include any other term or
condition in a licence; or
(c) to suspend or revoke a licence,
may appeal to the Minister by way of a notice of appeal within
twenty-eight days of the date of the decision or within such
longer period as the Minister may, in any special circumstance,
(2) The notice of appeal shall set out clearly the grounds
of the appeal and shall be accompanied by copies of any
correspondence, document or statement relevant to the appeal.
(3) A copy of the notice of appeal together with copies
of any correspondence, document or statement shall be served
on the Authority.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by £..N 88/2003]
(4) The Minister shall, within seven days of the receipt
of a notice of appeal under subsection (1), request the Authority
to furnish him, within seven days, with a statement in writing
setting out the reasons for its decision.
(5) The Minister may order that any book, paper,
document or statement, relating to the appeal which is in the
possession of the Authority or the person aggrieved be produced
at the hearing of the appeal.
(6) The Minister shall cause all parties to the appeal to
be intormed—
(a) of the date of the hearing of the appeal:
(b) that they may appear themselves or be represented by
their Attorney-at-Law; and
(c) that they may summon witnesses in their cause.
(7) On hearing an appeal under this section, the Minister
(a) dismiss the appeal and confirm the decision of the
(6) allow the appeal and set aside the decision;
(c) vary the decision; or
(2) direct that the matter be referred to the Authority.
63.—(1) Subject to subsection (2), an authorized officer
referred to in paragraphs (4), (c), (d), (e) and () of the definition
of “authorized officer” may, for the purpose of the execution of
this Act, enter at all reasonable times the premises in which any
solid waste disposal operation is carried on and inspect any book
to which any solid waste document or record or thing relates.
(The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 88/2003]
powers of
and seizure.
Vehicles, etc.,
may be seized
and detained.
(2) An authorized officer referred to in subsection (1)—
(a) shall produce a duly authenticated document showing
his authority; and
(6) may, during the course of an inspection under
subsection (1), seize and detain any equipment or
other article, which the authorized officer reasonably
believes is being used in contravention of any
provision of this Act.
(3) Any equipment or article seized under this section
shall be returned to the person from whose possession it was
seized, as soon as practicable, and in any case shall not be
retained for a period longer than two months or, if within that
period Court proceedings have been brought in respect of the
seizure, longer than the conclusion of those proceedings.
64.—(1) Where an authorized officer has reasonable cause to
suspect that any vehicle, aircraft, vessel, article, enclosure,
container or other storage facility, device or apparatus
(hereinafter referred to as “specified equipment”) is being used
or has been used in the commission of an offence against this
Act, the authorized officer may, with a warrant issued by a
Resident Magistrate, search the specified equipment and, if such
search reveals evidence that the specified equipment is being
used or has been used for the commission of any offence as
aforesaid, the authorized officer may seize and detain the
specified equipment.
(2) Where any specified equipment is seized pursuant to
this section and—
(a) a person is convicted of an offence against this Act;
(6) the Court is satisfied that—
(i) that person owns the specified equipment
used in the commission of the offence; or
(ii) the owner of the specified equipment
permitted it to be so used, or
[Phe anchiston of this pape ts authouzed by EN 88/2003]
(iii) the circumstances are otherwise such that
it is just to do so,
the Court may, upon an application by the Authority,
order the forfeiture of the specified equipment.
65.—(1) Where the Authority proposes to apply for forfeiture
of any specified equipment under section 64 it shall give to any
person who, to its knowledge, was the owner thereof at the time
of the seizure, notice of the seizure and of the intention, after the
expiration of thirty days trom the date of the notice, to apply for
torfeiture and of the grounds therefor.
(2) Notice shall not be required under subsection (1) if
the seizure and detention were made in the presence of the
owner or person having interest in the specified equipment.
(3) Any person having a claim to any specified
equipment seized under this Act may appear at the hearing of
the application for forfeiture and show cause why such an order
should not be made.
(4) If, upon the application of a person prejudiced by an
order made under section 64 (2), the Court is satisfied that it is
just in the circumstances of the case to revoke such order, the
Court may revoke such order upon such terms and conditions, if
any, as it deems appropriate, and without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing, may require such person to pay in
respect of storage, maintenance, administrative expenses,
security and insurance of the specified equipment, such amount
as may be charged by the person in whose custody the specified
equipment was kept.
(5) An application to the Court under subsection (4) for
the revocation of a forfeiture order shall be made within thirty
days of the date of the making of such an order or such longer
period as the Court may allow, not exceeding six months.
66. The Authority may institute proceedings against any
person for an offence against this Act and recover any penalty
under this Act or any regulations made hereunder.
[The incluston of this page is authonzed by LN. 88 2003]
Minister may
67. The Minister may, by order, subject to affirmative
resolution, amend the monetary penalties specified in this Act.
PART IX. General
68.—(1) The Authority, after consultation with the Minister,
may make regulations for the purposes of giving effect to the
provisions of this Act, and in particular, but without prejudice to
the generality of the foregoing, such regulations may contain
provisions in relation to the following matters—
the carrying into effect of standards, recommended
practices and health requirements, for solid waste
management and solid waste disposal facilities;
minimum standards, including design standards, in
respect of solid waste disposal facilities;
classification of solid waste and waste disposal
licences and provisions relating to different classes of
waste and waste disposal licences;
the incineration, minimization and recycling of solid
the establishment of different grades for inspectors
and specifying their respective powers and duties;
(f) procedures for the measuring, frequency of collection
and disposal, analysis and extraction of solid waste;
the form and content of a financial assurance,
packaging audits and other waste audits, waste
reduction work plans, packaging reduction work
plans and industrial, commercial and institutional
source separation programme;
procedures for the issue of and conditions as to
the hours of operation of solid waste disposal
{The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003)
Act applies to
the Crown,
(j) the establishment of zones and boundaries in respect
of solid waste disposal facilities;
(k) fees and other charges payable in respect of any
licence or for any service provided by the Authority;
(4) the keeping of records,
(m) the making of reports by licensees;
(mn) the closure and post-closure operations of solid waste
disposal facilities;
(0) any other matter required under the Act to be
(2) Notwithstanding section 29 of the Interpretation Act,
regulations made under subsection (1) may provide for the
imposition of penalties on summary conviction in a Resident
Magistrate’s Court not exceeding a fine of five hundred
thousand dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six
months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
69. This Act binds the Crown.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
of Authority.
of members.
Chairman and
Gazetting of
Tenure of
National Solid Waste \fanagement Authority
1.—(1) The Authority shall consist of not more than eleven members.
(2) The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry responsible for local
government shall be an ex officio member of the Authority.
(3) The other members of the Authority (hereinafter referred to as
“the appointment members”) shali include—
(a) a representative of a non-governmental organization concerned
with the conservation and protection of the environment.
(/) arepresentative of the Jamaica Institution of Engineers.
2. The appointed members shall be appointed by the Minister bv
instrument in writing.
3.—(1) The Minister shall appoint a chairman and a deputy chairman
from among the appointed members of the Authority.
(2) In the case of the absence or inability to act of the chairman. the
deputy chairman shall perform the functions of the chairman.
(3) In the case of the absence or inability to act of both the chairman
and deputy chairman. the Minister may appoint anv other member of the
Authority to perform the functions of the chairman. or. as the case mav be.
the deputy chairman during such absence or inability.
4. The names of all members of the Authority as first constituted and
every change in the membership thereof shall be published in the Gazette.
5.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Schedule. an appointed member
of the Authority shall hold office for such period not exceeding three vears as
may be specified in the instrument of appointment.
(2) Every appointed member of the Authority shall be eligible for
reappointment but no membcr shall be appointed for more than six
conscculive years.
(3) If any vacancy occurs in the appointed membership of the
Authority such vacancy shall be filled by the appointment of another
appointed member who shall. subject to the provisions of this Schedule. hold
office for the remainder of the period for which the previous appointed
member was appointed.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N 88/2003]
6. The Minister. on the application of any appointed member of the
Authority, may grant to such member leave of absence for any period not
exceeding six months and may appoint some other person to act as a member
during the period of leave of absence so granted.
7.—(1) An appointed member of the Authority, other than the chairman.
may at any time resign his office by instrument in writing addressed to the
Minister and transmitted through the chairman, and from the date of receipt
by the Minister of such instrument, the member shall cease to be a member of
the Authority.
(2) The chairman may, at any time, resign his office by instrument in
writing addressed to the Minister and his resignation shall take effect from
the date of the receipt of the instrument by the Minister.
8.—(1) The Authority shall meet at such times as may be necessary or
expedient for the transaction of business, and such meeting shall be held at
such places and times and on such days as the Authority may determine.
(2) The chairman may at any time call a special mecting of the
Authority and shall call a special meeting to be held within seven days of a
written request for that purpose addressed to him by any three members of
the Authority.
(3) The chairman or, in the case of the inability to act of the
chairman, the deputy chairman shall preside at the meetings of the Authority
and in the absence of both the chairman and the deputy chairman from any
meeting, the members of the Authority present shall elect onc of their number
to preside at that meeting and when so presiding the chairman, the deputy
chairman or the member elected as aforesaid, as the case may bc, shall have,
in addition to an original votc, a casting vote in any case in which the votcs
are equal.
(4) The quorum of the Authority shall be five.
(5) Subject to the provisions of this Schedulc, the Authority may
regulate its proceedings.
(6) The validity of any proceedings of the Authority shall not be
affected by any vacancy among the members thercof or by any defect in the
appointment of a member thereof.
9.—(1) The seal of the Authority shall be authenticated by the signature of
the chairman or any othcr member of the Authority authorized to act in that
behalf or any officer of the Authority so authorizcd and shall be judicially
and officially noticed.
{Fhe miclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 88/2003]
Grant of
leave of
of members.
tion of seal
of members.
of committees.
Protection of
Disclosure of
(2) All documents. other than those required by law to be under scal.
made by. and all decisions of. the Authority may be signified under the hand
of the chairman or any member or officer of the Authority authorizcd to act
in that behalf.
10. There shall be paid to the chairman. the deputy chairman. and other
members of the Authority. such remuncration (whether by way of
honorarium. salary or fees) and such allowances as the Minister may
11.—(1) The Authority may. with the approval of the Minister. appoint
committces for special purposes connected with the functions of the
Authority and which. in the opinion of the Authority. would be better
regulated and managed by means of comunittecs.
(2) The number of members of a committce appointed under
subparagraph (1). the terms of appointment of such members. the quonim of
the committee and the area within which the committee is to exercise
authority shall be determined by the Authority.
(3) A committce appointed pursuant to this paragraph may include
persons who are not members of the Authority. but at Icast one of the
members of any such committce shall be a member of the Authority.
(4) The provisions of paragraph 12 shall apply to a member of a
committee who is not a member of the Authority in like manner as they
apply to a member of the Authority.
(5) The validity of the proceedings of a committce appointed pursuant
to this paragraph shall not be affected by any vacancy among the membcrs
thereof or by any defect in the appointment of a member thereof.
12.—(1) No action. suit. prosecution or other proceedings shall be brought
or instituted personally against any member of the Authority in respect of any
act done bona fide in pursuance or exccution or intended exccution of this
(2) Where any member of the Authority is exempt from liability by
reason only of the provisions of this paragraph. the Authority shall be liable
to the extent that it would be if the said member were an employee or an
agent of the Authority.
13. A member of the Authority who is directly or indirectly interested in
any matter which is being dealt with by the Authority—
{The inclusion of this page ts authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
(a} shall as soon as possible after the relevant facts have come to his
knowledge. disclose the nature of his interest at a meeting of the
Authority: and
(/) shall not be present during the deliberation of the Authority on the
matter or take part in the decision of the Authority with respect
14. The office of the chairman. deputy chairman. or member of the
Authority shall not be a public office for the purposes of Chapter V of the
Constitution of Jamaica.
Constitution and Procedure of Appeal Tribunal
1.—(1) The Appeal Tribunal shall consist of not less than three or more
than five members appointed by the Minister, being persons appearing to the
Minister to be knowledgeable and experienced in matters relating to the
environment or the management of solid waste.
(2) For the hearing of any appeal under this Act, the Appea! Tribunal
mav consist of one member sitting alone if the parties to the appeal agree.
2. If the chairman or other member of the Appeal Tribunal is absent or
unable to act the Minister may appoint another person to act temporarily as
chairman or such other member.
3.—(1) The appointment of every member of the Appeal Tribunal shall be
evidenceé by instruction in writing and shail be for a period not exceeding
two years.
(2) Every member of the Appeal Tribunal shall be cligible for
(3) The Minister may at any time revoke the appointment of the
chairman or any other member of the Appeal Tribunal.
4.—(1) Any member of the Appeal Tribunal other than the chairman may
at any time resign his office by instrument in writing addressed to the
Minister and transmitted through the chairman, and from the date of the
receipt by the Minister of such instrument such member shall ceasc to be a
member of the Appeal Tribunal.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
Office of
member not
ment of
Tenure of
Publication of
of documents.
of members.
Protection of
Disclosure of
(2) The chairman may at any time resign his office by instrument in
writing addressed to the Minister and such resignation shall take effect as
from the date of the receipt of such instrument by the Minister.
5. The names of the members of the Appcal Tribunal as first constituted
and cverv change in membership thercof shall be published in the Gazette.
6. All documents made by, and all decisions of the Appeal Tribunal may
be signed under the hand of the chairman or any member of the Appeal
Tribunal authorized to act in that behalf.
7,—(1) The Appeal Tribunal shall mecct at such times as may be
necessary or expedient for the transaction of business and such mectings shall
be held at such placcs and times and on such days as the Appeal Tribunal
may determine.
(2) The chairman or any other person appointed to act temporarily as
chairman shall preside at mcectings of the Appcal Tribunal.
(3) Subject to paragraph 1 (2) the decisions of the Appeal Tribunal
shal! be by a majority of votes of the members and in addition to an original
vote, the chairman shall have a casting vote in any case in which the voting
is equal.
(4) The Appcal Tribunal, with the approval of the Minister, may
makc rules to regulate its proccedings.
(5) Proper records of all procecdings of the Appcal Tribunal shall be
8. There shall be paid to the chairman and othcr members of the Appcal
Tribunal such remuncration (whcthcr by way of honorarium, salary or fccs)
and such allowances as the Minister may determine.
9. No action, suit, prosccution or othcr procecdings shall be brought or
instituted personally against any member of the Appcal Tribunal in respect of
an act done bona fide in pursuance or execution or intcndcd execution of the
provisions of this Act.
10. Any member of the Appcal Tribunal who has any interest, directly or
indirectly, in any mattcr brought before the Appeal Tribunal—
(a) shall disclose the nature of the interest to the Appcal Tribunal: and
[Phe inclusion of this page is authorized by L.No 88/2003]
Office of
member not a
public office.
(6) shall not take part in any deliberations or decisions of the Appeal
Tribunal with respect to that matter.
11, The office of the chairman or member of the Appeal Tribunal shall not
be a public office for the purposes of Chapter V of the Constitution of
[Vhe inctuston of this page is authorized by L.N. 88-2003]
PART I. Preliiiiiiinn.
I . Short title.
2 , Interpretation.
PART 11. .Yntioiinl Solid I1 'nste -1 lnnngei?ietit -4 irthoric,
Estnhlisliiiieiit niitl Firiictions
3. Establishment of Authorih.
-1. Functions of Authorih .
5 . Ministerial directions.
6. Delegation.
7. Authorih to be consulted.
.4 tlininistrorioii
8. Appointment of officers and other employees.
9. Pensions. grdtuities and other retiring benefits.
Finnncinl Pro\-isions, . ICCO~NIIS nnd Rrporls
10. Funds and resources of Authorih.
1 1. Power to h e s t moneys.
12. Accounts aid audit.
13. A ~ ~ l ~ p o r t s .
1-1. Estimates and operdting plan.
IS. Returns. etc.
I Ilw iiicliisioii of this past is ; lurlwrlrtd b? I..N 2s lOO.;l
16. Exemption from tascs and duties.
17. Recovery of debts.
18. Borrowing powers.
19. Minister of Finance may guarantee loans to Authority.
PART 111. Inspection
20. Appointment of inspectors.
2 1. Functions of inspectors.
PART IV. Management of Solid ll’aste
Restriction on ,%lid Waste fanagement
22. Restriction on solid waste management.
Application. Grant, Refisal, Renewal, .lfod@ation. Suspension and
Revocation of Licences
23. Application for solid waste licence.
24. Grant or reW of licence.
25. Non-transferability and validit?. of licence.
26. Grounds for refusal to issue licence.
27. Renewal of licence.
28. Restriction on grant of licence retrospectively.
29. Variation, modification. etc.. of licence.
30. Suspension of licence.
3 1. Revocation of licence.
32. Records.
Financial ..issurance and Insurance
3 3. Authority may require financial assurance and insurance.
[The inclusion of h i s page I S nuthorized b> L.S. 1s 200.:1
3-1. Financial assurance not to be penalh-.
3 5 . Forni of financial assurance.
36. Restriction on requiring financial assurance.
37. Amount of financial assurance.
38. Durdtion of financial assurance.
39. Cam-ing out of nork. project or prograni n-hen licensee fails to do so.
40. Claim on or realizing of financial assurance.
4 1. Recoven- of additional cost.
PART V. Reclclriig of’liksrr
42. Rec!cling of uaste.
PART VI. Special Pro\.isioiis iir Relnriori ro Lirrrr
4-3. Power of Authorih in relation to litter.
PART VII. 0ffi.tice.v riritl Petidfirs
44. Offcnce of intcrference with disposal facilih .
45. Offence of operating dsposal facilih. etc.. nithout licence.
16. Offcnce of littering public place. etc.
17. Offcnce of littering private place without consent.
18. Offence of wilful breaking of bottlesxtc.. in public place.
49, Offence of niaking false or nusleadng statements.
50. Offence of threatening. etc.. authorized officer.
5 1. Offence of failure to keep records. etc.
52 . Breach of offence for which no penalh is proyided.
53. hinishnient for offences under sections 16. 17 and 18.
51. Offence by body corporate.
PART VlII. Enforcement and Appeal
55. Power of Authority to enforce removal of litter.
56. Referral to Natural Resources Conservation Authority
57. Cessation order.
58. Information on pollution control operation.
59. Enforcement of controls.
60. Supplementary provisions as to enforcement.
61. Appeal Tribunal.
62. Appeal to Minister.
63. General powers of entry, inspection and seizure.
64. Vehicles, etc., may be seized and detained.
65. Procedure regarding application for forfeiture.
66. Authority may institute proceedings.
67. Minister may amend monetary penaltics.
PART IX. General
68. Regulations.
69. Act applies to Crown.
[ 1st April, 2002.1
PART I. Prelimjnary
1. This Act may be cited as the National Solid Waste Shorttitlc.
Management Act.
2.-( 1 ) In this Act- Interpre-
“authority” means the National Solid Waste Management
“authorized officer” means-
Authority established under section 3;
(a) any person appointed as a traffic warden under
section 117 (1) of the Road Traffic Act;
(h) a person appointed as an authorized officer under
the Natural Resources Conservation (Marine
Parks) Regulations, 1992 or the Natural Resources
(National Parks) Regulations, 1993, or any person
duly authorized by the Minister or by the
Authority under section 20 of the Natural
Resources Conservation Authority Act;
(c) a public health officer;
(4 any member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force or
(e) a person designated as an authorized officer by the
v) an inspector,
the Island Special Constabulary Force;
Authority under section 4 (2) (k);
and any other person acting in aid of such person acting
in the execution of his office or duty shall be deemed to
be an officer acting in the execution of his duty;
I’lltc iiicliiricni t i l this ptpc is iiiilliiirizcd by I. .N. ?X/?(H)31
”container“ means a receptacle or portable device in which
solid ivaste is stored, transported, treated, disposed of
or otherwise handled;
--disposal facilities“ includes motor vehicles, containers and
equipment used for the management of solid waste,
transfer stations, sanitary and other landfills,
composting sites, recycling plants, sites and depots,
dumps and other solid waste disposal operations and
-’financial assurance” means proof provided to the Authority
by an applicant, licensee or former licensee of his
ability to secure or guarantee fimding-
(a) for or towards the carrying out of any works,
projects or programmes-
(i) to restore, ameliorate, replace or remedy,
any loss, damage or injury which is
reasonably likely to be caused by the
operation of the facility;
(ii) to reduce pollution;
( h ) to provide corrective action during the operation of
a facility, to properly close the facility or to
provide for post-closure care thereoft, or
(c) to correct or ameliorate any environmental harm
caused by the operation of a facility;
“functions” includes powers and duties;
“hazardous waste” means-
(a) waste which, because of its chemical or other
property, may cause, promote or result, directly or
indirectly, in-
(i) hazard or harm to human health or create
a nuisance;
(ii) hazard to the natural living condition of
plants and animals;
I I I i e iiiclusioii ~ J I 1111s page i\ autliorized by I, N. .%/2IJ(I3I
(iii) pollution of land, water, the atmosphere
or the environment;
(iv) fire or explosion;
(v) excessive sound or noise;
(vi) the appearance and multiplication of
harmhl animals or plants;
(vii) the encouragement of pathogens;
(viii) disturbance of public order and safety,
(6) such other waste as the Minister may, by order,
declare to be hazardous;
“landfill” means a facility or part of a facility where solid
waste is placed in or on land for disposal but does not
include a surface impoundment or an injection well;
“leachate” means liquid that has percolated through solid
waste or other medium;
“litter” means solid waste in any public place and includes
any refuse, rubbish, bottles, glass, debris, dirt, rubble,
ballast, stones, noxious or contained substances or
waste matter or any other matter likely to deface, make
untidy, obstruct or cause a nuisance in a public place;
(a) in relation to the parishes of Kingston and St.
Andrew, the Council of the Kingston and St.
Andrew Corporation; and
(b) in relation to any other parish, the Parish Council
of that parish;
“Operating certificate” means a certificate issued by the
“local authority” means-
Authority signifying that-
(a) a solid waste disposal facility;
(b) a provider of solid waste collection or transfer
(c) a provider of other solid waste management
is licensed under this Act;
services; or
Illic iiidiiwm ril thi \ pipc I\ ciiitliiiriiwl Iiy I N 2 K / ~ O O 3 l
“packaging” means the container in which usable goods are
“poster” includes any notice, bill, grat’titi and any other
“public place” includes-
similar publication;
every public highway, street, road, square, coutt,
alley, lane, bridle way, footway, parade, wharf,
jetty, quay, bridge, sidewalk, verge;
any public garden, park or open space, theatre,
stadium, place of public entertainment of any kind,
or other place ofgeneral resort to which the public
have, or are,permitted to have, access with or
without payment of any fee;
any beach or foreshore or the bank of any river or
stream or the margin of any lake, pond, lagoon or
any gully, to which the public have, or are
permitted to have, access with or without payment
of any fee;
any other open space to which the public has
access as of right without payment of any fee;
such other place to which the public has access, as
may be prescribed;
“receptacle” means any container or vessel provided or
approved by the Authority for the deposit therein of
solid waste;
“recycling” includes composting and any process by which
material that would otherwise become solid waste is
collected, separated, or processed and reused or
returned to use in the form of raw materials or products
but does not include energy or fuel production;
(a) recycling;
(b) the extraction of economically usable material or
“resource recovery” includes-
energy from solid waste; and
( c ) the conversion of solid waste into different use;
”reuse” means the use of waste material or products in the
same or similar application, without changing their
“sanitary landfill“ means a land disposal site employing an
engineered method of solid waste disposal in a manner
that minimizes environmental hazards and meets any
prescribed design and operation standards;
(a) refuse or sludge from a waste treatment facility,
water supply plant, air pollution control facility
and garbage;
(6) solid, semi-solid or contained gaseous or liquid
matter resulting from industrial, commercial,
mining or agricultural operations or domestic
activities; and
(c) any contained substance or object which is or is
intended to be, or required by law to be, disposed
“solid waste” includes medical and hazardous waste and-
but does not include-
(i) animal manure and absorbent bedding
used for soil enrichment;
(ii) suspended solid or dissolved material in
sewage; and
(iii) industrial discharges from pipelines
conveying such waste;
“solid waste management” includes-
(a) the systematic control of the generation, collection,
separation, storage, reuse, recycling,
transportation, transfer, treatment, and disposal of
solid waste; and
(b ) the characterization and measurement of solid
[The illclusion of this page i s authorized by L.N. 28QfJf)lI
“storage” means the containment of waste, on a temporary
or permanent basis, so as not to constitute its disposal;
“transfer” means to carry, remove, transport or shift solid
waste from one place, disposal facility or container to
“transfer station” means a facility where solid waste is
collected, aggregated, sorted, stored, or processed for
the purpose of subsequent transfer to another facility
for fbrther processing, treatment, transfer or disposal;
“vehicle” means any motor vehicle, cart, dray, pushcart,
wagon and any other vehicle of like nature.
(2) For the purpose of carrying out his duties in relation
to this Act, every authorized officer shall have the same
privileges and immunities as a Constable.
PART II. Nuliotial Solid Waste Mutiagemeiii A trlhoriiy
3.-(1) There is hereby established, for the purposes of this
Act, a body to be called the National Solid Waste Management
Authority which shall be a body corporate to which section 28
of the Interpretation Act shall apply.
(2) The provisions of the First Schedule shall have effect
as to the constitution of the Authority and otherwise in re1atio:i
fi;.stablishment atid I.irticiioti.s
of Authority.
1:unctions o t 4.-( 1) The Authority shall-
(U) take all such steps as are necessary for the effective
management of solid waste in Jamaica in order to
safeguard public health, ensure that the waste is
collected, stored, transported, recycled, reused or
disposed of, in an environmentally sound manner and
promote safety standards in relation to such waste;
(b) promote public awareness of the importance of
efficient solid waste management and foster
understanding of its importance to the conservation,
protection and proper use of the environment;
I’llie iiiclusioii of h i s pige is ; i u ~ l ~ o I i M t l by I ..N. 2X/20031
( c ) advise the Minister on matters of general policy
relating to solid waste management in Jamaica;
(4 perform such other hnctions pertaining to solid waste
management as may be assigned to it by the hiinister or
by or under this Act or any other enactment.
( 2 ) In performing the functions specified in subsection
the Authority may-
(a) convert existing dumps into sanitary landfills;
(h ) designate, develop and manage new sanitary landfills
and other solid waste disposal operations;
(c) provide facilities for the collection, treatment and
disposal of solid waste;
(4 institute measures to encourage waste reduction and
resource recovery;
(e) introduce cost recovery measures for services provided
by or on behalf of the Authority;
v) establish procedures and develop, implement and
monitor a national plan and other plans and
programmes relating to solid waste management;
(g) formulate standards, guidelines and codes of practice
relating to solid waste management and monitor
compliance with such standards, guidelines and codes;
( 1 7 ) initiate, carry out or support, by financial means or
otherwise, research which, in its opinion, is relevant to
any of its fiinctions;
( i ) conduct seminars and provide appropriate training
programmes and consulting services and gather and
disseminate information relating to solid waste
0) define the minimum specifications of equipment used
for solid waste management;
Authority to
be consulted
of officers and
(k) from time to time, designate any person (whether
employed by the Authority or not) possessing the
prescribed qualification to be an authorized officer;
( I ) do anything or enter into any arrangement which, in
the opinion of the Authority, is necessary to ensure
the proper performance of its functions.
5. The Minister may, after consultation with the chairman,
give to the Authority such directions of a general character as to
the policy to be followed by the Authority in the performance of
its functions as appear to the Minister to be necessary in the
public interest and the Authority shall give effect thereto.
6.-(1) The Authority may delegate any of its functions
under this Act (other than the power of delegation or the power
to make regulations) to any local authority, member, officer or
agent of the Authority.
(2) Every delegation under subsection (1) is revocable
by the Authority and the delegation of a function shall not
preclude the performance of that finction by the Authority.
7. Any person, body or agency having authority over any
matter in respect of which the Authority has functions to
perform under this Act shall not, whether provisionally or
finally, approve or determine such matter until the Authority has
been consulted.
8.-(1) The Authority shall appoint and employ, at such
remuneration and on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit,
an Executive Director, a Secretary, and such other officers and
employees as the Authority deems necessary for the proper
carrying out of its functions:
Provided that-
(a) no salary in excess of the prescribed rate shall be
assigned to any post without the prior approval of the
Minister; and
(h) no appointment shall be made to any post to which
salary in excess of the prescribed rate is assigned
without the prior approval of the Minister.
(2) For the purposes of subsection ( I ) , the "prescribed
rate" means such rate as the Minister may, by order, prescribe.
(3) The Governor-General may, subject to such
conditions. as he may impose, approve the appointment of any
public officer in the service of the Government to any ottice
within the Authority, and any public otticer so appointed shall,
while so employed, in relation to any pension, gratuity or other
allowance and in relation to any other rights as a public otlicer,
be treated as continuing in the service of the Government.
9. The Authority may, with the approval of the Minister- I'ciisioiis.
gratiiit ics
(a) enter into arrangements respecting schemes, whether ;I,ld otticr
(h ) make regulations,
by way of insurance policies or otherwise; and
for medical benefits, pensions, gratuities and other retiring
benefits or disability or death benefits, relating to employees of
the Authority and such arrangements or regulations may include
provisions for the grant of benefits to the dependants and the
legal personal representatives of such employees.
Fiiiaiicial Provisicms, A ccorrtits aid Reports
10.--( 1) The
consist of-
fbnds and resources of the Authority s ha1 1
(a) such sums as may, from time to time, be placed at the
disposal of the Authority by Parliament;
(h) all other sums and other property which'may, in any
manner, become payable to or vested in the Authority
in respect of any matter incidental to its functions.
(2) The expenses of the Authority, including the
remuneration of members and employees, shall be paid out of
the hnds of the Authority.
[The iiicliision of this page IS niitliorizrd h> L N 28 20031
.-\;counts and
. h u a l
Estimates and
operating plan.
11 . All moneys of the Authority not immediately required to
be expended for the purpose of meeting any of the obligations or
discharging any of the fkct ions of the Authority may be
invested in such securities as may be approved by the Minister
and the Authority may, with the approval of the Minister, sell all
or any of such securities
1 2 . 4 1 ) The Authority shall keep proper accounts and other
records in relation to its hnctions and shall prepare annually a
statement of accounts in a form satisfactory to the Minister and
conforming to established accounting principles.
(2) The accounts of the Authority shall be audited
annually by an auditor appointed in each year by the Authority
with the approval of the Minister.
(3) The Auditor-General shall be entitled at all times to
examine the accounts of the Authority.
13.-(1) The Authority shall, within six months after the end
of each financial year or within such longer period as the
Minister may in special circumstances approve, cause to be
made and transmit to the Minister a report dealing generally
with the activities of the Authority during the preceding
financial year.
(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of the report
together with the annual statement of accounts and the auditor's
report thereon to be laid in the House of Representatives and the
14. The Authority shall, in each financial year, before a date
specified by the Minister, submit to the Minister for his
(a) estimates of income and expenditure for the ensuing
financial year, and
(b ) an operating plan for that year as to the projects to be
promoted or sponsored, or both, by the Authority, the
operational framework within which the Authority
shall carry out its fbnctions, and such other matters as
the Minister may require.
(The I I ~ C I U S I O I I of this page I S aulliorized by I..N 2X/2(1031
15. The Authority shall furnish the Minister with such Rc:turns~2tc.
returns, accounts and other information as he may require with
respect to the activities of the Authority, and shall afford him
facilities for verifying such information in such manner and at
such times as he may reasonably require.
16.-( 1) The income of the Authority shall be exempt from l:\cmptioii
from td\cs
income tax dlld d U l l C h
(2) The Authority shall be exempt from liability t o
stamp duty in respect of any instrument executed by it or on its
(3) Any transfer by the Authority of any property
belonging to it or of any right or interest created in, over or
otherwise with respect to, any such property shall be exempt
from transfer tax.
(4) No customs duty, general consumption tax or other
similar impost shall be payable upon any article imported into
Jamaica or taken out of bond in Jamaica by the Authority and
shown t o the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Customs to be
required for the use of the Authority in the performance of its
17. Without prejudice to any other method of recovery, all Ilccovcr\of
debts due to the Authority may be recovered in a Resident dch's.
Magistrate's Court as a civil debt notwithstanding any limitation
as t o the amount recoverable under the Judicature (Resident
Magistrates) Act.
lS.-(l) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2), the lbrrowiiig
Authority may borrow such sums as may be required by it for puwcrs.
meeting any of its obligations or discharging any of its
I'llic iiicliisioii ol' this pipc is iiiitlioiizcd Iiy I..N. ?WOO31
(2) The power of the Authority to borrow shall, as to
amount, as to the source of borrowing, and as to the terms on
which the borrowing may be effected, be exercisable only with
the approval of the Minister responsible for finance and any
approval given in any respects for the purposes of this
subsection may be either general or limited to a particular
borrowing or otherwise and may be either unconditional or
subject to conditions.
19.-( 1) With the approval of the House of Representatives
signified by resolution, the Minister responsible for finance may
guarantee, in such manner and on such conditions as he thinks
fit, the repayment of the principal and the payment of interest
and charges on any authorized borrowing of the Authority.
(2) Where the Minister responsible for finance is
satisfied that there has been default in the repayment of any
principal moneys guaranteed under the provisions of this section
or in the payment of interest or charges so guaranteed he shall
direct the repayment or, as the case may be, the payment, out of
the Consolidated Fund of the amount in respect of which there
has been such default and any such repayment or payment shall
be a charge on the Consolidated Fund.
(3) The Authority shall make to the Accountant-
General, at such times and in such manner as the Minister
responsible for finance may direct, payments of such amounts as
may be so directed in or towards repayment of any sums issued
in hlfilment of any guarantee under this section, and payments
of interest on what is outstanding for the time being in respect of
any sums so issued at such rate as the Minister may direct, and
different rates of interest may be directed as respects different
sums and as respects interest for different periods.
Minister of
loans to
Finance may
PART III. Inspection
20.-(1) The Authority may, from time to time, appoint as Appoint-
inspectors for the purpose of this Act, public officers or other mSpzCtorS. .
persons who, by training and experience, are, in its opinion,
qualified to be so appointed.
ment of
lTlic iiiclusioii ot'tliis page is ;iutliorized hy L.N. 88/1003]
(2) The Authority shall issue each inspector with an
identification card and the inspector shall, on entering any place
for the purpose of carrying into effect any of the fbnctions
specified in section 21, produce the identification card to the
operator or other person in charge thereof'.
(3) The appointment of any person as an inspector shall
be published in the Gazette.
21. An inspector shall- Functions of
(a) inspect disposal facilities in order to ensure
(i) the provisions of this Act or any
regulations made hereunder;
(ii) any condition subject to which a licence is
granted; or
(iii) the requirements of the Public Health Act
and any other law pertaining to the
disposal of waste and the regulation of
waste operations;
compliance with-
(b) keep such records, as may be specified by the
Authority, in respect of disposal facilities that are
(c) report generally to the Authority at such times and in
such manner as the Authority may determine; and
(d) perform such other fimctions as may be prescribed or
as may be authorized by the Authority for the
purposes of this Act.
PART IV. Management of Solid Waste
Restriction on Solid Waste Management
22. Subject to s d o n 23, a person shall not manage solid Restriction
on solid
waste except under and in accordance with the provisions of this waste
Act and any regulations made hereunder.
me inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
Application, Grant, Rt$4sal, Reriewal, Modtficatioii,
Swreiider, Suspensioii and Revocatiori of Licences
23.-( 1) Every person who-
t'or solid waste
(a) operates or proposes to operate a solid waste disposal
(b) provides or proposes to provide solid waste collection
or transfer services; or
(c ) otherwise manages solid waste,
shall apply in the prescribed form and manner to the Authority
for the appropriate licence.
(2) An application under subsection (1) shall be
accompanied by the prescribed application fee.
(3) Where the Authority thinks necessary it may require
an applicant for a licence to hrnish such additional information
or document as it may specify.
(4) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the
Authority, exempt categories of persons fiom the operation of
this section or section 3 3.
Grant or 24.-( 1) Upon receipt of an application under section 23, the
Authority shall- retitsal of licence.
(a) cause an inspector to carry out an inspection of any
solid waste disposal facility to which the application
(b) invite, within such period as the Authority may
specify, the written comments or recommendations of
the following organizations-
(i) the Natural Resources Conservation
(ii) the Water Resources Authority;
(iii) the Ministry responsible for health;
(iv) the relevant local authority; and
(v) such organization as the Authority thinks
[The iiiclusioii of tliis page IS aiithonzed by L N 88/2003]
( 3 ) The inspector shall submit to the Authority a report
in the prescribed form in respect of an inspection carried out
under subsection ( 1 )
( 3 ) Upon receipt of the report and an!' written comments
or recommendations. the Authority may, subject to subsection
( U ) grant a licence upon payment of the prescribed
licence fee: or
( h ) rehse to grant a licence
(4) .4 licence granted under this section shall be subject
to such terms and conditions, including the provision of
financial assurance or insurance in accordance with section 3 3 ,
as may be specified therein.
( 5 ) Where the Authority grants a licence under this
section it shall issue an operating certificate to the licensee.
(6) Where the Authority rehses to grant a licence under
this Act, it shall so inform the applicant in writing stating the
reasons therefor.
25. A licence granted under this Act shall not be transferable .\'on-
ability and
validity o l
l icmcs.
and shall be valid for such period as is specified therein.
26.-(1) The Authority may rehse to issue a licence under (ir[,unds ,i,r
this Act- rrlusal to
(a) where, in the opinion of the Authority, the issue of the
licence would not be in the public interest, having
regard to such factors as the Authority considers
(b ) where an application contains or is based on a false or
misleading representation or information which is
false in a material particular;
(c) to an individual who-
I'IIic I I ICIII~I~II 0 1 t l i is p g c IS ;iiithorized hy I. N XH12003I
(i) is under the age of eighteen years;
(ii) is an undischarged bankrupt; or
(iii) has been convicted, during the period of
five years immediately preceding the
application, of an offence specified in
subsection (2);
(4 to a body corporate-
in respect of which a resolution has been
passed for voluntary winding up or an
order has been made by a court of
competent jurisdiction for its winding up;
if a receiver has been appointed to
manage any of its assets;
if any of its directors has been convicted
of an offence specified in subsection (2)
during the period of five years
immediately preceding the application;
which has been convicted during the
period of five years immediately
preceding the application of an offence
specified in subsection (2);
(e) if, in the opinion of the Authority, the applicant is not
a fit and proper person to be granted a licence.
(2) The offence referred to in subsection (1) is-
(U ) an offence against this Act or any regulations made
(h) an offence involving fraud or dishonesty.
hereunder; or
I<cncwrloI 27.-(1) A licence granted pursuant to this Act may be
(a) an application for renewal is made not later than
thirty days before the date of expiry or within such
longer period as the Authority may allow;
renewed by the Authority if- liccncc.
( h ) the Authority is satisfied that the licensee is operating
in compliance ni th the prokisions of this Act or any
regulations made hereunder.
( c ) the applicant has paid all fees payable to the
Authority under this Act or any regulations made
(d) there has been no material chanse in the
circumstances nhich existed at the time the licence
was granted which would justify the application being
treated as a new application in the manner specified in
subsection (2), and
( e ) the applicant has not been conkicted of an ot'fence
specified in section 26 (3) or, in the case o f a body
corporate, a director, the manager, the secretary or
other otticer thereof has not been convicted of such
an offence
( 2 ) Where the Authority-
( ( I ) receives an application for the renewal of a licence
after the period specified in subsection (1) ( ( I ) . or
(h ) is satistied that a material change of circumstances
has occurred since the licence had been granted,
it shall treat the application as a new application, and
accordingly, the provisions of sections 23 and 24 shall apply
28. The Authority shall not issue a licence retrospectively. Restrictions
on grnt ot'
29.-( 1) A licensee may apply to the Authority for variation, \'rrirtioii.
modification. modification or surrender of the licence stating clearly the e,c..of
(2) In considering an application under subsection (l),
the Authority shall have regard to the matters specified in
section 26.
reasons therefor. licence.
lThc i i~cl~is~oi~ of this page IS niitliorized hy L.N. SSlZOO3l
Suspms'on Of 30.-( 1) Subject to subsection (2), the Authority may
(a) the licensee has failed to pay any fees or other
charges required by this Act or any regulations made
suspend a licence if-
(h ) the licensee is in breach of-
(i) any provision of this Act or any
regulations made hereunder; or
(ii) any term or condition subject to which the
licence is granted;
(c) i t i s satisfied that it is not possible to carry out a
proper inspection of the licensed facility;
(4 a licensee notifies the Authority in writing that he
intends to cease the operations for which he is
licensed for the period stated in the notice.
(2) Before suspending a licence under subsection ( 1 ) (U),
( h ) or (c), the Authority shall notify the licensee in writing of the
proposed suspension-
(a) stating the reason therefor;
( h ) requiring the licensee, in the case of a breach, to
remedy the breach within the time specified in the
(3) A licensee who. is served with a notice under
subsection (2) shall, after remedying the breach which gave rise
to the suspension, notify the Authority in writing that the breach
has been remedied.
(4) The Authority shall, upon receipt of a notice
referred to in subsection (3), cause an inspection to be carried
out within ten days of the receipt of the notice and if, on
inspection, the inspector is satisfied that the breach has been
remedied, he shall report in writing to the Authority which shall
withdraw the notice of suspension.
31.-( 1) The Authority may revoke a licence if it is satisfied Revocation
of licence.
(a) a licensee has ceased to comply with the provisions of
this Act or any regulations made hereunder in relation
to the licensed disposal operation;
(b) the application for the licence contained any false or
misleading information in any material particular;
(c) the licensee has failed to remedy the breach which
gave rise to the suspension of the licence under
section 30, within the time specified in a notice under
subsection (2) of that section;
(6) any fee or other charge payable by the licensee
remains unpaid for a period of ninety days after the
suspension of the licence.
(2) Before revoking a licence under subsection (l), the
Authority shall notify the licensee in writing of the proposed
revocation stating the reasons therefor.
(3) Where a licence is revoked pursuant to this section
the licence and any operating certificate shall be returned
forthwith to the Authority.
32.-(1) The Authority shall keep a record of every licence Records
granted under this Act.
(2) Every licensee shall keep such books, documents or
records as may be prescribed.
Financial Assurance and Inmrance
33.-( 1) Subject to subsection (Z), the Authority may, before Authority
or after it issues, varies, modifies, suspends or revokes a licence ::zr
or before it approves of its surrender, require the applicant, assurance
licensee or former licensee, as the case may be, to provide :trace.
financial assurance.
[The iiiclusioii of tliis page 1s authonzed by L N 88/2003]
Fincl ncial
assurance not
to bs pcnaltv.
Form o f
Heslriclion on
(2) The Authority may, in addition to requiring financial
assurance or in substitution therefor, require that the owner or
operator of a disposal facility effect and carry out contracts of
insurance against loss of, or damage to, or arising out of or in
connection with, the operation or proposed operation of the
facility .
34. Financial assurance shall not operate as a penalty for a
contravention of this Act, any regulations hereunder, the
conditions of a licence or the conditions of the suspension,
revocation or surrender of a licence.
35.-(1) Financial assurance may be in one or more of the
following forms-
(a) a bank guarantee;
( h ) a trust fund;
(c) a bond;
(4 a line of credit;
( e ) a management escrow account; or
U, such other form of security as the Authority
considers appropriate and specifies as a condition
of a licence or the operation or closure of a
disposal facility .
( 2 ) The Authority may, as a condition of a licence,
specify the procedures under which financial assurance may
be administered, called on or used.
36. The Authority shall not require financial assurance unless
it is satisfied that the requirement is justified having regard t o -
(a) the degree of risk of environmental harm associated
(h) the remedial work that may be required because of
with the activities to which the licence relates;
the activities to which the licence relates;
(c) the environmental record of the applicant, licensee,
or former licensee, as the case may be; or
(4 such other matters as may be prescribed.
37.-(1) Subject to subsection (2), the amount of financial .bountof
assurance assurance shall be determined by the Authority.
(2) The Authority shall not require financial assurance
of an amount that is greater than the amount that, in its opinion,
represents a reasonable estimate of the total likely costs and
expenses that may be incurred in carrying out the work, project
or programme required by or under this Act for which financial
assurance is required, including the Authority’s likely costs and
expenses in directing and supervising the carrying out of the
work, project or programme.
Duration of
38. Financial assurance shall be provided-
(a) for the period specified in the licence; or
( b ) if no such period is specified, until-
(i) the licence is varied to remove the
condition requiring the financial assurance;
(ii) the licence is surrendered under section 29.
39.-(1) The Authority may, by the use of contractors, Canyingout
consultants or other persons, carry out, direct or supervise the projector
carrying out of any work, project or programme covered by any Fogamme
financial assurance required under a licence if the licensee or
former licensee fails, in the opinion of the Authority, to carry
out any work, project or programme in accordance with the
licence or is incapable of doing so.
(2) The Authority may enter, or authorize any other
person to enter, the premises concerned to carry out the work,
project or programme.
costs or expenses of the contractors, consultants or other persons
in carrying out such work, project or programme (including the assurance.
Authority’s likely costs and expenses in directing and
of work,
when licensee
to do so,
40.-(1) The Authority may recover or fund the reasonable Claimonor
realizing of
[The iiiclusioii of tliis page IS authorized by 1. N 88/20031
supervising the carrying out of the work, project or programme)
by making a claim on the insurance or realizing the financial
assurance or part thereof.
(2) Before making the claim on the insurance or
realizing the financial assurance or part thereof, the Authority
shall give to the licensee or former licensee a written notice
under this section.
(3) A notice under this section shall-
(a) specify the reason for making the claim on the
insurance or realizing the financial assurance, or
part thereoc
(b) state details of the work, project or programme
carried out or proposed to be carried out;
(c) state the amount of the financial assurance to be
claimed or realized;
(4 invite the licensee or former licensee to make
representations to the Authority to show why the
financial assurance should not be claimed or
realized as proposed; and
(e) state the period (at least thirty days &er the notice
is given to the licensee or former licensee) within
which written representations may be made.
(4) At the end of the period stated in the notice, the
Authority shall consider any representations properly made
by the licensee or former licensee.
(5) If the Authority decides to make a claim on the
insurance or realize the financial assurance, or any part
thereof, the Authority shall forthwith give written notice to
the licensee or former licensee of its decision and the reasons
(6) The Authority shall return any excess amounts to
the licensee or former licensee.
I flit I I I ~ I I S I O I I ot’tl~is I X I ~ C I S initliori7cd h? L N 8S l003l
41.-( 1) Where the amount recovered by the Authority under
section 40 is less than the Authority's reasonable costs and cost.
expenses in taking action or remedying the environmental harm
caused by the solid waste disposal facility or solid waste
collection or transfer services to which a licence relates, the
Authority may, by notice in writing, require the licensee or
former licensee to pay the difference between the Authority's
reasonable costs and expenses and the amount recovered by the
Authority, within such time as may be specified therein.
(2) Where-
(a) the Authority has given a notice under subsection (1);
(b) the licensee has failed to pay the specified sum on or
before the specified date,
the Authority shall be entitled to recover, fi-om the licensee or
former licensee, the amount or so much thereof as remains
unpaid, together with interest calculated at such rate as the
Minister may specify, as a civil debt in the Resident Magistrate's
Court for the parish in which the place is, or premises are,
situated, notwithstanding any limitation as to amount
recoverable under the Judicature (Resident Magistrates) Act.
PART V. Recycling of Waste
42.-(1) The Authority may provide the occupier of any ~ccycling
olwastc. premises, on his request, with receptacles to be used for-
(a) compostable waste which is to be recycled;
(b) non-compostable waste which is to be recycled; or
(c) waste which is not to be recycled.
(2) Subject to subsection (4), the Authority may, in
relation to a request for receptacles-
(a) where possible, provide them free of charge; or
(b) provide them at such cost, and on such terms as to
payment, as may be agreed with the occupier.
(3) Where the Authority provides receptacles pursuant to
subsection ( I ) , it may give directions in writing to the recipients
with respect to-
( ( I ) the placing of the receptacles for the purpose ot
facilitating the emptying of them and access to them
for that purpose;
(h) the substances or articles which may or may not be
placed in the receptacles and the precautions to be
taken where particular substances or articles are
placed therein; and
(c) the steps to be taken by occupiers of premises to
facilitate the collection of waste from the receptacles.
(4) The Authority may make such arrangement as it
considers necessary for another organization to provide, on its
behalf, receptacles for the storase of waste which is to be
(5) No receptacles provided under subsection ( I ) shall be
placed on a road, unless-
(a) the local authority has consented thereto; and
(h) arrangements have been made as to the liability for
any damage arising out of their being so placed.
(6) A person who fails, without reasonable excuse, to
comply with any directions given under subsection (3) commits
an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one hundred
thousand dollars.
(7) A person who interferes with, damages or destroys
any receptacle provided under subsection (1) commits an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million dollars.
PART VI. Special Prmisiom h Relation 10 Litter
Power of
litter. Authority considers necessary.
43.-(1) The Authority shall provide and maintain in public
places such number of receptacles for the deposit of litter as the
Authority in
(The tI1cIttsiot1 of 1111s page IS authorized by L N 58'2002]
(2) The Authority may -
(a) designate any area in any public place or, with the
approval of the owner, any premises as a litter
collection area;
(b) designate as litter wardens, for the purposes of this
Act, persons who, by training or experience, are, in its
opinion, qualified to be so designated;
(c) determine the nature and type of litter which shall be
deposited in any receptacle or in any litter collection
area; and
(d) determine the time, place or circumstances in which
litter may be deposited in any litter collection area.
PART VII OfSences and Penalties
Offence of
with disposal
44. Every person who-
(a) unlawfblly removes any solid waste from a disposal
facility or from any place under the control of the
(b) interferes or tampers with any disposal facility or any
place where solid waste is stored or kept by the
commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five
hundred thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment
45. Every person who- Offence of
faality, etc ,
(a) disposes of solid waste in any area or in any manner disposal
(b) operates a solid waste disposal facility, provides solid
waste collection or transfer services or otherwise
manages solid waste, without a valid licence or
operating certificate under this Act or any regulation
hereunder; or
not approved by the Authority;
I T h L l l l L ~ ~ l \ l ~ ~ l l Of lhl\ page IF dUth(Jrl/ed by 1 N 88noo?l
Offence of
littering public
place, etc.
Offence. of
private place
(c) impedes in any manner the collection and disposal of
solid waste,
commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding nine months
or to both such fine and imprisonment.
4 6 . 4 1 ) A person commits an offence if he-
(a) throws, drops or otherwise deposits and leaves any
litter in any public place; or
(b) erects, displays (whether by writing, marking or
otherwise), deposits or affixes anything in a public
place or on any building, wall, fence or structure
abutting or adjoining a public place, in such
circumstances as to cause, contribute to or tend to the
defacement of that place, building wall, fence or
structure, as the case may be,
and shall be liable to a penalty under section 53.
(2) Where any person, on behalf of some other person
employing or recruiting him for the purpose, does any act in
contravention of subsection (1) (b), the person employing or
recruiting him also commits an offence and shall be liable to a
penalty under section 53 unless he proves that the act done was
contrary to his express instructions and that the act, if performed
as instructed, would not have been in contravention of this
sect ion.
(3) In any proceedings under this section, it shall be a
defence to prove that the act that is the subject matter of the
proceedings was authorized by law or was done with the consent
of the owner or occupier or other person having control of the
public place or building, wall, fence or structure, as the case may
47. Any person who throws, drops or otherwise deposits or
leaves any litter in any premises owned or occupied by another
person without the consent of that other person, the proof
whereof shall lie on the person charged, commits an offence and
shall be liable to a penalty under section 53.
48. Any person who wilfully breaks any bottle or any glass or z:z;gof
any article made of glass in or on any public place without bottles,etc.,
lawful authority or reasonable excuse commits an offence and inpublic
shall be liable to a penalty under section 53.
49.-( 1) A person commits an offence if- Offence of
for the purposes of obtaining, whether for himself or falseor
for any other person, the issue, grant or renewal of
any licence under this Act, he makes any declaration
or statement which is false or misleading in any
he knowingly furnishes to an authorized officer or
other person performing any duty in relation to this
Act, a document that contains information which is
false or misleading in any particular;
he knowingly utters, produces, or makes use of any
such declaration or statement or any document
containing any false declaration or statement; or
he falsifies or amends any information contained in a
(2) A person who commits an offence under subsection
(1) shall be liable on summary conviction before a Resident
Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both such
fine and imprisonment.
50.-( 1) A person commits an offence if he- Offence of
rized oficer.
(a) wilfblly hinders or obstructs an authorized officer etc.. au*o-
acting in the execution of his duties under this Act;
(b) without lawhl excuse, fails within a reasonable time
to comply with any requirement of an authorized
officer exercising a power conferred on him under
this Act;
(c) upon being required to disclose his true name and
place of residence by an authorized officer acting in
the execution of his duties under this Act-
[Tlir Iiiclusioii of this page IS autlionzed by L N 88/2003]
mmce of
failure to keep
moor& etc.
Breach of
offence far
which no
PmahY is
for offence
under sections
46.47 and 48.
(i) refuses to disclose his true name and place
of residence; or
(ii) gives a false name or place of residence;
(d) personates or pretends to be an authorized officer; or
(e) assaults, threatens, intimidates, or uses threatening
language or behaves in a threatening manner to any
authorized officer acting in the execution of his duties
under this Act.
(2) A person who commits an offence under subsection
(1) shall be liable on summary conviction before a Resident
Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to
both such fine and imprisonment.
51. Every person who-
(a) fails to keep any books, documents or records
required to be kept under this Act; or
(b) fails, without reasonable excuse, to produce any such
commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five
hundred thousand dollars, or to imprisonment for a ten? not
exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
books, documents or records,
52. Every person who commits an offence under this Act or
any regulations hereunder in respect of which no special penalty
is provided, shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five hundred
thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six
months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
53.-(1) This section applies to any offence referred to in
sections 46, 47 and 48 and such other offences as may be
I llic I I I L ~ I I \ I O I I CJI 1111\ piigc I\ .iiiIIiori/cd hy I N KX/2(10?I
(2) Where an authorized ot’ticer finds a person on any
occasion and has reason to believe that on that occasion that
person is committing or has committed an ot’fence to which this
section applies, he may serve that person with the prescribed
notice in writing otf’ering the discharge of any liability t o
conviction of that otyence by payment o fa tixed penalty iinder
this section.
(3) Where a person is served with a notice under
subsection (2)-
that person shall not be liable to be convicted of that
offence if the tised penalty is paid in accordance with
this section before the expiration of twenty-one days
following the date of the notice or such longer period
as may be specitied therein or betbre the date on
which proceedings are begun, whichever is later;
proceedings shall not be taken against him for that
offence by any authorized otticer until the end of the
twenty-one days following the date of the notice or
such longer period (if any) as may have been speci tied
(4) Payment of a fixed penalty under this section shall
be made to the Authority or to such body, on behalf of the
Authority, as the Minister may, by order, designate and the
Authority may retain the amount paid as part of its funds.
( 5 ) In any proceedings, a certificate that payment of a
fixed penalty was or was not made to the Authority or to a body
designated under subsection (4) by a date specified in the
certificate shall, if the certificate purports to be signed by the
proper officer of the Authority, or of that body, be sutlicient
evidence of the facts stated, unless the contrary is proved.
(6) A notice under subsection (2) shall-
(a) specify the offence alleged;
(b) give such particulars of the offence as are necessary
for giving reasonable information of the allegation;
(c) state-
(i) the period during which, by virtue of
subsection (3), proceedings will not be
instituted against any person for the
offence; and
(ii) the amount of the fixed penalty.
(7) In any proceedings for an offence to which this
section applies, no reference shall be made after the conviction
of the accused to the giving of any notice under this section or to
the payment or non-payment of a fixed penalty ;hereunder
unless, in the course of the proceedings or in some document
which is before the Court in connection with the proceedings,
reference has been made by or on behalf of the accused to the
giving of such notice or, as the case may be, to such payment or
non-pay ment .
(8) The Minister may make regulations prescribing any
matter incidental to the operation of this section, and in
particular such regulations may prescribe-
(U) the fixed penalty for an offence to which subsection
(1) applies; and
(b) the form of notice under subsection (2).
(9) In this section "proceedings" means any criminal
proceedings in respect of the act or omission constituting the
offence specified in the notice under subsection (2), and
"convicted" shall be construed in like manner.
54. Where an offence under this Act or any regulations made otyctlcc h\
hereunder which has been committed by a body corporate is
proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance
of, or to be attributable to any negligence on the part of any
director, manager, secretary or other officer of the body
corporate, the director, manager, secretary or other officer of the
body corporate as well as the body corporate shall be liable to be
proceeded against and punished accordingly.
PART VI 11. /:i?fiwcenwiit mid Appeal
55.-( 1) Without prejudice to any proceedings for offence l'uncr 01
under section 46, 47 or 48, where litter is left or caused to be left ::;tr:l'lo
in any public place or on private premises in such circumstances rciiio\.i1 <)I
as to cause, contribute to or tend to the defacement thereof, the 'lltcr
Authority may act in accordance with subsection (2).
(2) The Authority may, subject to subsection (3), give
(U ) the person leaving or causing the litter to be left on
notice (whether orally or in writing) to-
any public place or private premises; or
(h) the owner or occupier of such place or premises; or
(c) the person having control or responsibility for the
place or premises,
requiring him to remove the litter in such manner as to restore
the premises to a condition satisfactory to the Authority.
(3) A notice under subsection (2) shall require the litter
to be removed-
(U) forthwith, in the case of dead animals, carrion or
other litter considered by the Authority to be
dangerous to health or life; or
( h ) in any other case, within such time as may be limited
by the notice (not being less than three days).
(4) A notice under subsection ( 2 ) may be served on a
person either personally or by being sent by post to his last
known business or private address or may be posted up in some
conspicuous position on the premises on which the litter has
been left.
( 5 ) A person who fails to comply with the requirements
of a notice under subsection (2) commits an offence and shall
be liable on summary conviction in a Resident Magistrate's
Court to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars.
(6) Subject to subsection (7), the Authority may, without
prejudice to its right to take action under subsection (2), by its
officers and servants, enter the premises and remove the litter or
restore the premises to a condition satisfactory to the Authority.
(7) The Authority shall be entitled to recover from the
person notified under subsection (2), the costs and expenses
incurred by it pursuant to subsection (6), as to civil debt in the
Resident Magistrate's Court for the parish in which the place is,
or premises are, situated, notwithstanding any limitation as to
amounts recoverable under the Judicature (Resident Magistrates)
56. Where the Authority is of the opinion that a solid waste
disposal operation has, or is likely to have, an adverse effect on
the environment or public health, the Authority may refer the
matter to the Natural Resources Conservation Authority.
RCf'mil to
Cessation 57.-( 1 ) Where a person who-
(U) operates a solid waste disposal facility;
(h) provides solid waste collection or transfer services; or
1.1 lie I I iLIi iwm o l t l i i s page IS aothorircd by I- N X8/2003]
(c) otherwise manages solid waste,
fails to apply for a licence as required under or by section 23, the
Authority may issue an order in writing to that person directing
him to cease the activity specified in paragraph (a), (b) or (c), as
the case may be, by such date as shall be specified in the order.
(2) Where the person to whom an order is issued under
subsection (1) fails to comply with the order, the Authority
(U) direct an authorized officer to take such steps as it
considers appropriate to ensure the cessation of the
activity to which the order relates; or
(b) apply to the Supreme Court for an injunction, whether
or not it has exercised or is proposing to exercise its
powers under paragraph (a) or any of its other
powers under this Act.
(3) In carrying out a direction pursuant to subsection (2)
(U), an authorized officer may use such force as may be
necessary for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the order.
58.-( 1) The Authority may, after consultation with the Inli>rmatim
Natural Resources Conservation Authority, by notice in writing, ~~,,$"'i"n
require the owner or operator of any sewage treatment plant, wrat i t )n .
industrial waste treatment facility or .other solid waste disposal
facility that generates sludge, to submit to the Authority, at such
intervals as the Authority may specify in the notice, the
information specified in subsection (2).
(2) The information referred to in subsection (1) shall
relate to all or any of the following-
(U) the performance of the operation;
(b) the quantity, type and condition of solid waste
(c) the quantity, quality and method of treatment and
disposal of leachate and other waste.
(3) Any person who rehses or fails to comply with the
requirements of a notice under subsection ( 1 ) commits an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five hundred
thousand dollars or in default of payment to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding six months.
Enforcement 59.-(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, where on
investigation it appears to the Authority that the activities of a
disposal facility in any area are such as to pose a serious threat
to the natural resources or to public health, the Authority may
serve on the person who appears to have carried out or to be
carrying out the activity, a notice (hereinafter referred to as “an
enforcement notice”) in accordance with subsection (2).
of controls.
(2) An enforcement notice shall-
(U) specify the offending activity; and
(b) require such steps as may be specified therein to be
taken within such period as may be so specified to
ameliorate the effect of the activity and, where
appropriate, to restore the natural resources to their
condition before the activity took place.
(3) The Authority may, in the enforcement notice, order
the immediate cessation of the offending activity if it is of the
opinion that the circumstances giving rise to the notice are such
as to warrant an order to that effect.
(4) Where an appeal is made pursuant to section 61
against a decision of the Authority to order the cessation of an
offending activity, the notice shall remain in effect pending the
final determination of the appeal or the withdrawal thereof.
( 5 ) Where a person who is served with an enforcement
notice fails to comply with the notice, the Authority may direct
an authorized officer to take such steps as it considers
appropriate to ensure the cessation of the activity to which the
notice relates.
(6) Every person on whom an enforcement notice is
served who continues or authorizes the continuation of the
offending activity while that notice is in effect or after the
dismissal of an appeal relating to that notice, commits an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both
such fine and imprisonment.
(7) The Authority shall be entitled to recover the costs
and expenses incurred in the restoration, amelioration or
replacement of any natural resources damaged or destroyed by
an offending activity.
(8) In carrying out a direction under subsection ( 5 ) , an
authorized officer may use such force as may be necessary for
the purpose of ensuring compliance with the enforcement notice.
within the time specified therein or such extended period as the visions
Authority may allow, any steps required by notice to be taken asto
have not been taken, the Authority may enter on the land on
which the offending activity took place and take such steps.
(2) A person who, being entitled to appeal against a
decision of the Authority under section 61, fails to do so, shall
not be entitled in proceedings under subsection (2) of that
section to dispute the validity of the action taken by the
Authority on any ground that could have been raised in such
60.-( 1) Where an enforcement notice takes effect and, Suppiemen-
61.-( 1) There is hereby established for the purposes of this ~ ~ ' ~ i ,
Act an Appeal Tribunal and the provisions of the Second Second
Schedule shall have effect as to the constitution of the Appeal %h:hedu'e.
Tribunal and otherwise in relation thereto.
(2) The Appeal Tribunal shall hear appeals made to it in
respect of the issue of enforcement notices by the Authority
pursuant to section 59 and in respect of any such appeal the
Tribunal may, subject to the provisions of this section-
171ie ~ ~ i c l u \ i o i i r, l t l i is page IS autliorized by I . N X8/20031
(a) quash or vary the notice;
(h) dismiss the appeal; and
(c) make such order as to costs and fees as it deems
(3) Where a notice is varied or the appeal dismissed
under subsection (2), the Appeal Tribunal may direct that the
enforcement notice shall not take effect until such date (not
being later than twenty-eight days from the determination of the
appeal) as the Tribunal thinks fit.
(4) Before determining an appeal, the Appeal Tribunal
shall give the applicant, who may be represented by an
Attorney-at-Law or any other person, the opportunity to be
heard by the Tribunal.
62.-(1) A person who is aggrieved by the decision of the
.\ppsal to
( U ) not to grant a licence;
( h ) to require financial assurance or insurance as a
condition of a licence or to include any other term or
condition in a licence; or
(c) to suspend or revoke a licence,
may appeal to the Minister by way of a notice of appeal within
twenty-eight days of the -date of the decision or within such
longer period as the Minister may, in any special circumstance,
(2) The notice of appeal shall set out clearly the grounds
of the appeal and shall be accompanied by copies of any
correspondence, document or statement relevant to the appeal.
(3) A copy of the notice of appeal together with copies
of any correspondence, document or statement shall be served
on the Authority.
(4) The Minister shall, within seven days of the receipt
of a notice of appeal under subsection ( l ) , request the Authority
to furnish him, within seven days, ni th a statement in writing
setting out the reasons for its decision.
(5) The Minister may order that any book, paper,
document or statement, relating to the appeal which is in the
possession of the Authoritv or the person aggrieved be produced
at the hearing ofthe appeal.
(6) The Minister shall cause all parties to the appeal to
be informed-
( ( I ) of the date of the hearing of the appeal:
(h ) that thev may appear themselves or be represented by
their Attorney-at-Law; and
(c) that thev may summon witnesses in their cause.
(7) On hearing an appeal under this section, the Minister
( ( I ) dismiss the appeal and confirm the decision of the
(h) allow the appeal and set aside the decision;
(c) vary the decision; or
(4 direct that the matter be referred to the Authority.
63.-(1) Subject to subsection (3), an authorized officer Ge:ncral
referred to in paragraphs (b), (c), (4, (e) and v) of the definition zg-rs O’‘
of “authorized officer” may, for the purpose of the execution of iiispdion
this Act, enter at all reasonable times the premises in which any andseizure.
solid waste disposal operation is carried on and inspect any book
to which any solid waste document or record or thing relates.
(2) An authorized officer referred to in subsection (1)-
(a) shall produce a duly authenticated document showing
his authority; and
(b) may, during the course of an inspection under
subsection (l), seize and detain any equipment or
other article, which the authorized officer reasonably
believes is being used in contravention of any
provision of this Act.
(3) Any equipment or article seized under this section
shall be returned to the person from whose possession it was
seized, as soon as practicable, and in any case shall not be
retained for a period longer than two months or, if within that
period Court proceedings have been brought in respect of the
seizure, longer than the conclusion of those proceedings.
64.-( 1) Where an authorized officer has reasonable cause to
suspect that any vehicle, aircraft, vessel, article, enclosure,
container or other storage facility, device or apparatus
(hereinafter referred to as “specified equipment”) is being used
or has been used in the commission of an offence against this
Act, the authorized officer may, with a warrant issued by a
Resident Magistrate, search the specified equipment and, if such
search reveals evidence that the specified equipment is being
used or has been used for the commission of any offence as
aforesaid, the authorized officer may seize and detain the
specified equipment.
(2) Where any specified equipment is seized pursuant to
this section and-
(a) a person is convicted of an offence against this Act;
(h) the Court is satisfied that-
Vehicles, etc.,
may be seized
and detained.
(i) that person owns the specified equipment
used in the commission of the offence; or
(ii) the owner of the specified equipment
permitted it to be so used; or
(iii) the circumstances are otherwise such that
it is just to do so,
the Court may, upon an application by the Authority,
order the forfeiture of the specitied equipment.
65.-( 1) Where the Authority proposes to apply for forfeiture l ~ r < ~ ~ . c l l i i i c
of any specitied equipment under section 64 it shall give to any ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ l l
person who, to its knowledge, was the owner thereofat the time IOI
ofthe seizure, notice of the seizure and ofthe intention, atter the ""'cl'lllc
expiration of thirty days from the date of the notice, to apply f o r
forfeiture and of the prounds therefor
(2) Notice shall not be required under subsection ( I ) i t
the seizure and detention were made in the presence of the
owner or person havinp interest in the specitied equipment
(3) Any person having a claini to any specitied
equipment seized under this Act may appear at the hearing ot
the application for forfeiture and show cause why such an order
should not be made
(4) If, upon the application o f a person prejudiced by an
order made under section 64 (2 ) , the Court is satistied that it is
just in the circumstances of the case to revoke such order, the
Court may revoke such order upon such terms and conditions, if
any, as it deems appropriate, and without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing, may require such person to pay in
respect of storage, maintenance, administrative expenses,
security and insurance of the specified equipment, such amount
as may be charged by the person in whose custody the specitied
equipment was kept.
(5) An application to the Court under subsection (4) for
the revocation of a forfeiture order shall be made within thirty
days of the date of the making of such an order or such longer
period as the Court may allow, not exceeding six months.
person for an offence against this Act and recover any penalty
66. The Authority may institute proceedings against any .-\uttiorit\
under this Act or any regulations made hereunder. procecdiiigs
\ l i l l l \ l*rnla\ 67. The Minister may, by order, subject to affirmative
Iiieiict.jr\ resolution, amend the monetary penalties specified in this Act
m i m d
PART IX. General
68.--( 1 ) The Authority: after consultation with the Minister,
may make regulations for the purposes of giving effect to the
provisions of this Act, and in particular, but without prejudice to
the generality of the foregoing, such regulations may contain
provisions in relation to the following matters-
(a) the carrying into effect of standards, recommended
practices and health requirements, for solid waste
management and solid waste disposal facilities;
( h ) minimum standards, including design standards, in
respect of solid waste disposal facilities;
(c) classification of solid waste and waste disposal
licences and provisions relating to different classes of
waste and waste disposal licences;
(d) the incineration, minimization and recycling of solid
(e) the establishment of different grades for inspectors
and specifying their respective powers and duties;
(,r) procedures for the measuring, frequency of collection
and disposal, analysis and extraction of solid waste;
(g) the form and content of a financial assurance,
packaging audits and other waste audits, waste
reduction work plans, packaging reduction work
plans and industrial, commercial and institutional
source separation programme;
(h) procedures for the issue of and conditions as to
(i) the hours of operation of solid waste disposal
(j) the establishment of zones and boundaries in respect
of solid waste disposal facilities;
(k) fees and other charges payable in respect of any
licence or for any service provided by the Authority;
(I> the keeping of records;
(rn) the making of reports by licensees;
(n) the closure and post-closure operations of solid waste
disposal facilities;
(0) any other matter required under the Act to be
(2) Notwithstanding section 29 of the Interpretation Act,
regulations made under subsection (1) may provide for the
imposition of penalties on summary conviction in a Resident
Magistrate’s Court not exceeding a fine of five hundred
thousand dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six
months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
,lLz applics to 69. This Act binds the Crown.
thc Crown.
FIRST SCHEDI'LE (Section 3 )
c'oiistitiitioii I.-( 1) The Authorih- shall consist of not nore than ele\.en members
of Authorit!
( 7 ) The Permanent Secretan in the hlinistn- responsible for local
( 3 ) The other members of the Authorih. (hereinafter referred to ;is
a representati1.e of a non-go\.eriuiiental organization concerned
with the consen.ation and protection of the enrironnient:
go\'errmient shall be an r . ~ o/)icio nieniber of the Authorih..
"the appointment members") shall include-
( ( I )
( h ) a representriti1.c of the Jiiniaica Institution of Engneers.
.~ppo,lltmenl 2. The appointed nienibers shall be appointed by the Minister b!
of iiicinhcr?; instnuiierit in writing.
c ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ atid 3.-( 1) The Minister shall appoint :i chainiian and ;I depuh- chainiian
deputy froni among the appointed nienibers of the Authority.
( 2 ) In the case of the absence or imbilih to act of the ch;limiiiIL the
deputy chaimim slid1 perforni the functions of the chilirnK111.
( 3 ) In the c m of the absence or inability to act of both the chainiian
and depuh chaimian. the Minister may appoint any other member of the
Authority to pcrfonii the functions of the chaimian, or. a s the case may be.
the deputy chairnm during such absence or inability.
4. T l i ~ llaliies of all mcnibers of the Authorit? as first constihited ilnd
e\.cn change in the nicnibership thereof shall be published in the Gozelte.
( ;aLet t , l lgof
'I'ciiiirc ul.
5.-( 1) Subject to the provisions of this Schedule. an appointed nicniber
of the Authorih shall hold office for such period not exceeding three years as
may be specified in the instrunient of appointment.
(2) Even appointed nieniber of the Authorih shall be eligible for
reiippointliient but no nienibcr shall be appointed for more than sis
consecutive years.
(3) If any vacancy occurs in the appointed menibcrslup of the
Aurliority such vacancy shall be filled by the appointment of another
iIppoinIcd nienibcr who shall. subject to thc provisions of this Schcdulc. hold
omcc for thc rciilainder of thc period for which the previous appointed
nicniber was appointed.
6. The Mmster. on the application of any appointed member of the C i m o f
Authority: may grant to such member leave of absence for any period not ~~~~~~,
exceedmg six months and may appoint some other person to act as a member
during the period of leave of absence so granted.
7.-( 1) An appointed member of the Authority, other than the chairman. Rssignation
may at any time resign hls office by instnunent in writing addressed to the ofmernbzrs.
Miruster and transmitted through the chairman, and from the date of receipt
by the Minister of such instrument, the member shall cease to be a member of
the Authority.
(2) The chairman may, at any time, resign h s oflice by instrumcnt in
writing addressed to the Minister and his resignation shall take effect from
the date of the receipt of the instrument by the Minister.
8 . 4 1 ) The Authority shall meet at such times as may be necessary or procedure
e x m e n t for the transaction of business, and such meeting shall be held at and
such places and times and on such days as the Authority may determinc. mzalngs.
(2) The chairman may at any time call a special meeting of the
Authority and shall call a special meeting to be held within scvcn days of a
written request for that purpose addrcsscd to him by any thrcc members of
the Authority.
(3) The chairman or, in thc case of the inability to act of thc
chairman, the deputy chairman shall preside at the meetings of the Authority
and in the absence of both the chairman and the deputy chairman from any
meeting, the members of the Authority present shall clcct onc of lhcir numbcr
to preside at that meeting and when so presiding the chainnan, thc dcputy
chainnan or the member elected as aforesaid, as the case may be, shall havc.
in addition to an original votc, a casting votc in any case in which thc voles
arc equal.
(4) The quorum of thc Authority shall bc five.
( 5 ) Subject to the provisions of this Schcdulc. thc Authority may
rcgulatc its procccdings.
(6) The validity of any proceedings of thc Authority shall not be
aJTccted by any vacancy among the mcmbcrs thcrcof or by any dcfcct in Ihc
appointment of a mcmbcr thcreof.
9.-( 1) The scal of thc Authority shall bc authcnticatcd by thc signaturc of Authcntica-
thc chairman or any othcr mcmbcr of thc Authority au thor id to act in lhal tiorl ~I'sciil
behalf or any officer of the. Authority so authorizcd and shall bc judicially and
and officially noticed. documonls.
(2) All docunicnts. othcr t l ~ i n thosc rcquircd by l;iw lo bc iiiidcr sc;il.
made by. and all dccisions of. thc Authority m a y bc sipnilicd undcr tlic Ii;ind
of the chairnian or ;uiy iiiciiibcr or officcr of tlic Aiitliorit!. ;irrthorizcd lo ;ICI
in that bchalf.
.qppoitltmcnt 11.-( 1) The Authority may. with thc ;IpprOvid of tlic Minister. ;ippoint
ot’c0nimincc.s. conimittccs for special purposes connected with thc functions of llic
Authority and which in thc opinion of tlic Aotliority. would bc bcttcr
rcgulatcd and nunagcd by means of coniniittccs.
(2) The nunibcr of nicnibcrs of ;I committcc iIppoi11tcd iiirdcr
subparagraph ( I ). the tcniis of appointnicnt of such maiibcrs. thc quonim of
the committcc and thc iUcit within which tlic coiniiiittcc is to cscrcisc
authority shall bc dctcniiincd by thc Authority.
(3) A committee itppointed piusimt to this piUiIp,iph 1 ~ 1 y includc
persons who are not niembcrs of the Authority. but at lcast onc of tlic
members of any such committee shall be ;I membcr of the Authority.
(1) The provisions of paragriaph I2 shall apply to iI niembcr of ;I
committee who is not a member of the Authority in likc manncr :is thcy
apply to a member of the Authority.
(5 ) The validity of the proceedings of a coniniittcc appointed pursuant
to this paragraph shall not be affected by any vacancy among the nicmbcrs
thereof or by any defect in the appointment of a member thereof.
Rotcdion of
12.-(1) NO action. suit. prosecution or othcr proceedings shall bc brought
or instituted personally against any member of the Authority in rcspcct of any
act done honnpde in pursuance or execution or intended execution of this
(2) Where any member of the Authority is exempt from liability by
reason only of the prokisions of this paragraph. thc Authority shall be liable
to the eiient that it would be if the said member wcre an cmployce or an
agent of the Authority.
fisc~osurc ,,f
13. A member of the Authority who is directly or indirectly intercstcd in
any matter which is being dealt with by the Authority-
(c l ) shall as soon as possible after the relelant facts hale come to h s
knonled_ee. disclose the nature of h ~ s interest at a meeting of the
Authorit!. and
shall not be present dunng the deliberation of the Authonh on the
matter or take part In the decision of the Authonh uith respect
( h )
14. The office of the chaimian depuh chaimian. or member of the Ofticsoof
Authorih- shall not be a public ofice for the purposes of Chapter V of the nismbsrnot
Constitution of Jamaica. public
1 . 4 1 ) The Appeal Tribunal shall consist of not less than three or more
than five members appointed by the Minister. being persons appearing to the
Minister to be knowledgeable and experienced in matters relating to the
cn\ironmcnt or the management of solid ivastc.
(2) For the hearing of an! appeal under ths Act, the Appea! Tribunal
may consist of one member sitting alone if the parties to the appeal agree.
2. If the chairman or other member of the Appeal Tribunal is absent or
unable to act the Minister may appoint another person to act temporarily as
chairman or such other member.
3 . 4 1) The appointment of eveq member of the Appeal Tribunal shall be
evidence4 by instruction in writing and shall be for a period not exceeding
two years.
(2) Ever). member of the Appeal Tribunal shall be eligible for
(3) The Minister may at any time revoke the appointment of the
reappointment .
chairman or any other mcmber of the Appeal Tribunal.
1.-( 1) Any member of the Appeal Tribunal other than the chairman may
at any time rcsign his office by instrumcnt in writing addrcsscd to the
Ministcr and transmittcd through thc chairman and from the datc of the
receipt by the Minister of such instrument such mcmbcr shall ceasc to be a
mcmbcr of the Appeal Tribunal.
I l l ie IIILIII\IOII I J I tliir page I\ aulliori/ed by I. N 8812003J
ment of
Tenure ol
hhlication of
.Aut hrnt icat ion
of docunimts.
k’roted ion 0 1
(2) Thc chairman m a y at any timc rcsign his officc by instrumcnt in
writing addrcsscd to the Ministcr and such resignation shall lake effcct as
from thc datc or thc rcccipt of such instrument bv thc Ministcr.
5. Thc namcs of the mcmbcrs of the Appcal Tribunal as first constitutcd
and cvcn changc in mcmbcrship thcrcof shall bc publishcd in thc Gazette.
6. All documents made by, and all dccisions of tlic Appcal Tribunal m a y
bc signcd undcr tlic l m d of thc chairman or any mcmbcr of tlic Appeal
Tribunal authorized to act in that behalf.
7.-(1) Thc Appcal Tribunal shall rncct at such tiincs as may bc
ncccssary or cxpcdicnt for Llic transaction of busincss and such rncctings shall
bc hcld at such placcs and tiincs and on such days as tlic Appcal Tribunal
may dclcrminc.
(2) The clminnai or any otlicr pcrson appoinlcd to act tcniporarily as
chairman shall prcsidc at rncctings of thc Appcal Tribunal.
(3) Subjccl to paragraph 1 (2) Uic dccisions of tlic Appeal Tribunal
shall bc by a majority of votcs of thc mcmbcrs and in addition to an original
votc, llic chairman shall havc a casting votc in any casc in which Uic voting
is cqual.
(4) Thc Appcal Tribunal. with tlic approval of tlic Ministcr. may
makc mlcs to rcgulatc ils procccdings.
(5) Propcr rccords of all procccdings of tlic Appcal Tribunal shall bc
8. Thcrc sllall bc paid to thc chairman and olhcr mcmbcrs or lhc Appcal
Tribunal such rcmuncration (whcllicr by way of honorarium. salary or fccs)
and such allowanccs as thc Minislcr may dctcrminc.
9. No action, suit, prosccution or othcr procccdings shall bc brought or
institulcd pcrsonally against any mcmbcr of thc Appcal Tribunal in rcspccl of
an act donc honaJide in pursuancc or cxccution or intcndcd csccution of lhc
provisions of this Act.
10. Any incmbcr of lhc Appcal Tribunal who has any inlcrcsl. dircclly or
indircclly, in any mattcr brought bcfon: Ihc Appeal Tnbunal-
(a) sllall disclosc Uic nalurc of Ihc intcrcst to thc Appcal Tribunal; and --
1.1 I I C I I I C ~ I I ’ ~ I O I I 0 1 ~ I l l s I I : I ~ C I S : I I I I I I W I / C ~ I I ~ I. N XX/?OO3l
( h ) shall not take part in any deliberations or decisions of the Appeal
Tribunal uith respect to that matter.
otfjcc of
m m i b c r i i u ~ a
11. The office of the chairman or member of the Appeal Tribunal shall not
be a public office for the purposes of Chapter V of the Constitution of
public office. jamauca,
PART IL Preliminary
1. Short title.
. Interpretation.
PART IL. National Solid Waste \fanagement Authority
Establishment and Functions
. Establishment of Authority.
Functions of Authority.
Ministerial directions.
Authority to be consulted.
8. Appointment of officers and other employees.
9. Pensions. gratuities and other retiring benefits.
Financial Provisions, Accounts and Reports
10. Funds and resources of Authority.
11. Power to vest moneys.
12. Accounts and audit.
13. Annual reports.
14. Estimates and operating plan.
15. Retums. etc.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 28 2003]
16. Exemption from taxes and duties.
17. Recovery of debts.
18. Borrowing powers.
19. Minister of Finance may guarantee loans to Authority.
PART Ill. Jnspection
20. Appointment of inspectors.
21. Functions of inspectors.
PART IV. Afanagement of Solid Waste
Restriction on Solid Waste Management
22. Restriction on solid waste management.
Application, Grant, Refusal, Renewal, Modification, Suspension and
Revocation of Licences
23. Application for solid waste licence.
24. Grant or refusal of licence.
25. Non-transferability and validity of licence.
26. Grounds for refusal to issue licence.
27. Renewal of licence.
28. Restriction on grant of licence retrospectively.
29. Variation, modification, etc.. of licence.
30. Suspension of licence.
31. Revocation of licence.
32. Records.
Financial Assurance and Insurance
33. Authority may require financial assurance and insurance.
{The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN, 28 2003]
Financial assurance not to be penalty.
. Form of financial assurance.
Restriction on requiring financial assurance.
Amount of financial assurance.
. Duration of financial assurance.
Carrving out of work. project or program when licensee fails to do so.
. Claim on or realizing of financial assurance.
. Recovery of additional cost.
PART V. Reevecling of Waste
. Recycling of waste.
PART VI. Special Provisions in Relation to Litter
. Power of Authority in relation to litter.
PART VIL Offences and Penalties
Offence of interference with disposal facility.
. Offence of operating disposal facility. etc.. without licence.
Offence of littering public place. etc.
. Offence of littering private place without consent.
. Offence of wilful breaking of bottles.etc.. in public place.
. Offence of making false or misleading statements.
. Offence of threatening. etc.. authorized officer.
51. Offence of failure to keep records. etc.
Breach of offence for which no penalty is provided.
. Punishment for offences under sections 46. 47 and 48.
Offence by body corporate.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N 28 2003]
PART VIII. Enforcement and Appeal
55. Power of Authority to enforce removal of litter.
56. Referral to Natural Resources Conservation Authority.
57. Cessation order.
58. Information on pollution control operation.
59. Enforcement of controls.
60. Supplementary provisions as to enforcement.
61. Appeal Tribunal.
62. Appeal to Minister.
63. General powers of entry, inspection and scizure.
64. Vehicles, etc., may be seized and detained.
65. Procedure regarding application for forfeiture.
66. Authority may institute procecdings.
67. Minister may amend monetary penaltics.
PART IX. General
68. Regulations.
69. Act applies to Crown.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by EN. 28/2004]
[/st April, 2002.]
PART 1. Preliminary
1. This Act may be cited as the National Solid Waste
Management Act.
2.—(1) In this Act—
“authority” means the National Solid Waste Management
Authority established under section 3;
“authorized officer” means—
(a) any person appointed as a traffic warden under
section 117 (1) of the Road Traffic Act;
(6) a person appointed as an authorized officer under
the Natural Resources Conservation (Marine
Parks) Regulations, 1992 or the Natural Resources
(National Parks) Regulations, 1993, or any person
duly authorized by the Minister or by the
Authority under section 20 of the Natural
Resources Conservation Authority Act;
(c) a public health officer;
(ad) any member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force or
the Island Special Constabulary Force;
(e) a person designated as an authorized officer by the
Authority under section 4 (2) (4);
(f) an inspector,
and any other person acting in aid of such person acting
in the execution of his office or duty shall be deemed to
be an officer acting in the execution of his duty;
{The inelusion of this page is authorized by U.N. 28/2003]
27 of 2001.
Short title.
“container means a receptacle or portable device in which
solid waste is stored, transported, treated, disposed of
or otherwise handled;
“disposal facilities” includes motor vehicles, containers and
equipment used for the management of solid waste,
transfer stations, sanitary and other landfills,
composting sites, recycling plants, sites and depots,
dumps and other solid waste disposal operations and
“financial assurance” means proof provided to the Authority
by an applicant, licensee or former licensee of his
ability to secure or guarantee funding—
(a) for or towards the carrying out of any works,
projects or programmes—
(1) to restore, ameliorate, replace or remedy,
any loss, damage or injury which is
reasonably likely to be caused by the
operation of the facility;
(ii) to reduce pollution;
(b) to provide corrective action during the operation of
a facility, to properly close the facility or to
provide for post-closure care thereof, or
(c) to correct or ameliorate any environmental harm
caused by the operation of a facility;
“functions” includes powers and duties;
“hazardous waste” means—
(a) waste which, because of its chemical or other
property, may cause, promote or result, directly or
indirectly, in—
(i) hazard or harm to human health or create
a nuisance;
(ii) hazard to the natural living condition of
plants and animals;
{The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 28/2003
(iii) pollution of land, water, the atmosphere
or the environment;
(iv) fire or explosion;
(v) excessive sound or noise;
(vi) the appearance and multiplication of
harmful animals or plants;
(vii) the encouragement of pathogens;
(viii) disturbance of public order and safety;
(6) such other waste as the Minister may, by order,
declare to be hazardous;
“Jandfill” means a facility or part of a facility where solid
waste is placed in or on land for disposal but does not
include a surface impoundment or an injection well;
“leachate” means liquid that has percolated through solid
waste or other medium;
“litter” means solid waste in any public place and includes
any refuse, rubbish, bottles, glass, debris, dirt, rubble,
ballast, stones, noxious or contained substances or
waste matter or any other matter likely to deface, make
untidy, obstruct or cause a nuisance in a public place;
“Jocal authority” means—
(a) in relation to the parishes of Kingston and St.
Andrew, the Council of the Kingston and St.
Andrew Corporation; and
(6) in relation to any other parish, the Parish Council
of that parish;
“Operating certificate” means a certificate issued by the
Authority signifying that—
(a) asolid waste disposal facility;
(b) a provider of solid waste collection or transfer
services; or
(c) a provider of other solid waste management
is licensed under this Act;
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by [E.N. 28/2003]
“packaging” means the container in which usable goods are
includes any notice, bill, grattiti and any other
similar publication;
“public place” includes—
every public highway, street, road, square, court,
alley, lane, bridle way, footway, parade, wharf,
jetty, quay, bridge, sidewalk, verge;
any public garden, park or open space, theatre,
stadium, place of public entertainment of any kind,
or other place of general resort to which the public
have, or are permitted to have, access with or
without payment of any fee;
any beach or foreshore or the bank of any river or
stream or the margin of any lake, pond, lagoon or
any gully, to which the public have, or are
permitted to have, access with or without payment
of any fee;
any other open space to which the public has
access as of right without payment of any tee;
such other place to which the public has access, as
may be prescribed,
“receptacle” means any container or vessel provided or
approved by the Authority for the deposit therein of
solid waste;
“recycling” includes composting and any process by which
material that would otherwise become solid waste is
collected, separated, or processed and reused or
returned to use in the form of raw materials or products
but does not include energy or fuel production;
“resource recovery” includes—
(a) recycling;
(b) the extraction of economically usable material or
energy from solid waste; and
(The melusion of this page is authonzed by L.N. 28 2003]
(c) the conversion of solid waste into different use;
“reuse” means the use of waste material or products in the
same or similar application, without changing their
“sanitary landfill” means a land disposal site employing an
engineered method of solid waste disposal in a manner
that minimizes environmental hazards and meets any
prescribed design and operation standards;
“solid waste” includes medical and hazardous waste and—
(a) refuse or sludge from a waste treatment facility,
water supply plant, air pollution control facility
and garbage;
(6) solid, semi-solid or contained gaseous or liquid
matter resulting from industrial, commercial,
mining or agricultural operations or domestic
activities; and
(c) any contained substance or object which is or is
intended to be, or required by law to be, disposed
but does not include—
(i) animal manure and absorbent bedding
used for soil enrichment;
(ii) suspended solid or dissolved material in
sewage; and
(iii) industrial discharges from pipelines
conveying such waste;
“solid waste management” includes—
(a) the systematic control of the generation, collection,
separation, storage, reuse, recycling,
transportation, transfer, treatment, and disposal of
solid waste; and
(b) the characterization and measurement of solid
{The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 28/2003]
“storage” means the containment of waste, on a temporary
or permanent basis, so as not to constitute its disposal;
“transfer” means to carry, remove, transport or shift solid
waste from one place, disposal facility or container to
“transfer station” means a facility where solid waste is
collected, aggregated, sorted, stored, or processed for
the purpose of subsequent transfer to another facility
for further processing, treatment, transfer or disposal;
“vehicle” means any motor vehicle, cart, dray, pushcart,
wagon and any other vehicle of like nature.
(2) For the purpose of carrying out his duties in relation
to this Act, every authorized officer shall have the same
privileges and immunities as a Constable.
PART II. National Solid Waste Management Authority
Establishment and Functions
sr authorty. 3.—(1) There is hereby established, for the purposes of this
' Act, a body to be called the National Solid Waste Management
Authority which shall be a body corporate to which section 28
of the Interpretation Act shall apply.
se dule (2) The provisions of the First Schedule shall have effect
, as to the constitution of the Authority and otherwise in relation
Functions of 4.—(1) The Authority shall—
(a) take all such steps as are necessary for the effective
management of solid waste in Jamaica in order to
safeguard public health, ensure that the waste is
collected, stored, transported, recycled, reused or
disposed of, in an environmentally sound manner and
promote safety standards in relation to such waste;
(b) promote public awareness of the importance of
efficient solid waste management and foster
understanding of its importance to the conservation,
protection and proper use of the environment;
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 28/2003]
advise the Minister on matters of general policy
relating to solid waste management in Jamaica;
perform such other functions pertaining to solid waste
management as may be assigned to it by the Minister or
by or under this Act or any other enactment.
(2) In performing the functions specified in subsection
(1), the Authority may—
(a) convert existing dumps into sanitary landfills;
designate, develop and manage new sanitary landfills
and other solid waste disposal operations;
provide facilities for the collection, treatment and
disposal of solid waste;
institute measures to encourage waste reduction and
resource recovery;
introduce cost recovery measures for services provided
by or on behalf of the Authority;
establish procedures and develop, implement and
monitor a national plan and other plans and
programmes relating to solid waste management;
formulate standards, guidelines and codes of practice
relating to solid waste management and monitor
compliance with such standards, guidelines and codes;
initiate, carry out or support, by financial means or
otherwise, research which, in its opinion, is relevant to
any of its functions;
conduct seminars and provide appropriate training
programmes and consulting services and gather and
disseminate information relating to solid waste
define the minimum specifications of equipment used
for solid waste management;
[he inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 28 2003}
Authority to
be consulted.
of officers and
(k) from time to time, designate any person (whether
employed by the Authority or not) possessing the
prescribed qualification to be an authorized officer;
(J do anything or enter into any arrangement which, in
the opinion of the Authority, is necessary to ensure
the proper performance of its functions.
5. The Minister may, after consultation with the chairman,
give to the Authority such directions of a general character as to
the policy to be followed by the Authority in the performance of
its functions as appear to the Minister to be necessary in the
public interest and the Authority shall give effect thereto.
6.—(1) The Authority may delegate any of its functions
under this Act (other than the power of delegation or the power
to make regulations) to any local authority, member, officer or
agent of the Authority.
(2) Every delegation under subsection (1) is revocable
by the Authority and the delegation of a function shall not
preclude the performance of that function by the Authority.
7. Any person, body or agency having authority over any
matter in respect of which the Authority has functions to
perform under this Act shall not, whether provisionally or
finally, approve or determine such matter until the Authority has
been consulted.
8.—(1) The Authority shall appoint and employ, at such
remuneration and on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit,
an Executive Director, a Secretary, and such other officers and
employees as the Authority deems necessary for the proper
carrying out of its functions:
Provided that—
(a) no salary in excess of the prescribed rate shall be
assigned to any post without the prior approval of the
Minister; and
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 28/2003]
(6) no appointment shall be made to any post to which
salary in excess of the prescribed rate is assigned
without the prior approval of the Minister.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the “prescribed
trate” means such rate as the Minister may, by order, prescribe.
(3) The Governor-General may, subject to such
conditions, as he may impose, approve the appointment of any
public officer in the service of the Government to any office
within the Authority, and any public officer so appointed shall,
while so employed, in relation to any pension, gratuity or other
allowance and in relation to any other rights as a public officer,
be treated as continuing in the service of the Government.
9. The Authority may, with the approval of the Minister—
(a) enter into arrangements respecting schemes, whether
by way of insurance policies or otherwise; and
(6) make regulations,
for medical benefits, pensions, gratuities and other retiring
benefits or disability or death benefits, relating to employees ot
the Authority and such arrangements or regulations may include
provisions for the grant of benefits to the dependants and the
legal personal representatives of such employees.
Financial Provisions, Accounts and Reports
10.--(1) The funds and resources of the Authority shall
consist of—
(a) such sums as may, from time to time, be placed at the
disposal of the Authority by Parliament;
(b) all other sums and other property which‘may, in any
manner, become payable to or vested in the Authority
in respect of any matter incidental to its functions.
(2) The expenses of the Authority, including the
remuneration of members and employees, shall be paid out of
the funds of the Authority.
(The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 28 2003]
and other
Funds and
resources of
Power to
invest Moneys.
Accounts and
Estimates and
operating plan.
11. All moneys of the Authority not immediately required to
be expended for the purpose of meeting any of the obligations or
discharging any of the functions of the Authority may be
invested in such securities as may be approved by the Minister
and the Authority may, with the approval of the Minister, sell all
or any of such securities.
12.—(1) The Authority shall keep proper accounts and other
records in relation to its functions and shall prepare annually a
statement of accounts in a form satisfactory to the Minister and
conforming to established accounting principles.
(2) The accounts of the Authority shall be audited
annually by an auditor appointed in each year by the Authority
with the approval of the Minister.
(3) The Auditor-General shall be entitled at all times to
examine the accounts of the Authority.
13.—(1) The Authority shall, within six months after the end
of each financial year or within such longer period as the
Minister may in special circumstances approve, cause to be
made and transmit to the Minister a report dealing generally
with the activities of the Authority during the preceding
financial year.
(2) The Minister shal] cause a copy of the report
together with the annual statement of accounts and the auditor’s
report thereon to be laid in the House of Representatives and the
14. The Authority shall, in each financial year, before a date
specified by the Minister, submit to the Munister for his
(a) estimates of income and expenditure for the ensuing
financial year, and
(b) an operating plan for that year as to the projects to be
promoted or sponsored, or both, by the Authority, the
operational framework within which the Authority
shall carry out its functions, and such other matters as
the Minister may require.
[The inclusion of this page ts authonzed by L.N. 28/2003]
15. The Authority shall furnish the Minister with such
returns, accounts and other information as he may require with
respect to the activities of the Authority, and shall afford him
facilities for verifying such information in such manner and at
such times as he may reasonably require.
16.—(1) The income of the Authority shall be exempt from
income tax.
(2) The Authority shall be exempt from liability to
stamp duty in respect of any instrument executed by it or on its
(3) Any transfer by the Authority of any property
belonging to it or of any right or interest created in, over or
otherwise with respect to, any such property shall be exempt
from transfer tax.
(4) No customs duty, general consumption tax or other
similar impost shall be payable upon any article imported into
Jamaica or taken out of bond in Jamaica by the Authority and
shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Customs to be
required for the use of the Authority in the performance of its
17. Without prejudice to any other method of recovery, all
debts due to the Authority may be recovered in a Resident
Magistrate’s Court as a civil debt notwithstanding any limitation
as to the amount recoverable under the Judicature (Resident
Magistrates) Act.
18.—(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2), the
Authority may borrow such sums as may be required by it for
meeting any of its obligations or discharging any of its
(The inclusion of this page is authorized by 1.N. 28/2003]
Returns. etc.
from taNes
and duties.
Recovery of
Minister of
Finance may
loans to
(2) The power of the Authority to borrow shall, as to
amount, as to the source of borrowing, and as to the terms on
which the borrowing may be effected, be exercisable only with
the approval of the Minister responsible for finance and any
approval given in any respects for the purposes of this
subsection may be either general or limited to a particular
borrowing or otherwise and may be either unconditional or
subject to conditions.
19.—(1) With the approval of the House of Representatives
signified by resolution, the Minister responsible for finance may
guarantee, in such manner and on such conditions as he thinks
fit, the repayment of the principal and the payment of interest
and charges on any authorized borrowing of the Authonity.
(2) Where the Minister responsible for finance is
satisfied that there has been default in the repayment of any
principal moneys guaranteed under the provisions of this section
or in the payment of interest or charges so guaranteed he shall
direct the repayment or, as the case may be, the payment, out of
the Consolidated Fund of the amount in respect of which there
has been such default and any such repayment or payment shal!
be a charge on the Consolidated Fund.
(3) The Authority shall make to the Accountant-
General, at such times and in such manner as the Minister
responsible for finance may direct, payments of such amounts as
may be so directed in or towards repayment of any sums issued
in fulfilment of any guarantee under this section, and payments
of interest on what is outstanding for the time being in respect of
any sums so issued at such rate as the Minister may direct, and
different rates of interest may be directed as respects different
sums and as respects interest for different periods.
PART IU. J/nspection
20.—(1) The Authority may, from time to time, appoint as
inspectors for the purpose of this Act, public officers or other
persons who, by training and experience, are, in its opinion,
qualified to be so appointed.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN, 88/2003]
ment of
(2) The Authority shall issue each inspector with an
identification card and the inspector shall, on entering any place
for the purpose of carrying into effect any of the functions
specified in section 21, produce the identification card to the
operator or other person in charge thereof.
(3) The appointment of any person as an inspector shall
be published in the Gazette.
21. An inspector shall—
(a) inspect disposal facilities in order to ensure
compliance with—
(i) the provisions of this Act or any
regulations made hereunder;
(ii) any condition subject to which a licence is
granted; or
(iii) the requirements of the Public Health Act
and any other law pertaining to the
disposal of waste and the regulation of
waste operations;
(b) keep such records, as may be specified by the
Authority, in respect of disposal facilities that are
(c) report generally to the Authority at such times and in
such manner as the Authority may determine; and
(d) perform such other functions as may be prescribed or
as may be authorized by the Authority for the
purposes of this Act.
PART IV. Management of Solid Waste
Restriction on Solid Waste Management
22. Subject to section 23, a person shall not manage solid
waste except under and in accordance with the provisions of this
Act and any regulations made hereunder.
{The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
Functions of
on solid
for solid waste
Grant or
refusal of
Application, Grant, Refusal, Renewal, Modification,
Surrender, Suspension and Revocation of Licences
23.—(1) Every person who—
(a) operates or proposes to operate a solid waste disposal
(6) provides or proposes to provide solid waste collection
or transfer services; or
(c) otherwise manages solid waste,
shall apply in the prescribed form and manner to the Authority
for the appropriate licence.
(2) An application under subsection (1) shall be
accompanied by the prescribed application fee.
(3) Where the Authority thinks necessary it may require
an applicant for a licence to furnish such additional information
or document as it may specify.
(4) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the
Authority, exempt categories of persons from the operation of
this section or section 33.
24.—(1) Upon receipt of an application under section 23, the
Authority shall—
(a) cause an inspector to carry out an inspection of any
solid waste disposal facility to which the application
(b) invite, within such period as the Authority may
specify, the written comments or recommendations of
the following organizations—
(i) the Natural Resources Conservation
(ii) the Water Resources Authority;
(iii) the Ministry responsible for health;
(iv) the relevant local authority; and
(v) such organization as the Authority thinks
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 88/2003]
(2) The inspector shall submit to the Authority a report
in the prescribed form in respect of an inspection carried out
under subsection (1).
(3) Upon receipt of the report and any written comments
or recommendations, the Authority may, subject to subsection
(a) grant a licence upon payment of the prescribed
licence fee: or
(6) refuse to grant a licence.
(4) A licence granted under this section shall be subject
to such terms and conditions, including the provision of
financial assurance or insurance in accordance with section 33,
as may be specified therein.
(5) Where the Authority grants a licence under this
section it shall issue an operating certificate to the licensee.
(6) Where the Authority refuses to grant a licence under
this Act, it shall so inform the applicant in writing stating the
reasons therefor.
25. A licence granted under this Act shall not be transferable
and shall be valid for such period as is specified therein.
26.—(1) The Authority may refuse to issue a licence under
this Act—
(a) where, in the opinion of the Authority, the issue of the
licence would not be in the public interest, having
regard to such factors as the Authority considers
(b) where an application contains or is based on a false or
misleading representation or information which is
false in a material particular;
(c) to an individual who—
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
ability and
validity of
Grounds for
refusal to
Renewal of
is under the age of eighteen years,
is an undischarged bankrupt; or
has been convicted, during the period of
five years immediately preceding the
application, of an offence specified in
subsection (2);
(d) toa body corporate—
in respect of which a resolution has been
passed for voluntary winding up or an
order has been made by a court of
competent jurisdiction for its winding up;
if a receiver has been appointed to
manage any of its assets;
if any of its directors has been convicted
of an offence specified in subsection (2)
during the period of five years
immediately preceding the application;
which has been convicted during the
period of five years immediately
preceding the application of an offence
specified in subsection (2);
(e) if, in the opinion of the Authority, the applicant is not
a fit and proper person to be granted a licence.
(2) The offence referred to in subsection (1) is—
(a) an offence against this Act or any regulations made
hereunder, or
(6) an offence involving fraud or dishonesty.
27.—(1) A licence granted pursuant to this Act may be
renewed by the Authority if—
(a) an application for renewal is made not later than
thirty days before the date of expiry or within such
longer period as the Authority may allow;
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
(b) the Authority is satisfied that the licensee is operating
in compliance with the provisions of this Act or any
regulations made hereunder,
(c) the applicant has paid all fees payable to the
Authority under this Act or any regulations made
(7) there has been no material change in the
circumstances which existed at the time the licence
was granted which would justify the application being
treated as a new application in the manner specified in
subsection (2); and
(e) the applicant has not been convicted of an offence
specified in section 26 (2) or, in the case of a body
corporate, a director, the manager, the secretary or
other officer thereof has not been convicted of such
an offence.
(2) Where the Authority—
(a) receives an application for the renewal of a licence
after the period specified in subsection (1) (a). or
(6) is satisfied that a material change of circumstances
has occurred since the licence had been granted,
it shall treat the application as a new application, and
accordingly, the provisions of sections 23 and 24 shall apply.
28. The Authority shall not issue a licence retrospectively.
29.—(1) A licensee may apply to the Authority for variation,
modification or surrender of the licence stating clearly the
reasons therefor.
(2) In considering an application under subsection (1),
the Authority shall have regard to the matters specified in
section 26.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
on grant of
etc. of
puspension of — 30.—(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Authority may
, suspend a licence if—
(a) the licensee has failed to pay any fees or other
charges required by this Act or any regulations made
(b) the licensee is in breach of—
(i) any provision of this Act or any
regulations made hereunder, or
(ii) any term or condition subject to which the
licence is granted;
(c) it.is satisfied that it is not possible to carry out a
proper inspection of the licensed facility;
(d) a licensee notifies the Authority in writing that he
intends to cease the operations for which he is
licensed for the period stated in the notice.
(2) Before suspending a licence under subsection (1) (a),
(b) or (c), the Authority shall notify the licensee in writing of the
proposed suspension—
(a) stating the reason therefor;
(b) requiring the licensee, in the case of a breach, to
remedy the breach within the time specified in the
(3) A licensee who.is served with a notice under
subsection (2) shall, after remedying the breach which gave rise
to the suspension, notify the Authority in writing that the breach
has been remedied.
(4) The Authority shall, upon receipt of a notice
referred to in subsection (3), cause an inspection to be carried
out within ten days of the receipt of the notice and if, on
inspection, the inspector is satisfied that the breach has been
remedied, he shall report in writing to the Authority which shall
withdraw the notice of suspension.
[Phe mchusonof this page is authorized by LN &8/2603]
31.—(1) The Authority may revoke a licence if it is satisfied
a licensee has ceased to comply with the provisions of
this Act or any regulations made hereunder in relation
to the licensed disposal operation;
the application for the licence contained any false or
misleading information in any material particular;
the licensee has failed to remedy the breach which
gave rise to the suspension of the licence under
section 30, within the time specified in a notice under
subsection (2) of that section;
any fee or other charge payable by the licensee
remains unpaid for a period of ninety days after the
suspension of the licence.
(2) Before revoking a licence under subsection (1), the
Authority shall notify the licensee in writing of the proposed
revocation stating the reasons therefor.
(3) Where a licence is revoked pursuant to this section
the licence and any operating certificate shall be returned
forthwith to the Authority.
32.—(1) The Authority shall keep a record of every licence
granted under this Act.
(2) Every licensee shall keep such books, documents or
records as may be prescribed.
Financial Assurance and Insurance
33.—(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Authority may, before
or after it issues, varies, modifies, suspends or revokes a licence
or before it approves of its surrender, require the applicant,
licensee or former licensee, as the case may be, to provide
financial assurance.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
of licence.
may require
(2) The Authority may, in addition to requiring financial
assurance or in substitution therefor, require that the owner or
operator of a disposal facility effect and carry out contracts of
insurance against loss of, or damage to, or arising out of or in
connection with, the operation or proposed operation of the
Financial 34, Financial assurance shal] not operate as a penalty for a
to be penalty. contravention of this Act, any regulations hereunder, the
' conditions of a licence or the conditions of the suspension,
revocation or surrender of a licence.
Form of 35.—(1) Financial assurance may be in one or more of the
Hnanctal following forms—
(a) a bank guarantee;
(6) atrust fund;
(c) abond;
(d) aline of credit;
(e) amanagement escrow account; or
(f) such other form of security as the Authority
considers appropriate and specifies as a condition
of a licence or the operation or closure of a
disposal facility.
(2) The Authority may, as a condition of a licence,
specify the procedures under which financial assurance may
be administered, called on or used.
Ruin on 36. The Authority shall not require financial assurance unless
financial it is satisfied that the requirement is justified having regard to—
(a) the degree of risk of environmental harm associated
with the activities to which the licence relates,
(6) the remedial work that may be required because of
the activities to which the licence relates;
{The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 88/2003]
(c) the environmental record of the applicant, licensee,
or former licensee, as the case may be; or
(d) such other matters as may be prescribed.
37.—(1) Subject to subsection (2), the amount of financial
assurance shall be determined by the Authority.
(2) The Authority shall not require financial assurance
of an amount that is greater than the amount that, in its opinion,
represents a reasonable estimate of the total likely costs and
expenses that may be incurred in carrying out the work, project
or programme required by or under this Act for which financial
assurance is required, including the Authority’s likely costs and
expenses in directing and supervising the carrying out of the
work, project or programme.
38. Financial assurance shall be provided—
(a) for the period specified in the licence; or
(b) if no such period is specified, until—
(i) the licence is varied to remove the
condition requiring the financial assurance;
(ii) the licence is surrendered under section 29.
39.—(1) The Authority may, by the use of contractors,
consultants or other persons, carry out, direct or supervise the
carrying out of any work, project or programme covered by any
financial assurance required under a licence if the licensee or
former licensee fails, in the opinion of the Authority, to carry
out any work, project or programme in accordance with the
licence or is incapable of doing so.
(2) The Authority may enter, or authorize any other
person to enter, the premises concerned to carry out the work,
project or programme.
40.—(1) The Authority may recover or fund the reasonable
costs or expenses of the contractors, consultants or other persons
in carrying out such work, project or programme (including the
Authority’s likely costs and expenses in directing and
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
Amount of
Duration of
Carrying out
of work,
project or
when licensee
fails to do so.
Claim on or
realizing of
supervising the carrying out of the work, project or programme)
by making a claim on the insurance or realizing the financial
assurance or part thereof.
(2) Before making the claim on the insurance or
realizing the financial assurance or part thereof, the Authority
shall give to the licensee or former licensee a written notice
under this section.
(3) A notice under this section shall—
(a) specify the reason for making the claim on the
insurance or realizing the financial assurance, or
part thereof;
(5) state details of the work, project or programme
carried out or proposed to be carried out;
(c) state the amount of the financial assurance to be
claimed or realized;
(d@) invite the licensee or former licensee to make
representations to the Authority to show why the
financial assurance should not be claimed or
realized as proposed; and
(e) state the period (at least thirty days after the notice
is given to the licensee or former licensee) within
which written representations may be made.
(4) At the end of the period stated in the notice, the
Authority shall consider any representations properly made
by the licensee or former licensee.
(5) If the Authority decides to make a claim on the
insurance or realize the financial assurance, or any part
thereof, the Authority shall forthwith give written notice to
the licensee or former licensee of its decision and the reasons
(6) The Authority shall return any excess amounts to
the licensee or former licensee.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 88/2003}
41.—(1) Where the amount recovered by the Authority under
section 40 is less than the Authority’s reasonable costs and
expenses in taking action or remedying the environmental harm
caused by the solid waste disposal facility or solid waste
collection or transfer services to which a licence relates, the
Authority may, by notice in writing, require the licensee or
former licensee to pay the difference between the Authority’s
reasonable costs and expenses and the amount recovered by the
Authority, within such time as may be specified therein.
(2) Where—
(a) the Authority has given a notice under subsection (1);
(5) the licensee has failed to pay the specified sum on or
before the specified date,
the Authority shall be entitled to recover, from the licensee or
former licensee, the amount or so much thereof as remains
unpaid, together with interest calculated at such rate as the
Minister may specify, as a civil debt in the Resident Magistrate's
Court for the parish in which the place is, or premises are,
situated, notwithstanding any limitation as to amount
recoverable under the Judicature (Resident Magistrates) Act.
PART V. Recycling of Waste
42.—({1) The Authority may provide the occupier of any
premises, on his request, with receptacles to be used for-—
(a) compostable waste which is to be recycled;
(6) non-compostable waste which is to be recycled; or
(c) waste which is not to be recycled.
(2) Subject to subsection (4), the Authority may, in
relation to a request for receptacles—
(a) where possible, provide them free of charge; or
(b) provide them at such cost, and on such terms as to
payment, as may be agreed with the occupier.
{The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN 88/2003]
Recovery of °
of waste.
Power of
Authority in
relation to
(3) Where the Authority provides receptacles pursuant to
subsection (1), it may give directions in writing to the recipients
with respect to—
(a) the placing of the receptacles tor the purpose of
facilitating the emptying of them and access to them
for that purpose;
(6) the substances or articles which may or may not be
placed in the receptacles and the precautions to be
taken where particular substances or articles are
placed therein; and
(c) the steps to be taken by occupiers of premises to
facilitate the collection of waste from the receptacles.
(4) The Authority may make such arrangement as it
considers necessary for another organization to provide, on its
behalf, receptacles for the storage of waste which is to be
(5) No receptacles provided under subsection (1) shall be
placed on a road, unless—
(a) the local authority has consented thereto; and
(b) arrangements have been made as to the liability for
any damage arising out of their being so placed.
(6) A person who fails, without reasonable excuse, to
comply with any directions given under subsection (3) commits
an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one hundred
thousand dollars.
(7) A person who interferes with, damages or destroys
any receptacle provided under subsection (1) commits an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million dollars.
PART VI. Special Provisions in Relation to Litter
43.—({1) The Authority shall provide and maintain in public
places such number of receptacles for the deposit of litter as the
Authority considers necessary.
(The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
(2) The Authority may —
designate any area in any public place or, with the
approval of the owner, any premises as a litter
collection area;
designate as litter wardens, for the purposes of this
Act, persons who, by training or experience, are, in its
opinion, qualified to be so designated;
determine the nature and type of litter which shall be
deposited in any receptacle or in any litter collection
area; and
determine the time, place or circumstances in which
litter may be deposited in any litter collection area.
PART VII. Offences and Penalties
44, Every person who—
(a) unlawfully removes any solid waste from a disposal
facility or from any place under the control of the
interferes or tampers with any disposal facility or any
place where solid waste is stored or kept by the
commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five
hundred thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
45. Every person who—
disposes of solid waste in any area or in any manner
not approved by the Authority;
operates a solid waste disposal facility, provides solid
waste collection or transfer services or otherwise
manages solid waste, without a valid licence or
operating certificate under this Act or any regulation
hereunder; or
{The mcluston of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
Offence of
with disposal
Offence of
facility, etc.,
Offence of
littering public
place, etc.
Offence of
private place
(c) impedes in any manner the collection and disposal of
solid waste,
commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding nine months
or to both such fine and imprisonment.
46.—(1) A person commits an offence if he—
(a) throws, drops or otherwise deposits and leaves any
litter in any public place; or
(b) erects, displays (whether by writing, marking or
otherwise), deposits or affixes anything in a public
place or on any building, wall, fence or structure
abutting or adjoining a public place, in such
circumstances as to cause, contribute to or tend to the
defacement of that place, building wall, fence or
structure, as the case may be,
and shall be liable to a penalty under section 53.
(2) Where any person, on behalf of some other person
employing or recruiting him for the purpose, does any act in
contravention of subsection (1) (5), the person employing or
recruiting him also commits an offence and shall be liable to a
penalty under section 53 unless he proves that the act done was
contrary to his express instructions and that the act, if performed
as instructed, would not have been in contravention of this
(3) In any proceedings under this section, it shall be a
defence to prove that the act that is the subject matter of the
proceedings was authorized by law or was done with the consent
of the owner or occupier or other person having control of the
public place or building, wall, fence or structure, as the case may
47, Any person who throws, drops or otherwise deposits or
leaves any litter in any premises owned or occupied by another
person without the consent of that other person, the proof
whereof shail lie on the person charged, commits an offence and
shall be liable to a penalty under section 53.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 88/2003]
48. Any person who wilfully breaks any bottle or any glass or
any article made of glass in or on any public place without
lawful authority or reasonable excuse commits an offence and
shall be liable to a penalty under section 53.
49.—(1) A person commits an offence if—
for the purposes of obtaining, whether for himself or
for any other person, the issue, grant or renewal of
any licence under this Act, he makes any declaration
or statement which is false or misleading in any
he knowingly furnishes to an authorized officer or
other person performing any duty in relation to this
Act, a document that contains information which is
false or misleading in any particular;
he knowingly utters, produces, or makes use of any
such declaration or statement or any document
containing any false declaration or statement; or
he falsifies or amends any information contained in a
(2) A person who commits an offence under subsection
(1) shall be liable on summary conviction before a Resident
Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both such
fine and imprisonment.
50.—(1) A person commits an offence if he—
wilfully hinders or obstructs an authorized officer
acting in the execution of his duties under this Act;
without lawful excuse, fails within a reasonable time
to comply with any requirement of an authorized
officer exercising a power conferred on him under
this Act;
upon being required to disclose his true name and
place of residence by an authorized officer acting in
the execution of his duties under this Act—
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
Offence of
bottles, etc.,
in public
Offence of
false or
Offence of
etc., autho-
rized officer.
Offence of
failure to keep
records, etc.
for offence
under sections
46, 47 and 48.
(i) refuses to disclose his true name and place
of residence; or
(ii) gives a false name or place of residence;
(d) personates or pretends to be an authorized officer; or
(e) assaults, threatens, intimidates, or uses threatening
language or behaves in a threatening manner to any
authorized officer acting in the execution of his duties
under this Act.
(2) A person who commits an offence under subsection
(1) shall be liable on summary conviction before a Resident
Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to
both such fine and imprisonment.
51. Every person who—
(a) fails to keep any books, documents or records
required to be kept under this Act; or
(6) fails, without reasonable excuse, to produce any such
books, documents or records,
commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five
hundred thousand dollars, or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
52. Every person who commits an offence under this Act or
any regulations hereunder in respect of which no special penalty
is provided, shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five hundred
thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six
months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
53.—(1) This section applies to any offence referred to in
sections 46, 47 and 48 and such other offences as may be
[The mclusion of this page ts authorized by 1. N 88/2003]
(2) Where an authorized officer finds a person on any
occasion and has reason to believe that on that occasion that
person is committing or has committed an offence to which this
section applies, he may serve that person with the prescribed
notice in writing offering the discharge of any liability to
conviction of that offence by payment of a fixed penalty under
this section.
(3) Where a person is served with a notice under
subsection (2)—
(a) that person shall not be liable to be convicted of that
offence if the fixed penalty is paid in accordance with
this section before the expiration of twenty-one days
following the date of the notice or such longer period
as may be specified therein or before the date on
which proceedings are begun, whichever is later:
(6) proceedings shall not be taken against him for that
offence by any authorized officer until the end of the
twenty-one days following the date of the notice or
such longer period (if any) as may have been specified
(4) Payment of a fixed penalty under this section shall
be made to the Authority or to such body, on behalf of the
Authority, as the Minister may, by order, designate and the
Authority may retain the amount paid as part of its funds.
(5) In any proceedings, a certificate that payment of a
fixed penalty was or was not made to the Authority or to a body
designated under subsection (4) by a date specified in the
certificate shall, if the certificate purports to be signed by the
proper officer of the Authority, or of that body, be sufficient
evidence of the facts stated, unless the contrary is proved.
(6) A notice under subsection (2) shall—
(a) specify the offence alleged;
(The melusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
(b) give such particulars of the offence as are necessary
for giving reasonable information of the allegation;
(c) state—
(i) the period during which, by virtue of
subsection (3), proceedings will not be
instituted against any person for the
offence; and
(ii) the amount of the fixed penalty.
(7) In any proceedings for an offence to which this
section applies, no reference shall be made after the conviction
of the accused to the giving of any notice under this section or to
the payment or non-payment of a fixed penalty ‘hereunder
unless, in the course of the proceedings or in some document
which is before the Court in connection with the proceedings,
reference has been made by or on behalf of the accused to the
giving of such notice or, as the case may be, to such payment or
(8) The Minister may make regulations prescribing any
matter incidental to the operation of this section, and in
particular such regulations may prescribe—
(a) the fixed penalty for an offence to which subsection
(1) applies; and
(5) the form of notice under subsection (2).
(9) In this section "proceedings" means any criminal
proceedings in respect of the act or omission constituting the
offence specified in the notice under subsection (2), and
"convicted" shall be construed in like manner.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
54. Where an offence under this Act or any regulations made
hereunder which has been committed by a body corporate is
proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance
of, or to be attributable to any negligence on the part of any
director, manager, secretary or other officer of the body
corporate, the director, manager, secretary or other officer of the
body corporate as well as the body corporate shall be liable to be
proceeded against and punished accordingly.
PART VII. /nforcement and Appeal
55.—(1) Without prejudice to any proceedings for an offence
under section 46, 47 or 48, where litter is left or caused to be left
in any public place or on private premises in such circumstances
as to cause, contribute to or tend to the defacement thereof, the
Authority may act in accordance with subsection (2).
(2) The Authority may, subject to subsection (3), give
notice (whether orally or in writing) to—
(a) the person leaving or causing the litter to be left on
any public place or private premises; or
(4) the owner or occupier of such place or premises; or
(c) the person having control or responsibility for the
place or premises,
requiring him to remove the litter in such manner as to restore
the premises to a condition satisfactory to the Authority.
(3) A notice under subsection (2) shall require the litter
to be removed—
(a) forthwith, in the case of dead animals, carrion or
other litter considered by the Authority to be
dangerous to health or life; or
[The melusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003)
Offence by
Power of
Authority to
removal of
Referral to
(6) in any other case, within such time as may be limited
by the notice (not being less than three days).
(4) A notice under subsection (2) may be served on a
person either personally or by being sent by post to his last
known business or private address or may be posted up in some
conspicuous position on the premises on which the litter has
been left.
(5) A person who fails to comply with the requirements
of a notice under subsection (2) commits an offence and shall
be liable on summary conviction in a Resident Magistrate’s
Court to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars.
(6) Subject to subsection (7), the Authority may, without
prejudice to its right to take action under subsection (2), by its
officers and servants, enter the premises and remove the litter or
restore the premises to a condition satisfactory to the Authority.
(7) The Authority shall be entitled to recover from the
person notified under subsection (2), the costs and expenses
incurred by it pursuant to subsection (6), as to civil debt in the
Resident Magistrate’s Court for the parish in which the place is,
or premises are, situated, notwithstanding any limitation as to
amounts recoverable under the Judicature (Resident Magistrates)
56. Where the Authority is of the opinion that a solid waste
disposal operation has, or is likely to have, an adverse effect on
the environment or public health, the Authority may refer the
matter to the Natural Resources Conservation Authority.
57.—(1) Where a person who—
(a) operates a solid waste disposal facility;
(4) provides solid waste collection or transfer services; or
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 88/2003]
(c) otherwise manages solid waste,
fails to apply for a licence as required under or by section 23, the
Authority may issue an order in writing to that person directing
him to cease the activity specified in paragraph (a), (4) or (c), as
the case may be, by such date as shall be specified in the order.
(2) Where the person to whom an order is issued under
subsection (1) fails to comply with the order, the Authority
(a) direct an authorized officer to take such steps as it
considers appropriate to ensure the cessation of the
activity to which the order relates; or
(6) apply to the Supreme Court for an injunction, whether
or not it has exercised or is proposing to exercise its
powers under paragraph (a) or any of its other
powers under this Act.
(3) In carrying out a direction pursuant to subsection (2)
(a), an authorized officer may use such force as may be
necessary for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the order.
58.—(1) The Authority may, after consultation with the
Natural Resources Conservation Authority, by notice in writing,
require the owner or operator of any sewage treatment plant,
industrial waste treatment facility or other solid waste disposal
facility that generates sludge, to submit to the Authority, at such
intervals as the Authority may specify in the notice, the
information specified in subsection (2).
(2) The information referred to in subsection (1) shall
relate to all or any of the following—
(a) the performance of the operation;
(b) the quantity, type and condition of solid waste
(c) the quantity, quality and method of treatment and
disposal of leachate and other waste.
[the mncluston of this page 1s authorized by LN %8/2003|
on pollution
of controls.
(3) Any person who refuses or fails to comply with the
requirements of a notice under subsection (1) commits an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding five hundred
thousand dollars or in default of payment to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding six months.
59.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, where on
investigation it appears to the Authority that the activities of a
disposal facility in any area are such as to pose a serious threat
to the natural resources or to public health, the Authority may
serve on the person who appears to have carried out or to be
carrying out the activity, a notice (hereinafter referred to as “an
enforcement notice”) in accordance with subsection (2).
(2) An enforcement notice shall—
(a) specify the offending activity, and
(8) require such steps as may be specified therein to be
taken within such period as may be so specified to
ameliorate the effect of the activity and, where
appropriate, to restore the natural resources to their
condition before the activity took place.
(3) The Authority may, in the enforcement notice, order
the immediate cessation of the offending activity if it is of the
opinion that the circumstances giving rise to the notice are such
as to warrant an order to that effect.
(4) Where an appeal is made pursuant to section 61
against a decision of the Authority to order the cessation of an
offending activity, the notice shall remain in effect pending the
final determination of the appeal or the withdrawal thereof.
(5) Where a person who is served with an enforcement
notice fails to comply with the notice, the Authority may direct
an authorized officer to take such steps as it considers
appropriate to ensure the cessation of the activity to which the
notice relates.
{The inclusion of ths page ts authorized by L.N 88 2003)
(6) Every person on whom an enforcement notice is
served who continues or authorizes the continuation of the
offending activity while that notice is in effect or after the
dismissal of an appeal relating to that notice, commits an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction before a
Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding one million dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both
such fine and imprisonment.
(7) The Authority shall be entitled to recover the costs
and expenses incurred in the restoration, amelioration or
replacement of any natural resources damaged or destroyed by
an offending activity.
(8) In carrying out a direction under subsection (5), an
authorized officer may use such force as may be necessary for
the purpose of ensuring compliance with the enforcement notice.
60.—(1) Where an enforcement notice takes effect and,
within the time specified therein or such extended period as the
Authority may allow, any steps required by notice to be taken
have not been taken, the Authority may enter on the land on
which the offending activity took place and take such steps.
(2) A person who, being entitled to appeal against a
decision of the Authority under section 61, fails to do so, shall
not be entitled in proceedings under subsection (2) of that
section to dispute the validity of the action taken by the
Authority on any ground that could have been raised in such
61.—(1) There is hereby established for the purposes of this
Act an Appeal Tribunal and the provisions of the Second
Schedule shall have effect as to the constitution of the Appeal
Tribunal and otherwise in relation thereto.
(2) The Appeal Tribunal shall hear appeals made to it in
respect of the issue of enforcement notices by the Authority
pursuant to section 59 and in respect of any such appeal the
Tribunal may, subject to the provisions of this section—
[The inclusion of this page 1s authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
as to
Appeal to
(a) quash or vary the notice;
(b) dismiss the appeal; and
(c) make such order as to costs and fees as it deems
(3) Where a notice is varied or the appeal dismissed
under subsection (2), the Appeal Tribunal may direct that the
enforcement notice shall not take effect until such date (not
being later than twenty-eight days from the determination of the
appeal) as the Tribunal thinks fit.
(4) Before determining an appeal, the Appeal Tribunal
shall give the applicant, who may be represented by an
Attorney-at-Law or any other person, the opportunity to be
heard by the Tribunal.
62.—(1) A person who is aggrieved by the decision of the
(a) not to grant a licence;
(6) to require financial assurance or insurance as a
condition of a licence or to include any other term or
condition in a licence; or
(c) to suspend or revoke a licence,
may appeal to the Minister by way of a notice of appeal within
twenty-eight days of the date of the decision or within such
longer period as the Minister may, in any special circumstance,
(2) The notice of appeal shall set out clearly the grounds
of the appeal and shall be accompanied by copies of any
correspondence, document or statement relevant to the appeal.
(3) A copy of the notice of appeal together with copies
of any correspondence, document or statement shall be served
on the Authority.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by £..N 88/2003]
(4) The Minister shall, within seven days of the receipt
of a notice of appeal under subsection (1), request the Authority
to furnish him, within seven days, with a statement in writing
setting out the reasons for its decision.
(5) The Minister may order that any book, paper,
document or statement, relating to the appeal which is in the
possession of the Authority or the person aggrieved be produced
at the hearing of the appeal.
(6) The Minister shall cause all parties to the appeal to
be intormed—
(a) of the date of the hearing of the appeal:
(b) that they may appear themselves or be represented by
their Attorney-at-Law; and
(c) that they may summon witnesses in their cause.
(7) On hearing an appeal under this section, the Minister
(a) dismiss the appeal and confirm the decision of the
(6) allow the appeal and set aside the decision;
(c) vary the decision; or
(2) direct that the matter be referred to the Authority.
63.—(1) Subject to subsection (2), an authorized officer
referred to in paragraphs (4), (c), (d), (e) and () of the definition
of “authorized officer” may, for the purpose of the execution of
this Act, enter at all reasonable times the premises in which any
solid waste disposal operation is carried on and inspect any book
to which any solid waste document or record or thing relates.
(The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 88/2003]
powers of
and seizure.
Vehicles, etc.,
may be seized
and detained.
(2) An authorized officer referred to in subsection (1)—
(a) shall produce a duly authenticated document showing
his authority; and
(6) may, during the course of an inspection under
subsection (1), seize and detain any equipment or
other article, which the authorized officer reasonably
believes is being used in contravention of any
provision of this Act.
(3) Any equipment or article seized under this section
shall be returned to the person from whose possession it was
seized, as soon as practicable, and in any case shall not be
retained for a period longer than two months or, if within that
period Court proceedings have been brought in respect of the
seizure, longer than the conclusion of those proceedings.
64.—(1) Where an authorized officer has reasonable cause to
suspect that any vehicle, aircraft, vessel, article, enclosure,
container or other storage facility, device or apparatus
(hereinafter referred to as “specified equipment”) is being used
or has been used in the commission of an offence against this
Act, the authorized officer may, with a warrant issued by a
Resident Magistrate, search the specified equipment and, if such
search reveals evidence that the specified equipment is being
used or has been used for the commission of any offence as
aforesaid, the authorized officer may seize and detain the
specified equipment.
(2) Where any specified equipment is seized pursuant to
this section and—
(a) a person is convicted of an offence against this Act;
(6) the Court is satisfied that—
(i) that person owns the specified equipment
used in the commission of the offence; or
(ii) the owner of the specified equipment
permitted it to be so used, or
[Phe anchiston of this pape ts authouzed by EN 88/2003]
(iii) the circumstances are otherwise such that
it is just to do so,
the Court may, upon an application by the Authority,
order the forfeiture of the specified equipment.
65.—(1) Where the Authority proposes to apply for forfeiture
of any specified equipment under section 64 it shall give to any
person who, to its knowledge, was the owner thereof at the time
of the seizure, notice of the seizure and of the intention, after the
expiration of thirty days trom the date of the notice, to apply for
torfeiture and of the grounds therefor.
(2) Notice shall not be required under subsection (1) if
the seizure and detention were made in the presence of the
owner or person having interest in the specified equipment.
(3) Any person having a claim to any specified
equipment seized under this Act may appear at the hearing of
the application for forfeiture and show cause why such an order
should not be made.
(4) If, upon the application of a person prejudiced by an
order made under section 64 (2), the Court is satisfied that it is
just in the circumstances of the case to revoke such order, the
Court may revoke such order upon such terms and conditions, if
any, as it deems appropriate, and without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing, may require such person to pay in
respect of storage, maintenance, administrative expenses,
security and insurance of the specified equipment, such amount
as may be charged by the person in whose custody the specified
equipment was kept.
(5) An application to the Court under subsection (4) for
the revocation of a forfeiture order shall be made within thirty
days of the date of the making of such an order or such longer
period as the Court may allow, not exceeding six months.
66. The Authority may institute proceedings against any
person for an offence against this Act and recover any penalty
under this Act or any regulations made hereunder.
[The incluston of this page is authonzed by LN. 88 2003]
Minister may
67. The Minister may, by order, subject to affirmative
resolution, amend the monetary penalties specified in this Act.
PART IX. General
68.—(1) The Authority, after consultation with the Minister,
may make regulations for the purposes of giving effect to the
provisions of this Act, and in particular, but without prejudice to
the generality of the foregoing, such regulations may contain
provisions in relation to the following matters—
the carrying into effect of standards, recommended
practices and health requirements, for solid waste
management and solid waste disposal facilities;
minimum standards, including design standards, in
respect of solid waste disposal facilities;
classification of solid waste and waste disposal
licences and provisions relating to different classes of
waste and waste disposal licences;
the incineration, minimization and recycling of solid
the establishment of different grades for inspectors
and specifying their respective powers and duties;
(f) procedures for the measuring, frequency of collection
and disposal, analysis and extraction of solid waste;
the form and content of a financial assurance,
packaging audits and other waste audits, waste
reduction work plans, packaging reduction work
plans and industrial, commercial and institutional
source separation programme;
procedures for the issue of and conditions as to
the hours of operation of solid waste disposal
{The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003)
Act applies to
the Crown,
(j) the establishment of zones and boundaries in respect
of solid waste disposal facilities;
(k) fees and other charges payable in respect of any
licence or for any service provided by the Authority;
(4) the keeping of records,
(m) the making of reports by licensees;
(mn) the closure and post-closure operations of solid waste
disposal facilities;
(0) any other matter required under the Act to be
(2) Notwithstanding section 29 of the Interpretation Act,
regulations made under subsection (1) may provide for the
imposition of penalties on summary conviction in a Resident
Magistrate’s Court not exceeding a fine of five hundred
thousand dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six
months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
69. This Act binds the Crown.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
of Authority.
of members.
Chairman and
Gazetting of
Tenure of
National Solid Waste \fanagement Authority
1.—(1) The Authority shall consist of not more than eleven members.
(2) The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry responsible for local
government shall be an ex officio member of the Authority.
(3) The other members of the Authority (hereinafter referred to as
“the appointment members”) shali include—
(a) a representative of a non-governmental organization concerned
with the conservation and protection of the environment.
(/) arepresentative of the Jamaica Institution of Engineers.
2. The appointed members shall be appointed by the Minister bv
instrument in writing.
3.—(1) The Minister shall appoint a chairman and a deputy chairman
from among the appointed members of the Authority.
(2) In the case of the absence or inability to act of the chairman. the
deputy chairman shall perform the functions of the chairman.
(3) In the case of the absence or inability to act of both the chairman
and deputy chairman. the Minister may appoint anv other member of the
Authority to perform the functions of the chairman. or. as the case mav be.
the deputy chairman during such absence or inability.
4. The names of all members of the Authority as first constituted and
every change in the membership thereof shall be published in the Gazette.
5.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Schedule. an appointed member
of the Authority shall hold office for such period not exceeding three vears as
may be specified in the instrument of appointment.
(2) Every appointed member of the Authority shall be eligible for
reappointment but no membcr shall be appointed for more than six
conscculive years.
(3) If any vacancy occurs in the appointed membership of the
Authority such vacancy shall be filled by the appointment of another
appointed member who shall. subject to the provisions of this Schedule. hold
office for the remainder of the period for which the previous appointed
member was appointed.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N 88/2003]
6. The Minister. on the application of any appointed member of the
Authority, may grant to such member leave of absence for any period not
exceeding six months and may appoint some other person to act as a member
during the period of leave of absence so granted.
7.—(1) An appointed member of the Authority, other than the chairman.
may at any time resign his office by instrument in writing addressed to the
Minister and transmitted through the chairman, and from the date of receipt
by the Minister of such instrument, the member shall cease to be a member of
the Authority.
(2) The chairman may, at any time, resign his office by instrument in
writing addressed to the Minister and his resignation shall take effect from
the date of the receipt of the instrument by the Minister.
8.—(1) The Authority shall meet at such times as may be necessary or
expedient for the transaction of business, and such meeting shall be held at
such places and times and on such days as the Authority may determine.
(2) The chairman may at any time call a special mecting of the
Authority and shall call a special meeting to be held within seven days of a
written request for that purpose addressed to him by any three members of
the Authority.
(3) The chairman or, in the case of the inability to act of the
chairman, the deputy chairman shall preside at the meetings of the Authority
and in the absence of both the chairman and the deputy chairman from any
meeting, the members of the Authority present shall elect onc of their number
to preside at that meeting and when so presiding the chairman, the deputy
chairman or the member elected as aforesaid, as the case may bc, shall have,
in addition to an original votc, a casting vote in any case in which the votcs
are equal.
(4) The quorum of the Authority shall be five.
(5) Subject to the provisions of this Schedulc, the Authority may
regulate its proceedings.
(6) The validity of any proceedings of the Authority shall not be
affected by any vacancy among the members thercof or by any defect in the
appointment of a member thereof.
9.—(1) The seal of the Authority shall be authenticated by the signature of
the chairman or any othcr member of the Authority authorized to act in that
behalf or any officer of the Authority so authorizcd and shall be judicially
and officially noticed.
{Fhe miclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 88/2003]
Grant of
leave of
of members.
tion of seal
of members.
of committees.
Protection of
Disclosure of
(2) All documents. other than those required by law to be under scal.
made by. and all decisions of. the Authority may be signified under the hand
of the chairman or any member or officer of the Authority authorizcd to act
in that behalf.
10. There shall be paid to the chairman. the deputy chairman. and other
members of the Authority. such remuncration (whether by way of
honorarium. salary or fees) and such allowances as the Minister may
11.—(1) The Authority may. with the approval of the Minister. appoint
committces for special purposes connected with the functions of the
Authority and which. in the opinion of the Authority. would be better
regulated and managed by means of comunittecs.
(2) The number of members of a committce appointed under
subparagraph (1). the terms of appointment of such members. the quonim of
the committee and the area within which the committee is to exercise
authority shall be determined by the Authority.
(3) A committce appointed pursuant to this paragraph may include
persons who are not members of the Authority. but at Icast one of the
members of any such committce shall be a member of the Authority.
(4) The provisions of paragraph 12 shall apply to a member of a
committee who is not a member of the Authority in like manner as they
apply to a member of the Authority.
(5) The validity of the proceedings of a committce appointed pursuant
to this paragraph shall not be affected by any vacancy among the membcrs
thereof or by any defect in the appointment of a member thereof.
12.—(1) No action. suit. prosecution or other proceedings shall be brought
or instituted personally against any member of the Authority in respect of any
act done bona fide in pursuance or exccution or intended exccution of this
(2) Where any member of the Authority is exempt from liability by
reason only of the provisions of this paragraph. the Authority shall be liable
to the extent that it would be if the said member were an employee or an
agent of the Authority.
13. A member of the Authority who is directly or indirectly interested in
any matter which is being dealt with by the Authority—
{The inclusion of this page ts authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
(a} shall as soon as possible after the relevant facts have come to his
knowledge. disclose the nature of his interest at a meeting of the
Authority: and
(/) shall not be present during the deliberation of the Authority on the
matter or take part in the decision of the Authority with respect
14. The office of the chairman. deputy chairman. or member of the
Authority shall not be a public office for the purposes of Chapter V of the
Constitution of Jamaica.
Constitution and Procedure of Appeal Tribunal
1.—(1) The Appeal Tribunal shall consist of not less than three or more
than five members appointed by the Minister, being persons appearing to the
Minister to be knowledgeable and experienced in matters relating to the
environment or the management of solid waste.
(2) For the hearing of any appeal under this Act, the Appea! Tribunal
mav consist of one member sitting alone if the parties to the appeal agree.
2. If the chairman or other member of the Appeal Tribunal is absent or
unable to act the Minister may appoint another person to act temporarily as
chairman or such other member.
3.—(1) The appointment of every member of the Appeal Tribunal shall be
evidenceé by instruction in writing and shail be for a period not exceeding
two years.
(2) Every member of the Appeal Tribunal shall be cligible for
(3) The Minister may at any time revoke the appointment of the
chairman or any other member of the Appeal Tribunal.
4.—(1) Any member of the Appeal Tribunal other than the chairman may
at any time resign his office by instrument in writing addressed to the
Minister and transmitted through the chairman, and from the date of the
receipt by the Minister of such instrument such member shall ceasc to be a
member of the Appeal Tribunal.
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 88/2003]
Office of
member not
ment of
Tenure of
Publication of
of documents.
of members.
Protection of
Disclosure of
(2) The chairman may at any time resign his office by instrument in
writing addressed to the Minister and such resignation shall take effect as
from the date of the receipt of such instrument by the Minister.
5. The names of the members of the Appcal Tribunal as first constituted
and cverv change in membership thercof shall be published in the Gazette.
6. All documents made by, and all decisions of the Appeal Tribunal may
be signed under the hand of the chairman or any member of the Appeal
Tribunal authorized to act in that behalf.
7,—(1) The Appeal Tribunal shall mecct at such times as may be
necessary or expedient for the transaction of business and such mectings shall
be held at such placcs and times and on such days as the Appeal Tribunal
may determine.
(2) The chairman or any other person appointed to act temporarily as
chairman shall preside at mcectings of the Appcal Tribunal.
(3) Subject to paragraph 1 (2) the decisions of the Appeal Tribunal
shal! be by a majority of votes of the members and in addition to an original
vote, the chairman shall have a casting vote in any case in which the voting
is equal.
(4) The Appcal Tribunal, with the approval of the Minister, may
makc rules to regulate its proccedings.
(5) Proper records of all procecdings of the Appcal Tribunal shall be
8. There shall be paid to the chairman and othcr members of the Appcal
Tribunal such remuncration (whcthcr by way of honorarium, salary or fccs)
and such allowances as the Minister may determine.
9. No action, suit, prosccution or othcr procecdings shall be brought or
instituted personally against any member of the Appcal Tribunal in respect of
an act done bona fide in pursuance or execution or intcndcd execution of the
provisions of this Act.
10. Any member of the Appcal Tribunal who has any interest, directly or
indirectly, in any mattcr brought before the Appeal Tribunal—
(a) shall disclose the nature of the interest to the Appcal Tribunal: and
[Phe inclusion of this page is authorized by L.No 88/2003]
Office of
member not a
public office.
(6) shall not take part in any deliberations or decisions of the Appeal
Tribunal with respect to that matter.
11, The office of the chairman or member of the Appeal Tribunal shall not
be a public office for the purposes of Chapter V of the Constitution of
[Vhe inctuston of this page is authorized by L.N. 88-2003]
Email domain
ation.Law clause
- section (6
- Section 61
- section ( 2
- section. (3
- section (1
- section 33
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- section (1
- section. (3
- section (2
- ART 11
- section (1
- section 53
- section 59
- section (1
- section ( 5
- section (4
- section (4
- section- 171i
- section 23
- section 20
- section 3 3.
- section (7
- section 29
- section 4
- ART 1
- section 46
- section 61
- section (5
- section 28
- ART 111
- section 21
- section (3
- section 26
- section 64
- section 3
- section; (6
- section 40
- section 30
- section 117
- section 3 3
- Section 3
Filename extension
- org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser
- org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser
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